
ST Huawei's latest claim news, the notice of receipt of the case, Xie Baoping's lawyer team reminded the claim conditions

author:Fujian Zhengwei Law Firm
ST Huawei's latest claim news, the notice of receipt of the case, Xie Baoping's lawyer team reminded the claim conditions

ST Huawei's latest claim news:

On the evening of May 16, 2024, ST Huawei issued the "Announcement on Receiving the Notice of Case Filing from the China Securities Regulatory Commission", which shows that Jilin Huawei Electronics Co., Ltd. received the "Notice of Case Filing" from the China Securities Regulatory Commission on May 16, 2024 (Zheng Jian Case No. 0202024001), due to the company's suspected illegal information disclosure, according to the "Securities Law of the People's Republic of China", "Administrative Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China" and other laws and regulations, The CSRC decided to file a case against the company.

On May 17, 2024, Jilin Hua Microelectronics Co., Ltd. issued the "Announcement on Abnormal Fluctuations in the Company's Stock Trading", which showed:

1. The stock of Jilin Hua Microelectronics Co., Ltd. deviated from the closing price of more than 12% on May 14, May 15 and May 16, 2024 for three consecutive trading days, which belongs to the abnormal fluctuation of stock trading stipulated in the "Shanghai Stock Exchange Trading Rules".

2. The audit report of the company was issued with a negative opinion on the internal control of the most recent fiscal year, which touched the relevant provisions of the "Shanghai Stock Exchange Stock Listing Rules" to implement other risk warnings, and the company has been subject to other risk warnings from May 6, 2024. Investors are advised to pay attention to the risks of secondary market transactions, make rational decisions and invest prudently.

According to the Securities Law and the Several Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the Trial of Civil Compensation Cases Arising from False Statements in the Securities Market, listed companies shall be liable for civil compensation if their rights and interests are damaged due to illegal information disclosure and misrepresentation, and the injured investors have the right to claim compensation for losses.

ST Huawei's latest claim news, the notice of receipt of the case, Xie Baoping's lawyer team reminded the claim conditions

The conditions of ST Huawei's claim are as follows:

Those who buy 600360 Hua Microelectronics before April 29, 2024, and sell or continue to hold it after May 6, 2024 (inclusive).

The above claim registration conditions only represent the views of Xie Baoping's lawyer team, and are not used as any securities investment decisions and trading suggestions, and are subject to the final determination of the court.

Basis for ST Huawei's violation:

On May 16, 2024, Jilin Hua Microelectronics Co., Ltd. received the Notice of Case Filing from the China Securities Regulatory Commission (Zheng Jian Case No. 0202024001).

ST Huawei's latest claim news, the notice of receipt of the case, Xie Baoping's lawyer team reminded the claim conditions