
Tanxi Town Central Primary School in Xinshao County: The stars and torches shine brightly, and the childlike hearts will always be to the party

author:Daxiang heard it early

  CCTV full channel propaganda Hunan News: (correspondent Zhou Feiyan, Li Jinguo, Ouyang Xing) In order to further cultivate students' patriotic feelings, inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of the Chinese Young Pioneers, enrich the campus culture, enhance the strength of the Young Pioneers organization, and cultivate good team members and successors in the new era, on May 17, all the teachers and students of the Central Primary School of Tanxi Town, Xinshao County, gathered in the playground under the organization of the Young Pioneers Brigade Department to hold a solemn new team member joining ceremony with the theme of "Red Scarves Love the Motherland" for the first-grade students!

  At the beginning of the event, the joining ceremony kicked off in the solemn flag-raising ceremony, in the loud singing, the 54 new members were in a surging mood, they were honored to join the Young Pioneers organization, this is their glorious and happy moment! After the list of new members was announced, the old team members wore bright red scarves for the new Young Pioneers, and all the new Young Pioneers made a solemn oath and shouted loudly under the leadership of counselor Ouyang Xing: "Always ready". The crisp children's voices and solemn promises ignited a raging fire in the hearts of the Young Pioneers who loved the country and the party, and they strengthened their determination to contribute to the cause of communism, and their inspirational voices resounded throughout the campus.

Tanxi Town Central Primary School in Xinshao County: The stars and torches shine brightly, and the childlike hearts will always be to the party
Tanxi Town Central Primary School in Xinshao County: The stars and torches shine brightly, and the childlike hearts will always be to the party

  The bright red scarf reflected the smiling faces of the new team members, and Zhou Shiqi, a student from the first class of the third grade, made a speech as a veteran team member, putting forward hope and setting an example for the new team members; Zhou Hangchi, the representative of the new team members, expressed his excitement to join the team in his speech, and said that he would love the party and the country in the future, not afraid of challenges, and climb bravely; Actively strive to be a good team member in the new era who "has ideals, loves learning, loves labor, and loves the motherland". During the event, President Li sent ardent expectations and messages to the new team members, hoping that the new team members would take up the "baton" of the new era, insist on tempering themselves, unswervingly follow the party, forge ahead on a new journey, thrive under the guidance of the star torch, and strive to become a new person of the era with ideals, wisdom, responsibility, and love for the party and the country.

Tanxi Town Central Primary School in Xinshao County: The stars and torches shine brightly, and the childlike hearts will always be to the party
Tanxi Town Central Primary School in Xinshao County: The stars and torches shine brightly, and the childlike hearts will always be to the party

  The stars and torches shine brightly, and the childlike hearts will always be to the party. The Young Pioneers joining ceremony is a promotion and summary of the Young Pioneers, and it is also a new starting point for the work of the Young Pioneers. I believe that the new team members of the Central Primary School of Tanxi Town, Xinshao County can take over the red baton, be determined to study diligently, work hard, fasten the first button in life, pursue dreams in hard work and struggle, show their enthusiasm, show their style, add glory to the red scarf, add color to the campus, and strive to be a good team member in the new era!

  Editor-in-charge/Tan Jiangxue