
Genshin Impact: 4.7 Preview Time, 300 Primogem Redemption Codes, Primordial Gem Aggregation Zero Krypton for a total of 56 draws

author:Pam and Paimon

Hello travelers, the Wanderer Baizhu card pool has been online for 3 days, and this time the card pool is 0.

The withdrawal ratio between Rangers and Atractylodes is 2.4:1, which is not a big difference. The number of people drawn from the card pool in this issue is small, only a few thousand, and most of them are drawn by the True Love Party.

Genshin Impact: 4.7 Preview Time, 300 Primogem Redemption Codes, Primordial Gem Aggregation Zero Krypton for a total of 56 draws

Although the Wanderer has a better experience in the big world, Fontaine has turned on the numerical expansion, which is not old for players, and strong is not weak. Wanderers have limited appeal. 0 lives for the big world experience are enough. Except for new players and XP parties, the average player doesn't draw. And Baizhu is not an irreplaceable role. Many players, on the trade-off, prefer to reserve resources for the upcoming re-enactment of the Funina Constellation or a new character.

Genshin Impact: 4.7 Preview Time, 300 Primogem Redemption Codes, Primordial Gem Aggregation Zero Krypton for a total of 56 draws

With the release of the second half of version 4.6, the preview time of 4.7 is expected to be at 19:30 on May 24. There will be 300 Rough Gem redemption codes, so don't miss it. Version 4.7 will last from June 5th to July 16th, and 0 Krypton players can get 56 draws, 80 draws for the small moon card party, and 88 draws for the big moon card.

Genshin Impact: 4.7 Preview Time, 300 Primogem Redemption Codes, Primordial Gem Aggregation Zero Krypton for a total of 56 draws

With the launch of version 4.7, Nata will soon be ushered in, and players who want to prepare for Nata should pay attention to the reserve of Primogems. Plan your card pool well.