
This article tells you: How does the doctor judge whether the tumor is clean or not?

author:Li Xu Yao, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine

In the operating room, every movement of the doctors is as precise and graceful as a dance. But in this room lit by a surgical lamp, one question lingers on the minds of observers: How do doctors determine if the tumor is removed cleanly?

This article tells you: How does the doctor judge whether the tumor is clean or not?

The importance of surgery to remove the tumor

Tumors are the stubborn enemy of human health. Tumors grow in the human body, ignoring the obstruction of normal tissues and disrupting the balance of the body. With the advancement of medicine, tumor resection surgery has become one of the important means of treating tumors. So, why is tumor removal surgery so important?

Tumor removal surgery can help patients get rid of tumors. The presence of tumors can bring physical and psychological suffering to patients, and even threaten their lives. Surgical removal of the tumor can effectively reduce the pain of patients, prolong survival and improve quality of life.

Surgery to remove the tumour can prevent further development of the tumor. Tumors that grow in the body and if not removed in time may continue to spread, affecting the function of surrounding tissues and organs, and even leading to distant metastases. Surgical removal of the tumour can effectively stop the further development of the tumour and reduce the risk of recurrence and metastasis.

Surgery to remove the tumor can improve treatment outcomes and survival. For some early-stage tumors or locally advanced tumors, surgical resection can achieve radical cure, and achieve long-term cure. Even for advanced tumors, surgical resection can reduce the burden of tumors, improve the efficacy of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and prolong the survival time of patients.

Tumour removal surgery is a complex and delicate procedure. Doctors need to accurately determine the location, size, morphology, and relationship of the tumor to the surrounding tissues, and carefully formulate a surgical plan to ensure the thoroughness and safety of resection. At the same time, postoperative recovery and follow-up are also key aspects of successful treatment.

Surgery to remove the tumor is essential for the patient. It can not only help patients get rid of tumors, prevent the further development of tumors, improve treatment effects and survival rates, but also bring new vitality and hope to patients. Therefore, we should fully understand the importance of tumor resection surgery, actively cooperate with the doctor's treatment plan, and work together to defeat the tumor.

This article tells you: How does the doctor judge whether the tumor is clean or not?

Factors influencing judgment

Key considerations during surgery

The success of tumor removal surgery depends largely on the doctor's judgment and operation during the operation. Here are the key factors that influence the judgment:

Determination of the excision margins

During surgery, doctors need to accurately determine the boundary between the tumor and the surrounding normal tissue, ensuring that the surrounding healthy tissue is preserved as much as possible while removing the tumor. This step is crucial because if the tumor is not completely removed, it may lead to recurrence or metastasis after surgery. Doctors usually rely on preoperative imaging tests and intraoperative visual observations to determine the excision margins.

Preoperative assessment and planning

Before the surgery is performed, the doctor will perform a detailed preoperative evaluation and planning. This includes a thorough assessment of the nature, location, size, etc. of the tumour to determine the best surgical option and extent of resection. Based on the results of imaging examinations and clinical experience, the doctor will develop a personalized treatment plan to ensure that the surgery is safe and effective.

Intraoperative aids

During surgery, your doctor may use a variety of aids to help determine the extent and boundaries of your tumor. These tools include microscopes, frozen sections of tissue, and more. For example, a microscope can magnify the fine structures of the tumor and surrounding tissues, helping doctors see and judge the extent of resection more clearly.

Teamwork and experience

Successful tumor removal surgery requires the close cooperation and experience of the entire surgical team. Doctors, nurses, anesthesiologists and other professionals need to work closely together to complete the surgical task. The clinical experience and professional skills of the doctor are also one of the important factors affecting the judgment.

Postoperative evaluation

Critical steps to determine the resection situation

After the tumor removal surgery is complete, doctors need to perform a post-operative evaluation to determine whether the tumor has been completely removed. The following are the key steps for post-operative evaluation:

Histopathological examination

After surgery, doctors usually send the removed tumor tissue to a pathology department for histopathological examination. Tissue specimens are examined and analyzed in detail by pathologists to determine important information such as the type, size, and boundaries of the tumor. Through pathological examination, doctors can accurately understand the nature of the tumor and the resection situation, which provides an important basis for further treatment and follow-up.

Postoperative follow-up observation

Postoperative follow-up observation is an important part of evaluating the surgical effect and the patient's recovery. The doctor will arrange regular follow-up examinations, including clinical examinations, imaging examinations, etc. Through follow-up observation, doctors can detect postoperative complications and recurrences in time and take corresponding treatment measures.

This article tells you: How does the doctor judge whether the tumor is clean or not?

Post-operative guidance and recommendations

After the operation, the doctor will provide detailed postoperative guidance and advice to the patient, including dietary conditioning, wound care, life precautions, etc. Patients need to closely cooperate with the doctor's treatment plan and follow-up arrangements to avoid affecting the surgical outcome and recovery due to postoperative misconduct.