
After the age of 60, no matter how difficult it is, don't go out to work again!

author:Colorful drawing board aKI

#年近60岁, should I still go out to work? #

As we enter our sixtieth year, many people look forward to being able to enjoy retirement, receive a pension, and explore the world freely. But for some people with limited financial conditions, the age of 60 may not be the beginning of a leisurely life, but the age to continue to struggle to avoid financial hardship.

After the age of 60, no matter how difficult it is, don't go out to work again!

Take the story of Mr. Wang, a neighbor who worked in the factory until he retired at the age of 60 and received a pension of 1,700 yuan a month. Initially, Mr. Wang was satisfied with living without having to work and having a regular income. But he soon found that the money was struggling to cover his daily expenses, including smoking, drinking, and social activities. Although his previous savings temporarily relieved the pressure, he gradually realized that even if he was living on a tight budget, he should not be forced to work after the age of 60, mainly based on the following two points:

1. Physical limitations: As we age, our physical strength and health may not be able to support heavy work, and working long hours can be detrimental to our health.

2. The pursuit of quality of life: If the hard-earned money is only enough to meet basic needs, the quality of life will be greatly reduced. Life should be both happy and fulfilling.

Therefore, after retirement, Mr. Wang decided to prioritize health and enjoyment of life. Due to his good health, he decided to return to the workforce and look for new job opportunities.

After the age of 60, no matter how difficult it is, don't go out to work again!

However, due to his lack of special skills, Mr. Wang was only able to engage in manual labor. Despite unsuccessful attempts to apply for security jobs, he eventually became a community cleaner, collecting trash and keeping the environment clean. This job provides a stable income and certain benefits, and Mr. Wang is satisfied with this and dedicates himself to his work.

As time went on, Mr. Wang noticed that his work intensity gradually increased, his working hours increased, and his body began to feel tired. The long night shift work led to a deterioration in his health. Once, while working late at night, he fainted due to overwork, but fortunately he was taken to the hospital in time.

This experience made Mr. Wang re-examine the relationship between work and health. He decided to quit his job, and his family supported the decision, believing that health was more important than money. Now, although Mr. Wang's income has decreased, his life has become more peaceful and fulfilling by quitting smoking, reducing social activities, and spending more time walking and interacting with neighbors.

After the age of 60, no matter how difficult it is, don't go out to work again!

Mr. Wang's story teaches us that after the age of 60, regardless of the financial situation, one should avoid overwork. As we age, our body functions gradually decline, and we should learn to take timely rest, cherish life, and take care of ourselves. The accumulation of money is endless, but a healthy body and a happy life are priceless. We should pursue a minimalist lifestyle, reduce our dependence on material things, and improve our quality of life. After all, a healthy body is the basis for enjoying life, and once you lose your health, no matter how much wealth you have, life will lose its pleasure. Later in life, we should focus more on how to enjoy life rather than the endless pursuit of wealth.