
Ouyang Zhenhua: After 26 years of marriage, I spoiled the granddaughter of the gambling king, and I felt guilty about my mother in this life

author:Enlighten the Soul and Read

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Ouyang Zhenhua: After 26 years of marriage, I spoiled the granddaughter of the gambling king, and I felt guilty about my mother in this life

In this 26-year long marriage, Ouyang Zhenhua and his wife Fu Jiexian have always adhered to their beliefs, supported each other, and spent the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter in their lives together.

With the passage of time, they have entered the second half of their lives, slowly stopping their busy pace and exploring the true meaning and value of life together.

The deep affection that comes from mutual understanding and appreciation has become more pure and dazzling after a long period of baptism.

Ouyang Zhenhua's care and consideration for Fu Jiexian is just like her deep affection for him back then. They achieve each other, write a chapter in their lives together, and reveal the most precious secrets behind love.

Ouyang Zhenhua: After 26 years of marriage, I spoiled the granddaughter of the gambling king, and I felt guilty about my mother in this life

Although they have been criticized and questioned by public opinion many times, they have not wavered because of this, but focus on creating their own happy life. Now, when they look at each other and smile with tolerance and understanding, it dawns on them that happiness is so simple.

That legendary love process is enough to shock the entire Hong Kong entertainment industry. At first, Ouyang Zhenhua didn't know about it, his girlfriend turned out to be the daughter of a wealthy family from the gambling king family.

Their acquaintance originated from an introduction by the famous host Huang Huibao. At that party, Huang Huibao introduced him to a woman with an ordinary appearance but an otherworldly temperament - Fu Jiexian.

Ouyang Zhenhua greeted her politely, but to his surprise, this lady turned out to be a big fan of his, and knew everything about every work he participated in.

Ouyang Zhenhua: After 26 years of marriage, I spoiled the granddaughter of the gambling king, and I felt guilty about my mother in this life

It turned out that it was his role as a lawyer "Yu Zaichun" in the TV series "No. 1 Imperial Court" that deeply attracted Fu Jiexian. Like a fanatical star chaser, she has watched all of Ouyang Zhenhua's works, and she knows the lines by heart.

For her, who was born in a wealthy family, this kind of star-chasing behavior undoubtedly seems a bit unusual, but it is this innocent obsession that makes the fate of the two people closely linked from then on.

On that unforgettable night, they talked happily and talked about it a lot. Huang Huibao looked at all this and couldn't help but secretly show a relieved smile. Yes, this party was carefully planned by Fu Jiexian in order to be able to meet Ouyang Zhenhua.

With the passage of time, when Ouyang Zhenhua and his wife Fu Jiexian's various past events gradually surfaced, they attracted widespread attention from the world. The media have cast sharp accusations, and they praise Ouyang Zhenhua as a person who longs for the wealth of the Fu family, otherwise why is among the many glamorous actresses, only Fu Jiexian, who is ordinary-looking? However, these doubts have not shaken the deep emotional bond between the two.

Ouyang Zhenhua: After 26 years of marriage, I spoiled the granddaughter of the gambling king, and I felt guilty about my mother in this life

On the contrary, Ouyang Zhenhua cherished this marriage more and more, and was determined to spend the rest of his life with his wife.

Half a year later, Fu Jiexian invited Ouyang Zhenhua to visit his mother. For some reason, she never revealed her illustrious family background to her husband. Just when Ouyang Zhenhua mistakenly thought that his wife was just an ordinary woman, Fu Jiexian proposed to enter the marriage hall with him to help him realize his desire to immigrate to Canada.

The next day, she led him to buy a diamond ring, and in just three days, the two tied the knot in Canada.

Looking back on Ouyang Zhenhua's acting career, his growth path can be called colorful. It all started the moment he stepped into TVB. Under the recommendation of an artist friend Hong Luobai, Ouyang Zhenhua signed up for the 11th training class of wireless, and began his acting journey with a middle-aged dream.

Ouyang Zhenhua: After 26 years of marriage, I spoiled the granddaughter of the gambling king, and I felt guilty about my mother in this life

The initial performance was not outstanding, and even in the final list, it was only narrowly selected. However, it was this decision that completely changed his fate. During the training class, he not only made friends with stars such as Tony Leung and Stephen Chow, who later became close friends, but also challenged the role with lines for the first time in the TVB TV series "The Legend of the Condor Heroes".

In order to present a more realistic effect, Ouyang Zhenhua specially asked Wu Mengda, the "elder" in the play, to train him strictly, resulting in multiple injuries all over his body, and bruises and swelling on his face.

Seeing her son being tortured like this, the mother's heart was like a knife, but she didn't say much, only tears glistened in the corners of her eyes.

This scene has become the eternal pain and regret in Ouyang Zhenhua's heart.

Ouyang Zhenhua: After 26 years of marriage, I spoiled the granddaughter of the gambling king, and I felt guilty about my mother in this life

In this way, Ouyang Zhenhua worked hard as a dragon actor until 1991, when he participated in the movie "Hot Hand Detective" starring Chow Yun-fat. Chow Yun-fat was attracted by Ouyang Zhenhua's diligence and talent, and did his best to pass on his experience, so that he gradually rose to prominence in his acting career.

