
Wang Churan's performance in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" failed to meet the audience's expectations and became a big failure

author:The joy of the outstanding bag

As a highly anticipated sequel, "Celebrating More Than Years 2" carries the high expectations of the audience with its production team and cast. However, Wang Churan's performance in the play seems to have failed to meet the audience's expectations and has become a major point of controversy in the play.

Wang Churan's performance in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" failed to meet the audience's expectations and became a big failure

As an actor, Wang Churan was pointed out to have some problems in line expression, intonation control, and body language, such as the modernization of voice and intonation, the rapid pause between words, and too frequent body movements during performance. These problems lead to a clear sense of separation between her performance and the overall plot and character setting, making the audience feel playful.

Wang Churan's performance in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" failed to meet the audience's expectations and became a big failure

In addition, the audience also compared Wang Churan's performances with other actors, and believed that there was a certain gap in her acting skills, especially in the rivalry with the main actors Zhang Ruoyun and Tian Yu. This contrast further highlights Wang Churan's shortcomings in performance.

Wang Churan's performance in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" failed to meet the audience's expectations and became a big failure

For the audience, what they want to see is a sequel that can continue the wonderful plot and character setting of the first season, and Wang Churan's performance obviously failed to meet this expectation. Therefore, her performance was seen as a big failure of "Celebrating More Than Years 2", which negatively affected the quality of the entire series.

Wang Churan's performance in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" failed to meet the audience's expectations and became a big failure

However, it is also important to note that every actor has room to grow and improve. As a young actor, Wang Churan still needs to continue to learn and improve on the road of acting. I hope that she can listen carefully to the opinions and suggestions of the audience, and strive to improve her performance skills to present better works for the audience.

Wang Churan's performance in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" failed to meet the audience's expectations and became a big failure


Wang Churan's performance in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" failed to meet the audience's expectations and became a big failure

, the audience should also give the actor a certain amount of tolerance and understanding. After all, the success of a work depends not only on the performance of the actors, but also on many aspects such as the script, director, and production team. Therefore, when evaluating a work, we should consider it from multiple perspectives, rather than judging just the performance of a certain actor.

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