
Between men and women, an ambiguous and transgressive relationship has been established, and the 4 traces are obvious

author:Psychological analysis of the wind stop at night

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Ambiguous, transgressive, and produced between single men and women, it is likely to be the prelude to a good relationship!

If, between a married man and a woman, there is an ambiguous and transgressive relationship, it is the beginning of an abnormal relationship!

Although the topic of ambiguity and transgression between married men and women is somewhat sensitive, it is indeed a very serious issue that deserves deep attention.

Some people believe that there is no actual betrayal between themselves and other members of the opposite sex, so they overestimate themselves and use "friendship" to cover up each other's unclean relationships, and they are not very willing to admit the existence of ambiguous and transgressive relationships.

However, it is important to know that between married men and women, this ambiguous relationship can not only cause harm to both families, but also affect their own mental health.

Therefore, all people in marriage and love must know how to face up to this problem, find and stop this behavior in time, or know how to stop losses in time when they happen to meet their lovers and other people of the opposite sex who are ambiguous and cross the line!

Between married men and women, once there is an ambiguous and cross-border relationship, it will leave unconcealable traces, which can be observed with a little care!

Between men and women, an ambiguous and transgressive relationship has been established, and 4 traces are obvious:

Between men and women, an ambiguous and transgressive relationship has been established, and the 4 traces are obvious

1: Frequent eye contact, ambiguous speech and demeanor

Between men and women, once they do not meet each other's single conditions, there is an ambiguous and cross-border relationship, and there will be frequent eye contact in the presence of others!

In addition, speech and behavior will become less "ordinary"!

For example:

In the presence of others, they will meet and collide with each other from time to time, smile at each other, and have caring behaviors that make people seem more intimate......

For married men and women, if they have the above-mentioned intimate behavior with each other, it means that they have exceeded the boundaries of friends, and the state of "mutual attraction" with hormonal effects is generated!

Otherwise, do you think that between men and women who are not single, they really don't understand what a reasonable healthy distance is?

Between men and women, an ambiguous and transgressive relationship has been established, and the 4 traces are obvious

2: Often meet alone and hide your whereabouts with your lover

For people who have entered into marriage, they have established an ambiguous and cross-border improper relationship with other members of the opposite sex, and they will find various reasons to meet alone.

In addition, most of the lies often told to your lover are related to business trips, meetings, meeting customers, and parties. Even, he will openly say to his lover:

I worked on a project with a colleague (the object of ambiguity and transgression......

This phenomenon of concealing his whereabouts is for fear that his behavior will be exposed and his lover will know about unnecessary trouble, and it is also so that his lover will not disturb himself and spend a good time with the ambiguous and cross-border opposite sex because he believes in himself!

So, if your lover often leaves the house for various reasons and refuses to contact you or is very disgusted by your contact and does not make you feel ungrounded, remember to "calm down" and observe secretly, and the answer you want is in the details!

When possible, you can choose to try tracking him/her, checking his/her phone, social media, etc., to see if there are any anomalies.

But in this way, we must protect ourselves, but also maintain moderation, and don't let ourselves fall into passivity because of wrong doubts!

Between men and women, an ambiguous and transgressive relationship has been established, and the 4 traces are obvious

3: Increased emotional dependence and neglect of family responsibilities

A person with a family, once he falls into an ambiguous and transgressive relationship with other members of the opposite sex, will develop a strong emotional dependence on the opposite sex.

During the period of dependence, such a person will magnify the various shining points of ambiguous and transgressive objects, and will also amplify the other party's understanding of himself, emotional and emotional value satisfaction, so as to perfectly ignore the individual responsibilities in marriage and family, and ignore the feelings of his lover......

After a long time, this kind of person will naturally devote a lot of time, energy and money to ambiguous and transgressive relationships, be indifferent to the family, and even dislike and reject his lover......

So, if your lover doesn't know when he's busy for no reason, doesn't allow you to ask too much, and starts to take little responsibility for family responsibilities, you need to be vigilant:

You need to hide your emotions, use appropriate language to communicate with the other party, and first rule out what kind of difficult problems the other person is really encountering and encountering.

If, excluding this reason, the other party still shows impatience, it is probably that the other party has a "secret"!

Between men and women, an ambiguous and transgressive relationship has been established, and the 4 traces are obvious

4: Increased physical contact and breaking through boundaries

The most obvious trace of ambiguous and transgressive contact between married people and other members of the opposite sex is undoubtedly physical contact!

What's more, there will be hugging, kissing, and touching......

These actions have opened the green door to actual betrayal - I agree to continue to "associate" with you......

If someone has seen such an out-of-bounds physical contact between their lover and other members of the opposite sex, stop deceiving themselves and thinking that they are loved!

In this case, if you still deceive yourself, don't blame yourself for being actually betrayed later, and suffering in pain!

In short, between men and women, once an ambiguous and cross-border relationship arises, it is a matter of traces!

For men and women who have entered into marriage, having an improper ambiguous and transgressive relationship with other members of the opposite sex is equivalent to planting a thunder that will explode at any time for each other and each other's families!

Therefore, all married men and women are advised to:

We must know how to cherish the people in front of us, and we must strengthen our own moral cultivation and legal awareness, and we must not do things that harm others and ourselves for the sake of momentary desires, and the gains outweigh the losses!

Between men and women, an ambiguous and transgressive relationship has been established, and the 4 traces are obvious
Love is the purgatory of people in the world. Whether it's love or friendship, the right time and the right person can achieve positive results!

I'm a high-quality affective writer who has provided valuable and meaningful help to many counselors. I have rich experience in marriage, relationships, relationships, etc., if you have any emotional confusion, you can directly consult me.


Topic discussion: Do you think it is worth staying with other lovers of the opposite sex who are ambiguous and transgressive for the rest of your life? Welcome to leave a message to interact.

The article is only for individual cases, don't blindly sit down! If you're in a relationship of confusion right now, you can talk to me alone!