
Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

author:Mountains and rivers are visual

Ci County

It is the cradle and birthplace of the Red Revolution in Handan

As the birthplace of the Nam Revolution

It was once conceived here

The workers' and peasants' movement was in full swing

Revolutionary struggle against the entire North

It has had a profound impact

In the history of party building in Handan

The first member of the Communist Party and the first member of the Communist Party of China

and other nine firsts were born in

This area has a long history and culture

and splendid civilization on the hot land


Follow the editor to the Zhinan Party History Museum

Pursue red memories

Draw on the strength of endeavor

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

Zhinan Party History Museum

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  Located in the middle of Cizhou Road, Cixian County, the Zhinan Party History Museum is a historical exhibition hall that shows the Communist Party organizations in the Zhinan area in the agrarian revolution, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation and the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, leading the local people to carry out anti-imperialist and anti-feudal, resisting Japanese invaders, carrying out land reform and socialist construction. The exhibition hall is divided into two floors, with an exhibition area of 1,500 square meters and an exhibition line of more than 200 meters.

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart
Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart
Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  Zhinan refers to the southern part of the former Zhili Province, mainly including the two municipal districts of Xingtai and Handan in Hebei Province, the southern part of Hengshui City and the Anyang and Puyang areas in the northern part of Henan Province, and Liaocheng and other areas in the western part of Shandong Province, with jurisdiction over 68 counties, which is the southern gate of Gyeonggi and has an extremely important strategic position.  

  ★ During the period of the Great Revolution and the Agrarian Revolutionary War, Cixian County, as the source of the revolution in the south, established local party organizations, launched a vigorous workers' and peasants' movement, and promoted the process of revolutionary struggle in the north.  

  ★ After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, the main force of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army advanced to Taihang, and the soldiers and civilians of Zhinan fought bravely to resist the enemy together, writing countless moving chapters that can be sung and cried. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, in the face of the military offensive of the Kuomintang, the Zhinan Party organization led the army and people in the liberated areas to defend themselves, carry out land reform, and enthusiastically join the army to support the front, making important contributions to the victory of the National Liberation War.  

  ★ After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the people of Zhinan were full of confidence and enthusiasm, and devoted themselves wholeheartedly to the cause of socialist construction and reform and opening up, creating a brilliant cause. The historical contributions made by the party organizations and people of Zhinan to China's revolution and construction will forever be recorded in the annals of history.

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart
Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart
Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart


Straight South Tinder


Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  At the beginning of the 20th century, in order to seek light, young people in Zhinan went abroad one after another to actively explore the revolutionary truth, and among the first batch of 88 young people who went to France for work-study programs, there were 4 young people from Cixian County. In 1921, Wang Ziqing, a progressive youth, became the first member of the Communist Party of China in Zhinan under the introduction of Li Dazhao, and he returned to his hometown to actively develop party members and party organizations. In June 1925, the first party branch of Zhinan was established in the West Hut, Cixian County, sowing the revolutionary fire in the land of Zhinan. Subsequently, Party organizations at all levels, such as Party groups, special branches, and county executive committees, were established in Cixian, Xingtai, and Daming, which provided an important organizational guarantee for the development of the revolutionary struggle.

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  △In the winter of 1921, at Peking University, Li Dazhao sent Wang Ziqing back to his hometown Cixian to carry out party work.

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  △ In June 1925, Wang Ziqing and others established the first party branch in Zhinan in a classroom in the West Cottage Primary School in Cixian County, with Wang Ziqing as the branch secretary and subordinate to the leadership of the Beijing District Committee of the Communist Party of China.

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart
Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart




Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  After the defeat of the Great Revolution, the party organization in Zhinan was seriously damaged, and the communists of Zhinan with firm conviction were not afraid of risks and sacrifices, and actively restored and developed the party organization. In June 1928, Wang Ziqing and Zhang Zhaofeng attended the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China held in Moscow. Wang Ziqing made a representative speech, in which he pointed out the problems existing in the party and bitterly pointed out the evils of the times, showing the upright spirit of communists who dare to speak out and are not afraid of risks. In June 1930, the Zhinan Special Committee was established in the No. 3 High School in Matou Town, with Wang Ziqing as the secretary of the Special Committee, and under the leadership of the Special Committee, four activity centers were gradually established in Xingtai, Cixian, Daming, and Feixiang, and a vigorous student, worker, and peasant movement was launched, setting off a new upsurge of the revolution.