In 1992, under the strong recommendation of Chow Yun-fat, Ouyang Zhenhua starred in the TV series "No. 1 Royal Court", becoming famous in one fell swoop and becoming a model of "good man" in the eyes of the audience.

After that, he participated in the production of dramas such as "Sister Tuogun", "Drunken Golden Branch" and "Clearing Grievances" as a starring role, and successfully created a distinct image of a "good man", which was highly praised by the audience.

Chow Yun-fat's appreciation and support have undoubtedly played a pivotal role in the brilliant achievements of his career. However, at the critical moment of major changes in life, it was entirely thanks to the introduction of his friend Huang Huibao and the active pursuit of Ms. Fu Jiexian, the daughter of a wealthy family.

Ouyang Zhenhua: After 26 years of marriage, I spoiled the granddaughter of the gambling king, and I felt guilty about my mother in this life

During that long and lonely single years, Ouyang Zhenhua's married life also experienced many hardships and hardships.

His first wife, an ordinary hairstylist, eventually chose to break up due to a relationship that broke down due to a long period of separation. It wasn't until the well-known host Huang Huibao introduced him to Fu Jiexian, the daughter of a wealthy family, at a party, that Ouyang Zhenhua's life ushered in a new chapter.

That night, they had a great conversation and a lot of conversation. When Huang Huibao saw this scene, he was secretly happy in his heart. Indeed, this gathering was carefully planned by Fu Jiexian to get to know Ouyang Zhenhua.

She has always been unforgettable about the image of this "good man" on the screen, so she decided to take the initiative and pursue it bravely.

Ouyang Zhenhua: After 26 years of marriage, I spoiled the granddaughter of the gambling king, and I felt guilty about my mother in this life

In the days after marriage, the sincere and warm love between Ouyang Zhenhua and Fu Jiexian can be seen everywhere. Although Fu Jiexian was born in a family of gambling kings and has a prominent family background, she has never shown any arrogant posture of a rich daughter, but has gone all out to support her husband's career development.

In order to allow her husband to devote himself to acting work, she resolutely resists all plots involving intimate contact. Whenever Ouyang Zhenhua returns home from a busy day's shooting, he always feels the warmth of home: a bowl of steaming nutritious soup is quietly waiting on the dining table, and his wife Fu Jiexian greets his tired figure with a smile and patiently asks about the day's shooting.

Some people questioned whether Ouyang Zhenhua was just relying on the wealth of the Fu family to make ends meet. In reality, this is not the case. He never interfered in the family's finances, and every month's salary was transferred to his wife's account without reservation.

On the contrary, Fu Jiexian, a woman with excellent financial talents, even earns more than her husband in her annual income.

Ouyang Zhenhua: After 26 years of marriage, I spoiled the granddaughter of the gambling king, and I felt guilty about my mother in this life

It is inevitable that there will be some small frictions and disputes in life, but they are always able to resolve the contradictions quickly and sincerely with each other. For these problems, Ouyang Zhenhua has his own set of unique solutions: first to find the root cause of the quarrel, clarify the goal, and then take the initiative to take responsibility.

After the two sides calmed down, they started an in-depth discussion and frank communication.

Prior to this, Ouyang Zhenhua had drunk so much at a birthday party that he was drunk, leaving Fu Jiexian alone to face many guests. It wasn't until the dead of night that she struggled to lift her husband back to bed from the bathroom.

When Ouyang Zhenhua woke up from his deep sleep and found his wife silently crying, he immediately stepped forward to hug him tightly and comfort him gently, while sincerely apologizing. It turned out that Fu Jiexian was worried about her husband's health and blamed him for being too negligent about her body.

Ouyang Zhenhua: After 26 years of marriage, I spoiled the granddaughter of the gambling king, and I felt guilty about my mother in this life

Ouyang Zhenhua affectionately relieved the pressure of his wife and carefully massaged her shoulders and back. Since then, he has never over-drunk and always put his wife's feelings first.

This is the secret weapon of their love run – mutual understanding, tolerance and respect in every detail of their daily lives.

Although there have been some minor frictions between them, they have always been able to solve problems through understanding and tolerance, and they will spend the rest of their lives together. For example, once, Ouyang Zhenhua suddenly fainted at home and was rushed to the hospital for treatment.

Outside the ward, Fu Jiexian held her husband's hand for 12 hours and silently prayed for him. When Ouyang Zhenhua regained consciousness, his heart was filled with deep gratitude when he saw his wife crying with joy.

Ouyang Zhenhua: After 26 years of marriage, I spoiled the granddaughter of the gambling king, and I felt guilty about my mother in this life

This life-and-death experience made Ouyang Zhenhua deeply realize that health and family are far more important than anything else. As a result, he began to gradually reduce his work load and devote more time to his beloved wife, exploring the beauty of the world with her and enjoying the beauty of life.

In this process, their relationship has become deeper and deeper, and the tacit understanding between them has also been greatly improved.

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