
Precise help! The counterpart has supported Changting for two years, and implemented 65 projects with a total investment of 4.86 billion yuan......

author:Longyan release

Editor's note

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to and care for the development of the old revolutionary base areas. In March 2022, with the approval of the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Construction Plan for the High-quality Development Demonstration Zone of the Old Revolutionary Base Area in Western Fujian". In the same year, the second batch of central state organs, central enterprises and relevant provincial units supported Longyan cadres to work in Longyan. From May 7th, the column "Counterpart Support for the Old Soviet Area and Helping the Revitalization and Development of Western Fujian" will be set up to fully demonstrate the effectiveness of the temporary cadres taking root in Longyan, building a new Longyan, and helping the high-quality development of the old area, so stay tuned.

China Construction Fujian Modular Company integrated box room

59 projects such as manufacturing projects

The construction has been completed and put into use or put into production

Zhongfu Revolutionary Traditional Education Base Project, etc

20 projects are progressing steadily


Since 2022, China State Construction Group has provided counterpart support to Changting

Changting cultural tourism, people's livelihood improvement, industrial development,

Key areas such as infrastructure, social undertakings, and talent training

A total of 65 counterpart support projects have been implemented

The total investment is 4.86 billion yuan

Direct support or assistance in implementation

496 million yuan of various funds

Helped sign 14 introduction projects

The total investment is 2.528 billion yuan

Promote Changting Green Building Materials Industrial Park to become bigger, stronger and better

Based on the actual situation of Changting and its own advantages of the whole industry chain, we take industrial support as the leading direction of counterpart support for Changting.

Changting Green Building Materials Industrial Park is a key project of China State Construction Group to support Changting County, located in the ancient town of Changting County, since the inauguration of the park, China State Construction Group has donated 85 million yuan free of charge, mainly used for the construction of infrastructure in the park.

Through the assistance measures such as the naming of the industrial park of China State Construction Group, the investment and construction of factories by China State Construction Group's subsidiaries, the assistance of the industrial park to attract investment, and the expansion of market channels, especially the specific preferential policies such as fixed-point underwriting and ensuring the timeliness of payment, the investment side is stimulated from the market side and the investment radius is continuously expanded.

Counterpart support for temporary cadres, 30 times a year to lead a team to 13 cities and 50 enterprises to carry out investment promotion.

Precise help! The counterpart has supported Changting for two years, and implemented 65 projects with a total investment of 4.86 billion yuan......

Changting Southeast Integrated Box Room Manufacturing General Contracting Project

According to the counterpart of China State Construction Group, it supports temporary cadres

Zhong Qing, member of the Standing Committee of the Changting County Party Committee and deputy county magistrate, introduced

At present, 10 projects have been implemented in the park

The total planned investment is more than 2 billion yuan

Actively do a good job in the second half of the article on attracting investment

Through the optimization and management of the industrial chain and supply chain, the subsidiaries of China State Construction Group were arranged to sign 6 strategic cooperation agreements with the enterprises in the park, and the normalized and long-term cooperation mechanism was established and improved, and at the same time, the subsidiaries of China State Construction Group were arranged to sign product order contracts of 1.272 billion yuan with the enterprises in the park.

The headquarters of China State Construction Group arranges the orders of enterprises in the park to be settled in the current month and paid in the next month, which greatly shortens the payment cycle and reduces the financial costs of the enterprises in the park.

Promote the products of enterprises in the park to be launched on the centralized procurement platform of China State Construction Group, and coordinate the exemption of platform service fees, helping enterprises in the park to reduce transaction costs by about 5%.

Representatives of 6 financial institutions and 3 enterprises in the park were invited to hold a symposium on government, banks and enterprises in the industrial park, and the financing channels of enterprises in the park were promoted to be smoother with the support policy of China State Construction Group's industrial park as the backing of the reputation.

Precise help! The counterpart has supported Changting for two years, and implemented 65 projects with a total investment of 4.86 billion yuan......

China State Construction Group supported Changting Green Building Materials Industrial Park to hold a government-bank-enterprise docking symposium

Help the smooth progress of various projects in the industrial park

China Construction integrated box room production and manufacturing project has been put into operation, Pengyuan high-end steel structure production and manufacturing project, plus climbing frame aluminum mold project has started construction, China Construction Strait Changting Company, China Overseas Property Longyan Company, Fujian Junyu Construction Company has been operated, and Sheng Electric Power Municipal Pipeline Production Project, Kecheng Door and Window Production Project, Xin Weiyan Aluminum Formwork Production Project is a leased plant, is purchasing production equipment, Mingxiang bamboo products production project is carrying out post-signing preparations for construction.

The project is expected to reach full production in 2024 and 2025, with an annual output value of about 3.5 billion yuan, providing about 3,000 jobs, and paying an annual tax of 120 million yuan.

Precise help! The counterpart has supported Changting for two years, and implemented 65 projects with a total investment of 4.86 billion yuan......

China State Construction Group counterpart support Changting Green Building Materials Industrial Park theme activities

Counterpart support has attracted a group of both

Good policies and projects for "blood transfusion" and "hematopoietic" functions

Promote Changting building materials, cultural tourism and other industries

It has embarked on the fast track of development

It has stimulated the vitality of the Soviet area in the old area of Changting