
In fact, do parents also bully their children and are afraid of the hard? The netizen's answer pierced the heart

author:Have a good time

In fact, parents are also afraid of their children?

I accidentally saw this topic, and I was very touched. In fact, the relationship between parents and children is very delicate, and there are very few parents who can really love their children. True love has to go deep into the hearts of children, understand their thoughts, care about their feelings, and give them that kind of spiritual support and encouragement.

But sometimes, I feel that some parents seem to "bully the soft and fear the hard".

In this regard, netizens have shared their experiences:

They show great love for their children in front of outsiders, but when they get home, their faces change, and I wonder why they can't be the same.

In fact, do parents also bully their children and are afraid of the hard? The netizen's answer pierced the heart

A child's personality has a lot to do with the family ethos.

In fact, do parents also bully their children and are afraid of the hard? The netizen's answer pierced the heart

It is a good explanation of why some parents will bully their children and be afraid of the hard. Because they have to give you some advice.

In fact, do parents also bully their children and are afraid of the hard? The netizen's answer pierced the heart

It's unbelievable that the family is so jealous.

In fact, do parents also bully their children and are afraid of the hard? The netizen's answer pierced the heart

From childhood to adulthood, I am reluctant to spend money on my children, and when my children can make money, they will never be ambiguous when they open their mouths to ask for money.

In fact, do parents also bully their children and are afraid of the hard? The netizen's answer pierced the heart

As the saying goes, family ugliness should not be publicized, but some parents just like to tell others about these family trivialities.

In fact, do parents also bully their children and are afraid of the hard? The netizen's answer pierced the heart

It's tiring to live with your parents, is this called a nest? [Witty]

In fact, do parents also bully their children and are afraid of the hard? The netizen's answer pierced the heart

Some love comes with strings attached.

In fact, do parents also bully their children and are afraid of the hard? The netizen's answer pierced the heart

It's as if these thoughts have been ingrained in their minds.

In fact, do parents also bully their children and are afraid of the hard? The netizen's answer pierced the heart

After reading the sharing of netizens, I came to a sentence, people must not be cowardly, otherwise not only outsiders can bully you, but even your family may look down on you. What do you think?