
Serve enterprises to promote high-quality development! District leaders led a team to visit and investigate key enterprises

author:Green Qingpu
Serve enterprises to promote high-quality development! District leaders led a team to visit and investigate key enterprises
Serve enterprises to promote high-quality development! District leaders led a team to visit and investigate key enterprises

This afternoon (May 16), Yang Xiaojing, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, led a team to visit and investigate China Nuclear Industry Construction Co., Ltd. and Gechuang Dongzhi (Shanghai) Industrial Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. to understand the operation and development of enterprises, listen to the demands and suggestions of enterprises, and Chen Baozhi, secretary of the Party committee and chairman of China Nuclear Construction, attended the investigation. Yang Xiaojing stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress, conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the inspection of Shanghai and the important exposition on cultivating and developing new quality productivity, further improve the ability and level of service for enterprises, strive to create a stable, fair, and efficient business environment, and effectively make practical moves, do practical things, solve problems, increase confidence, promote development, and promote high-quality economic and social development.

Serve enterprises to promote high-quality development! District leaders led a team to visit and investigate key enterprises
Serve enterprises to promote high-quality development! District leaders led a team to visit and investigate key enterprises

China National Nuclear Construction Corporation Limited is a large-scale state-controlled listed enterprise with nuclear power engineering, industrial and civil engineering construction as its main business, and is the world's only international training center for nuclear power construction authorized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and is the main force in the construction of nuclear power projects in mainland China. During the visit, Yang Xiaojing and his entourage listened carefully to the detailed introduction of Chen Baozhi, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Nuclear Construction Co., Ltd., on the business situation, industry development, promotion projects, and subsidiaries of the group, and listened to the problems and difficulties that need to be solved in the current development of the enterprise and the services and help that need to be provided "face to face". Yang Xiaojing hopes that China Nuclear Construction will strengthen the functions of the headquarters, especially the functions of science and technology service industry, construction output value taxation, import and export business, and manufacturing extension; To enhance the industrial attributes, it is hoped that enterprises will focus on strengthening the functions of technology research and development, industrial integration and service industry of the nuclear industry; It is necessary to expand the market space, especially by expanding the industrial space in Qingpu, and constantly deepen the industrial space of enterprises in Shanghai. Yang Xiaojing said that Qingpu will, as always, support the development of all kinds of enterprises in Qingpu, adhere to the principle of "nothing to disturb, respond to requests", provide professional services for enterprises, solve personalized demands, and try their best to solve problems for enterprises, so that enterprises can rest assured that they can take root and develop in Qingpu District.

Gechuang Dongzhi (Shanghai) Industrial Intelligence Technology Co., Ltd. was incubated and established by TCL, which is a supplier of industrial software and digital overall solutions for the semiconductor manufacturing industry, committed to the research and development and innovation of factory intelligent operating systems, integrating standardized platforms, industrial applications and industry solutions. Yang Xiaojing and his entourage listened to the introduction of the development of Gechuang Dongzhi, business sectors and key projects, and learned in detail about the research and development, industrial layout and application promotion of industrial software core technologies in advanced manufacturing industries such as semiconductors and new energy. After listening to the report, Yang Xiaojing fully affirmed the strategic layout, technological breakthroughs and business achievements of Gechuang Dongzhi in the field of semiconductor manufacturing industrial software, she pointed out that the semiconductor industry is a technical field that the country attaches great importance to, and it is also a key industry leading the development of new quality productivity, and hopes that Gechuang Dongzhi will give full play to the leading role of the industry and make greater contributions to the high-quality development of industrial software in Qingpu District. As a local government, Qingpu will fully support the R&D and manufacturing of semiconductor systems, actively promote enterprises to obtain support from various policies and funds at the national, municipal and district levels, and strive to create a good science and technology innovation ecosystem.

Jin Junfeng, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and deputy head of the district, and Wang Shouhe, deputy general manager of China Nuclear Construction, accompanied the investigation.

Reporter: Gu Shunli (Chief)

Photography: Xu Jianxun (Mingyou)

Editor: Shen Yiqing

Editor in charge: Wang Yang (famous)

Final review: Zhao Lan

Please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of "Green Qingpu".

Serve enterprises to promote high-quality development! District leaders led a team to visit and investigate key enterprises
Serve enterprises to promote high-quality development! District leaders led a team to visit and investigate key enterprises
Serve enterprises to promote high-quality development! District leaders led a team to visit and investigate key enterprises

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