
Why did the Kuomintang reactionaries fail? The main thing is that they are loyal to the party-state, not to the people

author:Thousands of mountains are volumes, and mountains and rivers answer
The root cause of the defeat of the Kuomintang reactionaries was that they were loyal to the party-state, not to the people. Only a country that serves its people can last forever. Because the people are the masters of the country and an integral part of it.

After years of rising power and corruption, the Kuomintang reactionaries ended in a crushing defeat. The reason behind this, first of all, lies in their alienation from the people. The dominators only care about their own interests and ignore the people's suffering, which is undoubtedly a dam that blocks the people's hearts. Without the support and trust of the people, the foundation of the country cannot be secured, and the fate of the regime will face great uncertainties sooner or later.

Why did the Kuomintang reactionaries fail? The main thing is that they are loyal to the party-state, not to the people

Second, the party-state system pursued by the Kuomintang reactionaries put the interests of the party above the people. In this type of system, the government's decision-making is only in the interests of a few elite classes, and does not really take into account the needs of ordinary people. Such an approach inevitably leads to inequality and instability in society, which ultimately destroys the foundations of the country's development and stability.

In addition, the defeat of the Kuomintang reactionaries was closely related to the policies and measures they carried out. They followed the Western powers and carried out a series of reform and opening up that did not conform to their national conditions. These reforms have brought enormous benefits to individual groups, but they have also exacerbated class contradictions and social divisions. The Kuomintang reactionaries attached too much importance to economic development and neglected the guarantee of social fairness and the well-being of the people, which was also the fundamental problem in winning the support of the people.

Why did the Kuomintang reactionaries fail? The main thing is that they are loyal to the party-state, not to the people

At the same time, the corruption of the Kuomintang reactionaries was also one of the important reasons for the defeat. Corruption and abuse of power have become the standard for them to govern the country. The country's wealth has been plundered, public resources have been encroached upon, people's living standards have declined, and social injustice has been serious. These injustices aroused the people's discontent and resistance to the rule of the Kuomintang reactionaries, and hastened their downfall.

In the end, the Kuomintang reactionaries ignored the voice of the people and suppressed the voices of the people, causing social contradictions to accumulate. However, if a political regime fails to correctly handle social contradictions and alleviate the people's suffering, it is doomed to be unsustainable. The Kuomintang reactionaries only cared about their own power and interests, and did not put the interests of the people in the first place at all. This is one of the important reasons why they ultimately failed.

Why did the Kuomintang reactionaries fail? The main thing is that they are loyal to the party-state, not to the people

Behind the downfall of the Kuomintang reactionaries was the awakening of the people and their yearning for a truly democratic regime. The people have always been the masters of the country and the most valuable asset of the country. Only by putting the interests of the people first and truly addressing the needs and problems of the people can we win the support of the people and build a sustainable national system.

Therefore, we need to learn from the defeat of the Kuomintang reactionaries. A people-centred nation is the only way to develop and prosper in a sustainable manner. Serving the people should be the primary task of the state, and the formulation and implementation of policies must be based on the interests of the people. Only in this way can we move towards a country that is truly owned by the people and for the people, rather than being merely dependent on the elite under the party-state system.