
Zhu Yuanzhang robbed Chen Youliang's concubine and gave birth to 2 sons, and Zhu Yuanzhang regretted it many years later

author:The sky of history

A legendary story from a beggar to an emperor, this is not a movie plot, but a history that really happened! Zhu Yuanzhang, everyone may be familiar with it, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has a legendary life. But do you know the story of how he snatched his opponent's beautiful concubine after a power struggle and gave birth to two sons with her, only to end up feeling deep remorse?

Zhu Yuanzhang robbed Chen Youliang's concubine and gave birth to 2 sons, and Zhu Yuanzhang regretted it many years later

Zhu Yuanzhang's life can be described as turbulent, from an ordinary peasant child, through countless hardships, and finally sat on the throne of the Ming Dynasty. But there is one episode in his magnificent life that stands out in particular – his feud with Chen Youliang and the series of complex emotional and political entanglements that have arisen as a result.

Zhu Yuanzhang robbed Chen Youliang's concubine and gave birth to 2 sons, and Zhu Yuanzhang regretted it many years later

Chen Youliang, also the leader of the peasant rebel army from the grassroots, established himself as the lord of the Han State, and was a fierce rival of Zhu Yuanzhang in the process of establishing the Ming Dynasty. The two were originally comrades-in-arms who fought side by side, but later became opposites due to the temptation of power. In the fierce power struggle, Zhu Yuanzhang finally won the battle of Poyang Lake, Chen Youliang died in battle, and his country died.

After Zhu Yuanzhang seized Chen Youliang's territory, he also included his beautiful concubine Dalan in his harem. Darlan, a beautiful woman, became one of his pawns and trophies. However, Darlan was not willing to follow Zhu Yuanzhang, her heart was full of hatred for Zhu Yuanzhang. Despite this, she gave birth to two sons in Zhu Yuanzhang's harem, Zhu Rong, the king of Qi, and Zhu Zi, the king of Tan.

Zhu Yuanzhang robbed Chen Youliang's concubine and gave birth to 2 sons, and Zhu Yuanzhang regretted it many years later

In the process of Zhu Rong and Zhu Zi's growth, Darlan's influence is not insignificant. She never forgot to teach her two sons to remember their identities and origins, which made the two deeply hostile to Zhu Yuanzhang, and even had ambitions to overthrow Zhu Yuanzhang. The brothers have extremely complex personalities, with royal glory and power on the one hand, and revenge on their father on the other.

Zhu Yuanzhang felt deep remorse and helplessness for all this in his later years. He did not expect that his own lust and hatred would eventually lead to such consequences. He wanted to control everything through great power and strict political skill, but he did not expect that the seeds of affection and personal feud had already taken root within the empire he had carefully built.

Zhu Yuanzhang robbed Chen Youliang's concubine and gave birth to 2 sons, and Zhu Yuanzhang regretted it many years later

This kind of contradiction between private emotions and national politics not only affected Zhu Yuanzhang's later life, but also had a profound impact on the fate of his children and grandchildren. The political careers of Zhu Rong, the king of Qi, and Zhu Zi, the king of Tan, were full of struggle and unrest, and their fate almost became the direct retribution of Zhu Yuanzhang's past decisions. Zhu Yuanzhang had tried to repair his relationship with his two sons, but he was unable to do so, and the intricacies of family relationships and political background made all these efforts pale in comparison.

Darlan's life was also a tragedy. Although she lives in a gorgeous palace, her heart is like a cage from which she cannot extricate herself. Her existence has been controlled by the Game of Thrones from the beginning, and her beauty and identity have become a victim of the struggle between Zhu Yuanzhang and Chen Youliang. Dalan's mental journey reflects the helplessness and sorrow of the fate of women in that era, and her tragedy also reflects the tragedy of family and human nature brought about by Zhu Yuanzhang's dedication to power to a certain extent.

Zhu Yuanzhang robbed Chen Youliang's concubine and gave birth to 2 sons, and Zhu Yuanzhang regretted it many years later

This history of Zhu Yuanzhang is not only a private case of the emperor, but also a mirror, reflecting the complex face of the society at that time. In the seizure and maintenance of power, humanity, morality, and emotion are often taken to the back burner, and this neglect often leads to unforeseen consequences.

Zhu Yuanzhang robbed Chen Youliang's concubine and gave birth to 2 sons, and Zhu Yuanzhang regretted it many years later

And all this also makes us wonder, is Game of Thrones really worth it? On the way to pursue power, too much humanity and emotion are sacrificed, and in the end, is it really the so-called "victory"? Zhu Yuanzhang's remorse may be the best answer to all this.

Zhu Yuanzhang robbed Chen Youliang's concubine and gave birth to 2 sons, and Zhu Yuanzhang regretted it many years later

In modern society, although we no longer have emperors and generals, the struggle for power and interests still exists. The story of Zhu Yuanzhang and Darlan reminds us that we should find a more humane and ethical way to deal with it, both in public and private. After all, history is the best teacher, and it tells us what is the right choice through countless rises and falls.

Zhu Yuanzhang robbed Chen Youliang's concubine and gave birth to 2 sons, and Zhu Yuanzhang regretted it many years later

Zhu Yuanzhang's life is a life full of legends. The counterattack from a commoner to an emperor is indeed remarkable. His life is also full of regrets and lessons, especially the way Darlan and their two sons were handled, which is even more thought-provoking.

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