
After 18 years of marriage, the woman dressed her husband carefully and was not moved, and said aggrievedly: It was not like this to chase me back then

author:Plum's little emotions

I saw an interesting video where someone used two lines to describe the change in the inner liking of men and women in love: girls changed from zero to 100, while boys gradually decreased from the beginning of 100 to zero.

Although the video is a bit funny, after laughing, I have to sigh that this is indeed the most real appearance of many couples and even couples in their relationship.

There are often people around me who sigh that men are big liars, and when they chase people, they use all their sweet words and romance, and when they chase them, they feel less cherished, or they seem to be a different person.

A woman's expectation of love is to constantly climb the upward arc, love, want to love more, love forever; Men are not, men's love is an arc that rises first and then falls, men love a woman the most when they can't get her, and after they get it, their love for her will decline rapidly or cool down quickly.

A woman in Jiangsu said that her husband was like two people before and after marriage, which made her feel cheated.

"I was beautiful when I was young, and there were a lot of suitors around me, so where could I see him at that time."

The reason why a woman has such confidence is because she is really good-looking. It is said that the years never defeat the beauty, even if she is 40 years old, the woman still looks good-looking. Wearing big-rimmed glasses and a baseball cap, she is full of girlishness, and she is almost like a little girl.

After 18 years of marriage, the woman dressed her husband carefully and was not moved, and said aggrievedly: It was not like this to chase me back then

Everyone has a love for beauty, not only was her husband attracted by her beauty, but she also liked the more good-looking suitor, so she directly rejected him to be with a more handsome guy.

I thought that the story between them would end here, but what the woman didn't expect was that most of the handsome people were more attentive, and he split his legs soon after dating, and her husband was still interested in her, so she was with him half-pushed.

After 18 years of marriage, the woman dressed her husband carefully and was not moved, and said aggrievedly: It was not like this to chase me back then

"I feel like I want the stars in the sky, and he can't wait to take them off for me."

It is said that a good woman is afraid of pestering her, this is true, talking about the experience of her husband chasing her, the woman has a happy face, although he is not the most outstanding in terms of appearance and family background, but he is the best for himself among many suitors, and it is precisely because of this that they became husband and wife.

The married life was plain and happy, and the woman gave birth to a son and a daughter for her husband, who was well maintained because of her husband's favor. It is said that life should be very happy like this, but sometimes life can't stand up to careful thinking, the woman said that she has been married for 18 years, although her husband is very good to her, but it is not comparable to before, in the past, he was in the hot face and cold ass, but now he rarely takes the initiative to find topics to chat.

After 18 years of marriage, the woman dressed her husband carefully and was not moved, and said aggrievedly: It was not like this to chase me back then

"Now, no matter how I dress, standing in front of him, I'm air." The woman said that every time she drove out with her husband, he was silent the whole time, and she didn't bother to pay attention to him when she saw him ignore her.

Recalling that when he chased himself, he often had nothing to say, and then looked at the way he ignored himself now, the woman felt that men were too realistic, and they didn't cherish it if they got it.

After 18 years of marriage, the woman dressed her husband carefully and was not moved, and said aggrievedly: It was not like this to chase me back then

"If a woman were in the passenger seat, I'm sure he wouldn't be like that."

The woman said that men are all the same, and what they can't get is in a commotion, and it doesn't matter if they get it, and now he won't be moved even if he dresses up as a fairy and stands in front of him.

Judging from the video posted by the woman, I saw that she was well-maintained, dressed in a foreign and fashionable manner, and her husband's figure was fat, and he did not have any interaction with her during the whole drive.

After 18 years of marriage, the woman dressed her husband carefully and was not moved, and said aggrievedly: It was not like this to chase me back then

"There's no novelty anymore."

"No matter how beautiful it is, it's not uncommon to have it."

"When you were driving, did you ask him to tell you about the four famous books?"

For the woman's sigh, some people think that what she said is too reasonable, men just don't cherish it when they get it, and no matter how beautiful things are, they will get tired of looking at them for a long time. Others felt that the man was driving and was understandably reluctant to speak.

Sentiment Analysis:

Some people say that feelings and girls online shopping is a truth, when you fancy a very desired thing, and finally have the ability to buy it, before receiving the express, you will think about it, all day long looking forward to receiving the goods immediately, when it finally arrives, your happiness reaches its peak at the moment of unpacking the express.

If things are as good as you expect, then you will love them, but this is only temporary, and after a while, you will slowly become irrelevant. If something doesn't live up to your expectations, you're already out of interest the moment you get it.

It is human nature to like the new and hate the old, and it is not surprising that men will be like this in their feelings, not to mention that marriage is a long stream of dullness, and it is impossible for people to keep the throbbing when they are in love, and it is a very normal process for feelings to go from warm to dull.

Murphy's Law in psychology states that things tend to go in the direction you think they are not going well, as long as there is a possibility.

If you feel that a man doesn't like you as much as he used to, maybe he has really changed his mind; And when you think that a man may just love you in a different way, then he is really the same as before.

Life is rare and confused, don't take it too seriously, and life will get better and better.

Today's topic discussion: What do you think about men not cherishing what they get?