
Less than 48 hours after the warning from our embassy, the United States announced that it would send a delegation to Taiwan to participate in the 520 and asked China not to take countermeasures

author:It's a little interesting little chai
Less than 48 hours after the warning from our embassy, the United States announced that it would send a delegation to Taiwan to participate in the 520 and asked China not to take countermeasures

Less than 48 hours after the warning from our embassy, the United States announced that it would send a delegation to Taiwan to participate in the 520 and asked China not to take countermeasures

"A wise man thinks a thousand times, and he will make a mistake; A fool who makes a thousand mistakes will get one. "In the arena of international politics, every decision is related to the fate and future of the country. However, less than 48 hours after the mainland embassy in the United States issued a warning warning that the United States should respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, the United States made a shocking decision -- announcing that it would send a delegation to Taiwan to attend Lai Qingde's inauguration ceremony, and openly demanded that China refrain from taking countermeasures. This move is undoubtedly a serious infringement on China's core interests and a flagrant violation of the basic norms governing international relations.

Less than 48 hours after the warning from our embassy, the United States announced that it would send a delegation to Taiwan to participate in the 520 and asked China not to take countermeasures

On the surface, the US decision appears to be a sign of "friendship" to the Taiwan region, but in fact it is a blatant challenge to the "one-China" principle. The US delegation included many former dignitaries and current officials, and their presence undoubtedly added a bit of "international color" to Lai's inauguration ceremony. However, this "international recognition" does not obscure the political conspiracy behind it. Through this move, the United States is trying to show its "support" for the Taiwan region to the international community, thereby increasing tensions in the Taiwan Strait and undermining regional peace and stability.

Less than 48 hours after the warning from our embassy, the United States announced that it would send a delegation to Taiwan to participate in the 520 and asked China not to take countermeasures

In the face of the provocation by the United States, a spokesman for the mainland Foreign Ministry solemnly stated that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory and that China has sovereignty over Taiwan. The US delegation to Taiwan to attend Lai Ching-te's inauguration ceremony has seriously violated the one-China principle and the provisions of the three Sino-US joint communiques, and has seriously undermined the political foundation of Sino-US relations. We urge the US side to abide by the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-US joint communiqués, stop all forms of attempts to "use Taiwan to contain China", and refrain from going further and further down the wrong path.

Less than 48 hours after the warning from our embassy, the United States announced that it would send a delegation to Taiwan to participate in the 520 and asked China not to take countermeasures

However, the United States does not seem to realize its mistake and tries to excuse its actions under the pretext of "maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait." At the briefing, senior White House National Security Council officials claimed that the United States sent a delegation to Taipei after Taiwan's election is a long-standing precedent, and hopes that the mainland will not respond by military means. However, this kind of rhetoric is nothing more than a cover-up and self-deception. The true intentions of the United States have long been clearly exposed, and its so-called "maintenance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait" is nothing more than an excuse for its interference in China's internal affairs and support for the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces.

Looking back at history, it is not difficult to find that those forces that tried to challenge China's sovereignty and territorial integrity did not escape the fate of defeat in the end. From the invasion of China by the Eight-Nation Alliance, to the aggressive acts of Japanese militarism, to the current US intervention in the Taiwan issue, this point has been fully demonstrated. History has proven that any attempt to split China is bound to fail. Today, we are once again standing at a crossroads in history, and in the face of US provocation and interference, we must take a firm stand and safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Less than 48 hours after the warning from our embassy, the United States announced that it would send a delegation to Taiwan to participate in the 520 and asked China not to take countermeasures

At this critical juncture, we need to be more united and confident. We must firmly believe that with the righteous voice of the international community and the joint efforts of the Chinese people, any attempt to split China will come to naught. At the same time, we must also be soberly aware that safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity is a long-term and arduous task. We need to strengthen international cooperation, jointly address challenges, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Specifically, we can start from the following aspects: first, strengthen international public opinion propaganda to let the international community understand that China's sovereignty and territorial integrity are inviolable; Second, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries to jointly maintain regional peace and stability; the third is to strengthen the construction of domestic systems and improve the capacity and level of national governance; Fourth, we should strengthen education and guidance to enhance the people's sense of national awareness and national identity.

Less than 48 hours after the warning from our embassy, the United States announced that it would send a delegation to Taiwan to participate in the 520 and asked China not to take countermeasures

Of course, in the process of safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, we also need to remain calm and rational. We must not take drastic actions on the spur of the moment, still less should we be disrupted by US provocations. We must strengthen our confidence, respond calmly, unite as one, and overcome the difficulties together.

In conclusion, I would like to say that US provocation and interference cannot change China's fate and future. On the contrary, it will only make the United States more isolated in the international community. We believe that under the correct leadership of the party and the government and with the joint efforts of the people of the whole country, we will certainly be able to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. So, how exactly should we respond in the face of US provocations and interference? This requires each and every one of us to think and act. Let's work together to create a better future!
