
The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 3-2 Thunder, and Doncic's post-game interview sparked heated discussions

author:Wisboo knows the ball


Today's Western Conference semifinals Thunder and Mavericks ushered in the battle of Tianwang Mountain, the Thunder made adjustments to the starters in order to win this game, Giddey came off the bench, and Isaiah Joe was on the start! 比赛开始,排兵布阵上作出调整的雷霆并没有展现出奇效,独行侠攻防‬两端给出‬的压力‬让‬人‬感到‬窒息‬,东契奇高效砍下‬17分7助,小琼斯六投全中拿到15分,雷霆‬半场‬落后‬近‬20分‬。 下半场‬开始雷霆‬其他‬球员‬表现‬依旧‬低迷‬,进攻‬压力‬全靠‬亚历山大独自‬苦苦支撑‬,独行侠‬则是‬多点开花‬‬‬‬。 到了‬末节独行侠陷入得分荒,雷霆能够‬把握‬住‬机会‬将‬分差‬迫近‬至‬个位数‬,但‬关键时刻‬华盛顿三分+小‬琼斯‬一攻一防‬基本‬杀死‬比赛‬‬,最终独行侠104-92雷霆,大比分‬3-2拿下‬赛点。

The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 3-2 Thunder, and Doncic's post-game interview sparked heated discussions


1.亚历山大打了‬42分钟,投篮‬22投12中,三分球4投2中,罚球6投4中,得到30分6篮板8助攻2抢断1封盖。 With a plus-minus of -3 on the field, Alexander's performance in this game is still unsolvable, with all kinds of indiscriminate singles...... Yali has been too stable in both the regular season and the playoffs this year, but its shortcomings have also been completely exposed. 他每场比赛命中率都能拉到50%,但是太依赖中投和体毛哨,而且全是单打,得分爆炸力不足,没有那种短时间逆转比赛的能力,说白‬了就‬是‬没有‬三分‬,落后只能一个个凿。

The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 3-2 Thunder, and Doncic's post-game interview sparked heated discussions

2.杰伦‬威廉姆斯打了39分钟‬,投篮‬‬13中6,三分3中0,他‬得到12分6篮板3助攻3抢断。 With a plus/minus of -12 on the field, Jayway's game was very disappointing, not because of his inefficiency. And he didn't dare to shoot at all, he was too hesitant to take the ball, he didn't shoot the big vacant opportunity outside the three-point line, he shook off the opponent for a long time or didn't shoot, obviously there was a good three-point shooting space, but he didn't shoot, he just broke through two steps, he just broke through two steps and died directly, and then passed to the bottom foot, the bottom foot didn't score the ball, one wrong step, one wrong step, and he didn't repent......

The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 3-2 Thunder, and Doncic's post-game interview sparked heated discussions

Jones blocks Chet's three-pointer

3.切特打了‬39分钟‬,投篮‬11中5,三分5中1,他‬得到13分4篮板1助攻1盖帽。 With a plus/minus of -10 on the court, Chet's game was equally bad, with low efficiency on the offensive end and inability to protect rebounds on the defensive end...... Chet has exposed many strengths and weaknesses this season, and on the offensive end, in addition to his own offensive ability, his three-point threat has brought a qualitative improvement to the team's offensive space. Defensively, not to mention, his arrival directly took the Thunder's defense up a notch. 缺点‬就是没有‬中锋‬的背身‬单打‬,持球‬能力‬差‬,运球‬重心‬高‬容易‬被‬断‬,身体‬瘦‬弱‬。 ‬不过‬今年‬还是‬第一年‬,未来‬可期‬!

4.雷霆常规赛三分39%联盟第一,对独行侠近四场三分‬仅有30%,命中率‬大幅度‬下降…… This is the lack of experience in the playoffs, the intensity and mentality of the game are not on the same level as the regular season, and no one can stabilize it at critical moments.

The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 3-2 Thunder, and Doncic's post-game interview sparked heated discussions

5. There is still a big gap between the old Thunder Three Less and the new Thunder Three Less, first of all, the talent is not of the same level, Wei Shao's physical strength and body are strange, and the pit is smashed to the inner line. Durant gibbon, rarely interfered. Harden is a technical oddity and can handle the ball reasonably. The brothers were completely unreasonable in their style of play, full of impact, three-point shut, and the scoring explosion was the only one in the West at that time. 反观‬‬现在‬杰伦、切特、多尔特、华莱士、杰林,全是一样‬问题‬,看对面扑过来就不敢投了,运两步进去转身开始找人,内线‬本来‬就是短板‬没有‬任何‬优势‬,外线‬还‬不出手‬……

‬独行侠彻底慌了! Fight the Nuggets in the West!

At present, the Mavericks 3-2 Thunder, the Nuggets 3-2 Timberwolves, the Mavericks and the Nuggets have all got match points, but now it seems that the Mavericks have no great chance of winning whether they play the Timberwolves or the Nuggets. 首先东契奇今年季后赛效率非常低,膝盖还受到伤病影响,今年季后赛的10场比赛,东契奇效率‬很低‬,场均26.7分,场均要出手23次,命中率仅40%,三分命中率26%,罚球命中率77%。 …… 其次掘金实力‬太强‬了‬,‬约基奇‬上场‬面对防守效率‬联盟‬第一的‬森林狼砍下40分7篮板13助攻,在‬本赛季‬最佳‬防守球员戈贝尔‬头上‬9投‬8中‬,MVP打爆‬DPOY…… 这么‬看‬独行侠的内线‬更限制不了约基奇‬

The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 3-2 Thunder, and Doncic's post-game interview sparked heated discussions

Doncic's performance today was arguably the best game of the playoffs and the most efficient, but Irving didn't play well. 欧文在没有被包夹的情况下打的不够坚决,有的‬球明明可以自己轻松打进,还去选择硬传,这场最起码有三次突破面对‬空‬篮,但是没‬有‬上‬篮却‬把球传出去了……

The Lone Ranger is completely panicked! The Mavericks scored 3-2 Thunder, and Doncic's post-game interview sparked heated discussions


Doncic talked about the reason for the win after the game and lashed out at the fans: The last home loss, we let the win slip away, because we made mistakes and the opponent made a shot. So our mentality is, in the playoffs, we win four games first. 今晚我们的防守很出色,投篮‬效率‬很高‬。 巴克利预测我们‬输掉G5,但‬我们‬拿下‬了‬。 我‬会让‬所有‬看不起‬我的人‬付出‬代价‬……‬以前‬的我‬喜欢‬抱怨‬裁判‬判罚,但‬现在‬不会‬了,我‬变了‬。

同时欧文曝出自己出手少的原因:对面防守让我‬出手太艰难了,我‬觉得传给队友更轻松,这是对的选择,不然个人分数可能会上去,但是没有那么流畅,效率也不高,最终输球。 Role players don't necessarily play that well, either. 赢球‬就‬好‬!

If the Mavericks can get past the Thunder, Doncic must maintain the state he is in today's form when it comes to the Western Conference finals, and Irving must show the form of the first-round game against the Clippers to have any hope of defeating the Nuggets......

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