
Three forces from the Philippines came forward and increased troops on Huangyan Island, and within 30 minutes, the PLA issued four warnings

author:Shaanxi Chengcheng financial media

Recently, three forces in the Philippines – civil society organizations, the coast guard and media reporters – joined forces to launch a high-profile operation in the waters off Scarborough Shoal. However, the intent behind this operation has been widely questioned. In just 30 minutes, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) issued four consecutive solemn warnings, demonstrating China's firm commitment to safeguarding territorial integrity.

It is understood that the operation was initiated by a Philippine civil society called "This is Our" and claimed that it would last several days, placing buoys representing so-called "sovereignty" on Scarborough Shoal. The organization not only receives covert support from the Philippine military, but also has long received financial assistance from relevant U.S. agencies. Obviously, this operation is not a simple civilian activity, but is closely linked to the strategic layout of the United States in the South China Sea.

Three forces from the Philippines came forward and increased troops on Huangyan Island, and within 30 minutes, the PLA issued four warnings

Despite the group's "civilian" reputation, the real motives behind it are questionable. The assistance of the Philippine Coast Guard and the accompanying of media reporters have fully exposed its attempts to distort the facts and discredit the Chinese Coast Guard through public opinion. They have sought to garner international sympathy by portraying China as a "maritime hegemon" while portraying the Philippines as a "victim."

It is worth noting that when the Philippine fleet was departing in a mighty manner, Philippine Coast Guard planes also flew over Scarborough Shoal to conduct reconnaissance. However, they were surprised to learn that the Chinese coast guard had made a thorough deployment in the waters off Scarborough Shoal. During the reconnaissance in just half an hour, the Philippine side observed at least eight Chinese coast guard vessels and 10 Chinese fishing boats waiting in the waters. In addition, there are missile destroyers and frigates of the Chinese Navy cruising nearby, ready to respond to unexpected situations.

Three forces from the Philippines came forward and increased troops on Huangyan Island, and within 30 minutes, the PLA issued four warnings

When the Philippine Coast Guard aircraft tried to approach the airspace over Scarborough Shoal, the PLA Yinchuan issued four stern warnings in a row within 30 minutes, demanding that the Philippine plane immediately leave the airspace near Scarborough Shoal. This move fully demonstrates the Chinese military's determination to safeguard territorial integrity and its zero-tolerance attitude towards any provocation.

There is no doubt that Scarborough Shoal is China's inherent territory. China has indisputable sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal and its adjacent waters. On the South China Sea issue, China has been communicating with the Philippines with goodwill and patience. However, the Marcos Marcos government in the Philippines has ignored China's goodwill and repeated clear warnings, and relied on the support of the United States and other external forces to continuously create incidents in the South China Sea and challenge China's bottom line.

Three forces from the Philippines came forward and increased troops on Huangyan Island, and within 30 minutes, the PLA issued four warnings

As a responsible major country, China has always been committed to settling international disputes through peaceful means while safeguarding its territorial integrity. However, China will not sit idly by in the face of provocations by countries such as the Philippines. The PLA's stern warning is a clear response to countries such as the Philippines.

Overall, the joint actions of the three Philippine forces and the PLA's solemn warnings are a good indication of tensions in the South China Sea. Under such circumstances, all parties should remain calm and exercise restraint, resolve disputes through dialogue and consultation, and avoid taking drastic actions that could lead to further escalation of the situation. At the same time, the international community should respect China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, refrain from interfering in China's internal affairs, and jointly safeguard regional peace and stability.

Three forces from the Philippines came forward and increased troops on Huangyan Island, and within 30 minutes, the PLA issued four warnings

In addition, we should also note that the South China Sea issue is not only an issue between China and the Philippines, but also involves peace and stability in the entire region. Therefore, all parties should focus on the overall situation and seek an appropriate solution through dialogue and consultation. China will continue to firmly safeguard its sovereignty and territorial integrity and contribute to regional peace and stability.

Finally, it should be emphasized that any attempt to change the status quo in the South China Sea by force or threat is unacceptable. All parties should work together to promote peace and stability in the South China Sea. Only through the peaceful resolution of disputes can the long-term peace and stability of the region and the well-being of the people be truly achieved.

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