
Fan Xian, Fan Sizhen + meat will not disappear, but will only transfer

author:One ear

Fan Xian and Fan Sizhen are the two main characters in the Chinese literary work "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an", and their stories have aroused deep thought and heated discussions among the audience. And the phrase "meat will not disappear, it will only transfer" is a classic dialogue between them, and it has also become a classic line in the play.

Fan Xian, Fan Sizhen + meat will not disappear, but will only transfer

In the play, Fan Xian and Fan Sizhen express an insight and understanding of the world through this sentence. They believe that the disappearance of life is not the real end, but a transfer, and even if the body dies, the memories and emotions left behind will never disappear. This concept not only embodies the philosophical reflection of life, but also has a shock and enlightenment to the hearts of the audience.

Fan Xian, Fan Sizhen + meat will not disappear, but will only transfer

The two characters of Fan Xian and Fan Sizhe, one is a sharp-edged young hero, and the other is a wise and profound Confucian scholar, the exchanges and collisions between them allow people to see the collision of ideas and emotions between different characters. This line of "meat will not disappear, but will transfer" is also a deep thinking and resonance between them about life and human nature.

Fan Xian, Fan Sizhen + meat will not disappear, but will only transfer

In the hearts of the audience, "meat will not disappear but will transfer" is not only a line, but also an understanding of life and perception of life. It makes people re-examine the meaning and value of life, and triggers thinking and exploration of life, the world, and self-worth.

Therefore, Fan Xian Fan Sizhen + meat will not disappear but will only transfer, which is not only a classic line in "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an", but also a profound philosophy of life. May we face the ups and downs and changes of life with the wisdom and courage of Fan Xian and Fan Sizhe, bravely face and keep moving forward.