
Heavy! The minimum down payment ratio for the first home commercial loan was adjusted to 15%, and the policy was adjusted for stable development

author:Colorful cola soup

The People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration recently issued a notice on the adjustment of the minimum down payment ratio for personal housing loans. According to the new policy, for households that take out loans to purchase commercial housing, the minimum down payment ratio for commercial personal housing loans for the first house will be adjusted to no less than 15%, and the minimum down payment ratio for commercial personal housing loans for second houses will be adjusted to no less than 25%. This policy adjustment aims to rationalize the proportion of home buyers and promote the stability and sustainable development of the housing market.

Heavy! The minimum down payment ratio for the first home commercial loan was adjusted to 15%, and the policy was adjusted for stable development

Achieve equilibrium: Reasonably adjust the proportion of house purchases

In China's real estate market, determining the proportion of home buyers has been a challenge for policymakers and residents to protect their residents. An excessively high proportion of home purchases may cause the market to deviate from the benign development track, driving up housing prices and exacerbating the risk of a real estate bubble. Therefore, by adjusting the minimum down payment ratio for housing commercial loans, the government wants to encourage home buyers to seek truth from facts, rationally plan funds, and reduce the leverage of home purchases. This further balances market demand and provides a guarantee for risk sharing between residents and financial institutions.

Ensuring market stability: slowing down the momentum of house price increases

At present, the rapid rise of the housing market has caused widespread concern. The government's goodwill policy of low housing purchase ratio has slowed down the inflow of capital into the real estate market, which is conducive to curbing the rapid rise of housing prices. This has a positive impact on the stability of the population and the market. At the same time, the government has also lowered the interest rate of personal housing provident fund loans to provide more preferential loan channels for home buyers, reduce the burden, and improve the ability of home buyers to buy houses.

Heavy! The minimum down payment ratio for the first home commercial loan was adjusted to 15%, and the policy was adjusted for stable development

Driving market adjustment: Promoting sustainable development

As the risk of rising house prices abates, this policy adjustment will help drive the necessary adjustments in the housing market. The original high bubble may dissolve some "zombie" projects in the context of moderately reducing inventory levels and reduce the original pressure of the contradiction between supply and demand. This helps the real estate market gradually return to a reasonable value in line with the economy, and promotes the stability of the market in a more sustainable and balanced way.

Heavy! The minimum down payment ratio for the first home commercial loan was adjusted to 15%, and the policy was adjusted for stable development

The adjustment of the housing credit policy is a powerful measure taken by the Chinese government to actively promote the healthy and stable development of the housing market. By rationalizing the proportion of home buyers and slowing down the rise in housing prices, the government aims to maintain market stability and the interests of residents, and promote the development of the housing market in a more sustainable and reasonable direction. The adjustment of this policy is not only beneficial to the home buyers, but also will help enhance the risk prevention and control capabilities of financial institutions, provide a stable financial environment, and make the housing market sustainable and healthy development.