
The medicine is bitter, the princess disease in the physical store has to be cured by the fierce medicine of e-commerce, and it will be good immediately

author:21st century 10,000 households

During the Lourdes Movement in 1779, British workers smashed two Jenny looms, but the whole of England broke out in a cold sweat. Because this British worker almost buried the first industrial revolution of mankind with his own hands, leaving the empire where the sun never sets stillborn.

The medicine is bitter, the princess disease in the physical store has to be cured by the fierce medicine of e-commerce, and it will be good immediately

Jenny loom was invented by James Highgreaves, because the advent of the loom improved production efficiency, cut workers' jobs, but reduced the production cost of textile products, making it easy for ordinary people to buy textile products. Its invention completely changed the pattern of the textile industry, became one of the key inventions of the British Industrial Revolution, and also laid the foundation for the later development of the machine textile industry, and laid the foundation for Britain to become an empire on which the sun never sets and conquer all corners of the world.

The medicine is bitter, the princess disease in the physical store has to be cured by the fierce medicine of e-commerce, and it will be good immediately

E-commerce is China's Jenny Textile Machine, which improves efficiency, reduces circulation links, vigorously compresses production costs, and allows people to get high-quality and low-cost goods. And these reduced circulation links are middlemen, second-hand dealers and landlords. Today, many people are crying out for these middlemen, second-class dealers and landlords, publicizing the need to eliminate restrictions on the development of e-commerce, and calling on ordinary people to consume in physical stores and accept the exploitation of physical stores.

The medicine is bitter, the princess disease in the physical store has to be cured by the fierce medicine of e-commerce, and it will be good immediately

Why do I say exploitation? Since ancient times, the social status of Shinong, businessmen, and merchants in ancient times was the lowest. They are a group of speculators, who neither grow grain nor go into factories to make screws, and are completely information middlemen, doing the easiest work, but grabbing huge profits. The wool comes out of the sheep, and these costs are eventually passed on to the end, and the consumer pays for it. They pampered themselves, delicacies from the mountains and seas, traveled abroad, and queued up in front of luxury stores in Paris to buy them.

The medicine is bitter, the princess disease in the physical store has to be cured by the fierce medicine of e-commerce, and it will be good immediately

On the other hand, the common people in China, who work in physical stores, receive the meager wages of two or three thousand from waiters and salesmen, but in the face of the high prices of physical stores, they stand in physical stores and only dare to buy discounted goods in the corner, or with a disgusted expression of love to buy or not, and get out if you don't buy.

The medicine is bitter, the princess disease in the physical store has to be cured by the fierce medicine of e-commerce, and it will be good immediately

Those who know history have heard of Wang Anshi's reforms, and they are determined to solve the problem of three redundancies in the Northern Song Dynasty. What are the three redundancies, that is, redundant soldiers, redundant expenses, redundant personnel, in a simple word, people are floating in things, a lot of idle food is not working, and empty salaries. There is such a serious problem in physical stores, the workers in the factory who make screws to produce products do not make a lot of money, the waiters and salesmen who work in the store do not make a lot of money, and those who run freight and logistics do not make a lot of money. Only landlords and middlemen, who do the easiest work, or even do not work, make the most money, and go abroad to squander it. These people are in disguise, eating empty salaries and sucking the blood of the common people.

The medicine is bitter, the princess disease in the physical store has to be cured by the fierce medicine of e-commerce, and it will be good immediately

As a result, there are now voices on the Internet to protect physical stores and restrict e-commerce, isn't this a big joke in the world? What do you do to protect them? Do you want to keep it as a mascot? Like the British royal nobility? It is difficult to understand what kind of mentality the British people have, such as paying taxes and paying money for their families to eat, drink, and have fun, live in the palace, use luxury goods, and drive luxury cars.

The medicine is bitter, the princess disease in the physical store has to be cured by the fierce medicine of e-commerce, and it will be good immediately

Some people must say that the landlord is out of the shop, the shopkeeper is out of the capital, and the people have the cost of investment, everyone think about it carefully, is this not back to the hereditary system of titles in the ancient feudal society? What kind of prince will Xiangning have? The landlord's son will always be the landlord, the child of destiny. And e-commerce is now equivalent to Chen Sheng and Wu Guang's uprising, a great rebellion, usurping the throne and rebelling.

The medicine is bitter, the princess disease in the physical store has to be cured by the fierce medicine of e-commerce, and it will be good immediately

I'm sorry, but this one was created. The physical store is not equal to the real economy, and the revitalization of the real economy is not the revitalization of the physical store, and the physical store is at most the front desk attendant of the hotel. If a hotel cancels the front desk attendant and everyone makes a reservation by phone through online reservations, will this hotel not be able to operate? E-commerce is a break of the original social wealth structure, with the meaning of robbing the rich and helping the poor. And this money is to fight local tyrants and rob the township, and the people only get benefits in e-commerce. E-commerce only has contradictions with landlords and middlemen, not with ordinary people, and public opinion on the Internet is completely landlords and middlemen for their own interests, deliberately creating contradictions and diverting contradictions.

The medicine is bitter, the princess disease in the physical store has to be cured by the fierce medicine of e-commerce, and it will be good immediately

Those who are worried about the extinction of physical stores, the monopoly of e-commerce to increase prices, and harvest the common people, can you use your brains before worrying? Could brick-and-mortar stores become extinct? Is there a possibility of extinction? Does e-commerce dare to raise prices? Give e-commerce 100 guts, he doesn't dare to raise prices, e-commerce prices rise, people don't have to worry at all, when the income of e-commerce reaches the level of physical stores, physical stores will spring up like mushrooms after a rain. The old lady at the door of our community has a flat shoulder, a scale and a few bundles of vegetables is an offline physical store, how can e-commerce kill them, even if it can temporarily kill them. Can they be wiped out? Instead of worrying about physical stores, we should worry about e-commerce, because the capital required to set up an e-commerce platform can be much larger than that of physical stores.

The medicine is bitter, the princess disease in the physical store has to be cured by the fierce medicine of e-commerce, and it will be good immediately

Worrying about the monopoly of e-commerce is completely unfounded. If China wants to do monopoly business, it must be scarce and clearly restricted by laws and regulations. As long as the state is willing to let do business, let stalls, and open stores, then the only thing left is the question of income, the price of e-commerce has risen, and the income will not come, and the businessmen see that there is income, do you say they can not be restless?

The medicine is bitter, the princess disease in the physical store has to be cured by the fierce medicine of e-commerce, and it will be good immediately

As for the job issue, what are the jobs provided by physical stores to ordinary people? Waiters and salesmen, in turn, e-commerce also needs customer service, in fact, it is not difficult to imagine that the manufacturing, circulation, sales, and packaging between the goods provided by the physical store and the goods provided by the e-commerce industry are not missing, but the e-commerce has reduced those who do not do things but take money, that is, the redundancy and redundancy problems that Wang Anshi wants to solve. Cutting down the people who don't work in the middle will not reduce the cost, and the ultimate beneficiary of the saved benefits is the people and e-commerce, they share together, and the people who work will not be less.

The medicine is bitter, the princess disease in the physical store has to be cured by the fierce medicine of e-commerce, and it will be good immediately