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  △ In June 1930, the Zhinan Special Committee of the Communist Party of China was established in Matou Town, which was subordinate to the Shunzhi Provincial Party Committee and governed the work of the party in more than 60 counties.

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart
Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart
Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart


The beacon is a long song


Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Japanese army invaded China in a big way, and the Zhinan Party organization held high the banner of resistance against Japan, united and mobilized forces from all walks of life, and extensively established mass organizations to resist Japan and save the country. In November 1937, the first anti-Japanese democratic county government in Zhinan was established in Beijiabi Township, Cixian County. At the same time, in accordance with the instructions of the Central Military Commission and the Eighth Route Army Headquarters, the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army quickly left Taihang and advanced to Zhinan, cooperated with the local party organizations, mobilized and organized armed masses, actively carried out guerrilla warfare, and created an anti-Japanese base area behind enemy lines based on the Taihang Mountains, thus winning victory after victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  △On November 1, 1937, a meeting of 10,000 people was held in Beijiabi Township, Ci County, attended by village heads and representatives from all walks of life in 78 villages, announcing the establishment of the anti-Japanese democratic county government of Ci County, at which Tian Yumin was elected as the county magistrate, which was the first anti-Japanese democratic county government in North China.

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  △On May 31, 1938, Chen Geng, commander of the 386th Brigade of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, commanded the 772nd Regiment to set up an ambush in Pengcheng to beat the Japanese army, destroying more than 200 Japanese soldiers, severely attacking the arrogance of the Japanese army, and greatly encouraging the anti-fighting spirit of the soldiers and civilians in Zhinan.

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  △ The Makqin heavy machine gun discarded by the villagers of Qiyuan Village, Shicunying Township, Cixian County, during the sand dredging operation, discarded by the Japanese surrender.

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart
Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart


Welcome to liberation


Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the leading organs of the party, government and military in Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, and Henan were relocated to Handan. Handan became the capital of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan border region and the base camp of the liberated area. In the face of the armed offensive of the Kuomintang reactionaries, the military and people in the liberated areas of Zhinan resolutely implemented the central government's principle of "fighting-for-tat and fighting for every inch of land," resolutely counterattacked the enemy, and smashed the Kuomintang's attempt to snatch the fruits of victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. The party organizations in Zhinan led the broad masses of the people to carry out land reform, actively develop agricultural production, vigorously develop industry and commerce, and supported the front with huge manpower and material resources, forming an unprecedented upsurge of support and making tremendous contributions to the liberation of the whole country.

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  In the middle of 1945, Gao Shuxun, deputy commander of the 11th Theater of the Kuomintang and commander of the New Eighth Army, led more than 15,000 officers and soldiers to declare an uprising.

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart
Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart


Build a home


Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  With the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhinan has entered a new period of development. Party and state leaders are very concerned about the development of the Zhinan region, and have visited Handan and Cixian many times to inspect and guide the work. Among them, Chairman Mao came to Handan 26 times, pointing out the direction for the development of Handan. During this period, a large number of industrial and mining enterprises such as Handan Steel Mill, Handan Textile Printing and Dyeing Complex, and Fengfeng Power Plant were built one after another, as well as water conservancy facilities such as the Yuecheng Reservoir Dam, the largest earth dam in Asia, and the Yuefeng Canal, which fully demonstrated the heroic ambition of the people of Zhinan to fight the heavens and the earth and move forward bravely.

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  △ The people of Zhinan fought to build the largest earth dam in Asia, the Yuecheng Reservoir Dam.

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart
Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart


Towards revival


Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  Since the reform and opening up, the land of Zhinan has ushered in a great opportunity for development, and the people of all regions have been determined to reform and forge ahead under the leadership of the party, and have made brilliant achievements in construction. Handan still adheres to the glorious revolutionary tradition of the old area, and as a regional central city in Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong, and Henan provinces, it has made remarkable achievements in the construction of political, economic, cultural, social and ecological civilization, and its future development has also shown bright prospects. Xingtai, Puyang, Anyang, Liaocheng and other lands in the south of the country are showing vigorous development and thriving prosperity.

Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart
Check in the "red landmark" of Cixian County and come to a trip of the original heart

  The Zhinan Party History Museum is not only a witness to history, but also a beacon of spirit. With rich historical materials and vivid displays, it allows us to relive those magnificent years and draw from them the strength of perseverance and endeavor. Every stop, every gaze, is an admiration for history and an expectation for the future. While looking back on the past, let us also firmly move towards a new journey, let the red gene be passed on from generation to generation, and contribute to the prosperity and progress of the new era.