
watched "The Pretender" again and found that behind Spiegel's lifelong unmarried, there was an unknown hardship

author:Joy Zero

Spiegel in "The Pretender": What kind of story is hidden behind the lifelong unmarried?

Hello dear readers! Today, I would like to talk to you about a deeply rooted TV series - a character in "The Pretender" - Spiegel. She is not only a wonderful businesswoman, but also a great woman who gives everything for her family and her beliefs. In the play, Spiegel never married, and there are many unknown hardships and stories behind this.

watched "The Pretender" again and found that behind Spiegel's lifelong unmarried, there was an unknown hardship

Spiegel, the name is like her person, clear and transparent, but without losing its tenacity. She is the eldest daughter of the Ming family and has picked up the burden of the family since she was a child. In those turbulent times, she had to face the rise and fall of her family while also taking care of her younger brothers. Her wisdom and courage allowed the Ming family to stand tall in the wind and rain.

However, Spiegel's lifelong unmarried has always been a mystery in the hearts of the audience. Why would such an excellent woman choose to die alone? In fact, there are many complex reasons behind this.

watched "The Pretender" again and found that behind Spiegel's lifelong unmarried, there was an unknown hardship

First of all, Spiegel has made great sacrifices for the rise and fall of his family and the growth of his younger brothers. She knew that as a woman, if she wanted to gain a foothold in society at that time, she had to rely on her own ability and wisdom. Therefore, she devoted all her energy to the family business and the growth of her younger brothers, and had no time to take care of her marriage.

Secondly, Spiegel is a woman with strong beliefs and pursuits. She was deeply influenced by the feelings of her family and country, and always put the interests of the country and the nation first. In that particular historical period, she chose to contribute to the country in her own way. This pursuit and belief made her more cautious and picky when it came to marriage. She is unwilling to marry for the sake of marriage, and even less willing to sacrifice her beliefs and pursuits because of marriage.

watched "The Pretender" again and found that behind Spiegel's lifelong unmarried, there was an unknown hardship

In addition, Spiegel also has his own helplessness and bitterness emotionally. She loved her brothers dearly and cared for them as if they were her own children. Especially Mingtai, his relationship with Mingjing is like a sister and a mother. Spiegel knows that if he gets married, he may bring unnecessary trouble and trouble to his younger brothers. Therefore, she chose not to marry for the rest of her life and guarded the family in her own way.

In "The Pretender", the image of Spiegel is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. She is not only an outstanding female entrepreneur, but also a woman with strong beliefs and pursuits. She never married, not because she did not desire love and marriage, but because she chose to give everything for her family and faith. This spirit is worthy of learning and admiration from each and every one of us.

watched "The Pretender" again and found that behind Spiegel's lifelong unmarried, there was an unknown hardship

On the Internet, the discussion about Spiegel's lifelong unmarried has not stopped. Many viewers were touched by her tenacity and selflessness and expressed their desire to learn from her. At the same time, there are also some viewers who express understanding and respect for Spiegel's choice, believing that she interprets what true love and marriage are in her own way.

In my opinion, Spiegel's lifelong unmarried life is not a regret, but a choice. She chose to give everything for her family and her faith, and this spirit is worth learning and inheriting from each of us. At the same time, we should also respect everyone's choices and pursuits, and not judge others by our own standards. After all, on the road of life, everyone has their own path to follow and their own story to tell.

watched "The Pretender" again and found that behind Spiegel's lifelong unmarried, there was an unknown hardship

In closing, I would like to say that Spiegel in The Pretender is a great female figure. She used her own way to interpret what true love and marriage are, and also let us see the important position and role of women in society. Let's praise Spiegel together and praise her tenacity and selflessness!