
Zhao Yimou presided over the executive meeting of the district government

author:Shantai Liquefy

On May 14, Zhao Yimou, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, presided over the executive meeting of the district government.

The meeting studied the important instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the collapse disaster of the Chayang section of the Meida Expressway in Meizhou City, Guangdong, and conveyed the spirit of the instructions of the main leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government and the Municipal Party Committee.

The meeting emphasized

It is necessary to focus on the strong rectification of road hazards, in-depth analysis and judgment of risks and hidden dangers in the field of transportation during the flood season, pay close attention to key areas such as highways and important national and provincial trunk roads to carry out dragnet and all-round investigations, and implement rectification measures in a timely manner; It is necessary to focus on the strong control of flood prevention and hidden dangers, strengthen monitoring and early warning, pay close attention to key parts such as old houses and mountain ponds and reservoirs, carry out in-depth investigation and rectification of hidden dangers, and make every effort to eliminate safety risks; It is necessary to focus on the investigation of key hidden dangers, highlight the fire safety rectification of hidden dangers, carry out the management of gas pipeline safety issues, strengthen the safety management of scenic spots, carry out large-scale investigation and rectification on a regular basis, and ensure that all kinds of risks and hidden dangers are discovered, resolved and eliminated as soon as possible.

The meeting studied Comrade Zhao Yide's speech at the work report meeting on studying and implementing General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions on his visit to Shaanxi.

The meeting noted:

Since the beginning of this year, all towns (streets) and departments in the region have implemented the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches on his previous visits to Shaanxi, vigorously developed the regional economy, private economy, open economy and digital economy, and achieved a stable start in economic operation in the first quarter. It is necessary to anchor the goal and redouble efforts, promote stable growth and high-quality development, and lay a solid foundation for the completion of the annual goals and tasks. It is necessary to study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and important instructions on his visit to Shaanxi as a major political task, make unremitting efforts, insist on working in the same direction, and step by step turn the grand blueprint drawn by General Secretary Xi Jinping for Hanzhong into a beautiful reality.

The meeting listened to and reviewed the relevant situation of the construction of high-quality projects in the "three major industrial sectors" of Hantai District, the research and judgment of the economic situation in April and the second quarter, and the measures for stable growth in Hantai District.

The meeting emphasized

It is necessary to carefully plan reserve projects, accurately implement social capital attraction, continuously enrich the amount of investment, and transform major projects into tangible development results; It is necessary to strengthen the research and judgment of projects to achieve a dynamic balance of warehousing projects. To promote the acceleration of construction, district-level leaders should personally grasp it, strictly implement the "four batches" mechanism of key projects, and make good use of the "three sides and three downs" work method to ensure that key projects are fully started within the planned time limit; It is necessary to intensify joint supervision, make good use of the reward and punishment mechanism, and make every effort to promote the implementation of the project. It is necessary to strengthen the guarantee of factors, increase the normalization of enterprise services, and continuously improve the attractiveness of the high-quality development environment to the project, so as to ensure that the project starts as soon as possible.

The meeting listened to and reviewed the results of the grading and benchmark land price of garden land, forest land and grassland in Hantai District and the implementation plan for strengthening the management of foundation pit sand and gravel resources in Hantai District.

The meeting emphasized

The grading of orchards, forest lands and grasslands and the formulation of benchmark land prices are an important foundation for the management of natural resource assets, and it is necessary to actively cooperate with the completion of the verification and summary of the results of grading and benchmark land price formulation, control the quality of the results in the whole chain, and provide true and accurate basic results for the refined management and high-quality development of natural resources in the whole region. The development and utilization of sand and gravel resources is an important measure to achieve high-quality economic and social development in the whole region. It is necessary to strengthen coordination and linkage, establish a responsibility system and information sharing mechanism for joint management, grasp the situation of foundation pit sand and gravel in the whole region in real time, and severely crack down on illegal and illegal excavation and illegal mining of foundation pit sand and gravel resources.

The meeting listened to and deliberated on the new campus of the first vocational secondary school, the science and technology experimental building of Hantai Middle School, and the new comprehensive building project of the experimental primary school.

The meeting emphasized

Education, science and technology, and qualified personnel are the basic and strategic support for building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. All departments at all levels should fully understand the new requirements of the Party Central Committee for the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education in the new stage, the new needs of the people, and the new challenges faced by Hantai, and deeply grasp the situation facing the promotion of high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education; It is necessary to speed up the completion of shortcomings and weaknesses, and promote the region's education to achieve a leap from basic balance to high-quality balance, from extension balance to connotation balance, so that the results of education development can benefit all people more and more fairly. It is necessary to accelerate the construction of a long-term mechanism, so that the people can have a more fulfilling sense of gain and a more sustainable sense of happiness in the reform and development of education.

The meeting reviewed the management measures for special funds for environmental sanitation in the pilot area of Hantai District and the implementation plan for the integration and establishment of the Hantai District Investment and Development Group Company.

The meeting emphasized

All relevant departments should speed up the implementation of the special fund management measures for sanitation according to their job responsibilities, ensure the demand for funds in the field of sanitation, and promote the development of sanitation; It is necessary to formulate a strict internal control system, make the specific purpose of funds clear, and the income and expenditure of funds legal and reasonable, so as to prevent the occurrence of violations of discipline and law. The newly established Hantai District Investment and Development Group Co., Ltd. is an important support for Hantai to plan and implement major construction projects, and all departments at all levels should strengthen work contacts, pay close attention to implementation according to the arrangement, clarify tasks, and coordinate and promote the integration and upgrading of platform companies; It is necessary to strictly deal with violations of financial discipline such as illegal transfer and embezzlement of state-owned assets during the period of platform integration in accordance with laws and regulations.

The meeting conveyed the spirit of the relevant meetings of the central and provincial and municipal medical insurance work, and listened to and reviewed the development of medical insurance work in Hantai District and the next work opinions.

The meeting emphasized

Medical security is a systematic project, which is related to the people's life and health and people's livelihood and well-being. All departments at all levels should improve their political positions, resolutely implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, refine tasks, grasp key points, strengthen measures, and do a good job in services to ensure that the medical insurance work is solidly promoted; It is necessary to strengthen the concept of the overall situation, take the initiative to serve the major needs of economic and social development, find the right combination point of work, and improve the initiative and contribution of medical security work to serve economic and social development; It is necessary to continue to strengthen the construction of clean and honest medical insurance, give full play to the main responsibility of the supervision and management of the medical insurance fund, weave a tight cage of the medical insurance fund supervision, and earnestly guard the "money bags" of the people to see a doctor.

The meeting deliberated on the measures for handling disputes over the collection and payment of social insurance premiums in Hantai District.

The meeting emphasized

The collection and payment of social insurance premiums has a direct bearing on the vital interests of the broad masses of the people and is an important guarantee for the stable operation of the social security system. All relevant departments should strengthen communication and coordination, establish and improve mechanisms, smooth channels for insured persons to protect their rights, improve joint disposal mechanisms, and prevent potential disputes over the collection and payment of social security premiums; It is necessary to further resolve the contradictions and disputes in the collection and payment of social security premiums for enterprises and individuals, earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, employees and individuals, and improve the happiness index of the people in the whole region; It is necessary to continuously improve the service level, ensure the quality of service, provide better dispute resolution services for the people, and help the development of social security in Hantai to a new level.

The meeting also considered other matters.

(Huang Kou, District Rong Media Center)