
Enhance the awareness of national defense and cultivate patriotic feelings

author:Xian'an District Rong Media Center

On the morning of 16 May, the district national defense mobilization office and the party school of the district party committee organized all the students of the spring main class of the party school to carry out national defense education activities at the militia training base in Xianning City.

Enhance the awareness of national defense and cultivate patriotic feelings

The students were in good spirits and lined up neatly. The comrades of the armed forces department and the instructors of the base explained the weapons and equipment. The trainees had a detailed understanding of the various types of military equipment on display, listened to the instructors' detailed introduction to the performance of weapons and how to use them, and enriched their military knowledge.

Enhance the awareness of national defense and cultivate patriotic feelings

In the afternoon of the national defense mobilization education class, Comrade Xu Zhenling, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and political commissar of the District People's Armed Forces Department, expounded with a large number of vivid examples and pictures on the topic of "Common Sense of the Armed Forces and the Construction of Reserve Forces of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Mainland" and used a large number of vivid examples and pictures to guide everyone to deeply understand the truth that "a strong country must strengthen the army, and a strong army can achieve national security", and further enhance the awareness of national defense, cultivate the feelings of the family and the country, and Strengthen responsibility. The trainees listened carefully and remembered carefully, and said: "This is not only a vivid lesson in national defense education, but also a profound lesson in analyzing the situation, which can quench thirst and dispel doubts, and be taught and useful." In the future, it is necessary to step up the study of national defense knowledge, consciously fulfill national defense obligations, be good propagandists of national defense education and promoters of national defense construction, actively support and participate in national defense and army building, and contribute their own strength to national defense building with practical actions. ”

Enhance the awareness of national defense and cultivate patriotic feelings

In this activity, the trainees not only exercised their will, but also enhanced their knowledge of national defense and military affairs. Everyone deeply felt the hard work of the soldiers to protect the family and defend the country, experienced the hardships of the people's soldiers' training, and expressed that in the future work, they will vigorously inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of strict discipline and excellent work style displayed by the soldiers, perform their duties and responsibilities based on their own posts, have the courage to take responsibility, and devote themselves to the fiery practice of the construction of the "four first good" districts in Xian'an with more passion and higher morale.

(Financial Media Reporter: Chen Zhu Correspondent: Zhang Yong, Kan Kun, Editor: Li Meng, Editor: Wang Di, Editor: Xu Wei, Wu Zhongqi)