
6 movies to uncover the other side of married life and see a different life

author:Poison Crow Movie
6 movies to uncover the other side of married life and see a different life

1. Love before midnight

As the gorgeous finale of the "Love In" trilogy, it presents us with the real life of the hero and heroine after entering marriage. is no longer the interweaving of romance and passion in the first two parts, this one focuses more on the trivialities of life and the run-in of habits. In their day-to-day relationship, disagreements caused by differences in details often become a source of quarrels. However, it is these quarrels and run-ins that make their relationship more real and profound.

At the end of the film, as the camera slowly zooms out, we can't help but be moved by the couple's perseverance and growth. Although love has faded from the passion of the past, the truth and warmth of life make them cherish each other more. This is a masterpiece that allows people to find emotion in the ordinary and learn to grow in quarrels.

6 movies to uncover the other side of married life and see a different life

2. Marriage story

Dissects the married life of comedy director Charlie and actress Nicole. They were once separated due to work, which eventually led to a breakdown of their relationship and a divorce. In this battle for custody, we see the complexities of love, marriage, and family life. The film not only shows the conflicts and quarrels between them, but also reveals warmth and reluctance in the details.

Although their relationship broke down for various reasons, they both chose to give their children the greatest love and care when facing them. This movie makes us reflect on the true meaning of marriage, and at the same time allows us to see the warmth and responsibility in divorce. It is a real and moving work that deserves to be savored by every viewer.

6 movies to uncover the other side of married life and see a different life

3, the dream of the Blue Bridge

Francesca, a housewife, meets National Geographic photographer Robert Kinchai by chance, and a brief but fiery romance ignites between the two. However, Francesca knows that she can't give up her family responsibilities, and this entanglement makes her love with Jin Kai destined to become a regret.

Although this film touches on the sensitive points in the hearts of some audiences, it is undoubtedly an emotionally sincere work. Every shot, every action is full of affectionate depictions, as if it can overflow the picture and hit people's hearts. Francesca's love for Kimkai has become an indelible memory for the rest of her life, and this emotion is touching and makes people think more deeply about love.

6 movies to uncover the other side of married life and see a different life

4. The road to revolution

Set in the 50s of the 20th century, it shows the struggles and dilemmas of a middle-aged couple in the post-war social changes. They try to save their marriage from breaking down with a plan to "move the family to Paris", but this vision ends up being the trigger for the marriage to collapse.

Midlife crisis is a difficult problem that every family may face, and this film profoundly reveals the complexity of this problem. Through delicate lines and excellent performances, the director vividly shows the contradictions and struggles between husband and wife. The whole film is not only thought-provoking, but also a profound discussion of marriage and life.

6 movies to uncover the other side of married life and see a different life

5. In the clouds

It is a simple masterpiece about the true meaning of life. The protagonist, Ryan Bingham, is a layoff expert in the workplace, whose life seems to be occupied by endless flights and hotels, and the airport becomes his second home. However, in the course of his flight and encounters, he gradually began to reflect on his way of life and explore the answer to "how should I live".

The charm of this movie lies in its simple yet authentic storyline, as well as its well-crafted dialogue and details. Every fragment is full of the charm of life, allowing people to taste the meaning of life in a relaxed and happy atmosphere. It teaches us that life is not just about working, but about finding and cherishing those moments that truly make us feel happy and fulfilled.

6 movies to uncover the other side of married life and see a different life

6, Mr. and Mrs. Smith

It depicts a deeply hidden couple who have experienced a seven-year itch, but their lives are far from being as ordinary as they seem. Each of them is the top killer of different secret agencies, and they live on the edge of full of thrills and thrills. It wasn't until an unexpected mission made them rivals that the two began to slowly unravel the mystery of each other's identities.

Julie's sensuality and the chemistry between the two protagonists make this film a classic. From their encounter, to the revelation of their identities, to the final relief and showdown, every plot is gripping and unforgettable. This film not only shows the excitement and cruelty of the killer world, but also explores the trust and understanding between husband and wife, which makes people think deeply.

6 movies to uncover the other side of married life and see a different life

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