
In 2024, the situation may be even more severe, with 3 dilemmas sweeping everywhere, and it is recommended to tighten your belt


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In the eyes of the vast majority of people, people should be able to return to their old lives after the pandemic. Unexpectedly, this is just people's imagination, and the reality is far more cruel than imagination.

So far, more than a year has passed since the epidemic, and the lives of the vast majority of people have not returned to normal, but have become more severe than before the epidemic, in fact, this is not only a personal feeling, but many people have this feeling.

So why is it that with the end of the pandemic, people's plight has increased? Against this backdrop, how do we respond?

In 2024, the situation may be even more severe, with 3 dilemmas sweeping everywhere, and it is recommended to tighten your belt


Three dilemmas will sweep everywhere

With the slowdown in economic growth, some industries have also begun to fall into difficulties, especially small and medium-sized enterprises are facing bankruptcy and liquidation. In this context, people are facing an increasing number of dilemmas:

In 2024, the situation may be even more severe, with 3 dilemmas sweeping everywhere, and it is recommended to tighten your belt

1. It's harder to find a job

Previously, Professor Wang Mingyuan, director of the Environmental Resources and Energy Law Research Center of Tsinghua University, mentioned several data in an article entitled "How Many Young People Are Unemployed", which sparked heated discussions on the whole network. The data shows:

(1) In 2020 and 2021, about 2 million fresh graduates could not find jobs each year, accounting for 15% of the total. In 2022, it will directly double to more than 4 million, accounting for about 30% of the total, and this number is expected to exceed 5 million in 2023.

In 2024, the situation may be even more severe, with 3 dilemmas sweeping everywhere, and it is recommended to tighten your belt

(2) According to the calculation of the number of urban workers who pay basic pension insurance and medical insurance, there are about 350 million full-time employees in the country, that is to say, at least more than 35 million people are unemployed, and even if only the number of young unemployed is calculated, it is about 25 million.

(3) If this problem is not properly solved, if we continue to accumulate 5 million young unemployed people every year in the next five years, it means that by 2028, there will be a backlog of about 50 million young unemployed people in society.

In 2024, the situation may be even more severe, with 3 dilemmas sweeping everywhere, and it is recommended to tighten your belt

In fact, the professor is only talking about historical data, and what is even more troubling is that in the next few months, there will be more than 11 million fresh graduates waiting to be employed in the mainland, which will add more pressure to the already competitive job market.

At present, the survival pressure of small and medium-sized enterprises is intensifying, and people's unemployment rate may rise sharply, and many people are facing the problem of unemployment. Even those who are still in the job have seen their incomes shrink dramatically.

In 2024, the situation may be even more severe, with 3 dilemmas sweeping everywhere, and it is recommended to tighten your belt

2. It is becoming more and more difficult to do business in physical stores

According to data, the number of overdue credit cards/overdraft cards in mainland China exceeds 400 million, accounting for 29.41% of the total population of the country, which means that 1 in 3 people in the country has an overdue credit card.

However, at the same time, the monthly active users of recruitment websites or apps such as BOSS Zhipin and have exceeded 200 million, an increase of nearly 190%.

These two sets of data reveal several pieces of information:

1. There are more and more people who cannot cover their income

2. The number of unemployed people has increased, and they are eager to stabilize their jobs as soon as possible

In a word, everyone has no money in their pockets and has to borrow to pay off debts, in this case, people's consumer demand has plummeted, the inventory pressure of major physical merchants has intensified, coupled with the huge impact of e-commerce live broadcast and other fields, as well as the high rent pressure, etc., now it is becoming more and more difficult to open a store and do business.

In 2024, the situation may be even more severe, with 3 dilemmas sweeping everywhere, and it is recommended to tighten your belt

3. Prices are rising

For example, during the Chinese New Year, the price of pork was as low as seven or eight yuan a catty, and now it has risen to sixteen or seventeen yuan a catty in many places. Fruits and vegetables, commodities closely related to people's lives, are all on the rise.

And judging from the recent situation, this trend has not stagnated, for example, international oil prices have risen repeatedly since entering the 2024s, and domestic refined oil prices have also successfully stabilized in the 8 yuan area.

The rise in oil prices will inevitably lead to the rise of transportation costs, however, the purpose of any business is not to do business, and eventually these costs will be reflected in the end consumer market, which also indicates that the trend of rising prices will become more and more obvious.

In 2024, the situation may be even more severe, with 3 dilemmas sweeping everywhere, and it is recommended to tighten your belt

4. The pressure to repay debts is increasing

In addition, in addition to the above difficulties, the continuous decline in the current house price has also caused many people to fall into the dilemma of repaying loans.

Once the house price falls below 30%, it means that the down payment evaporates, and if the market value of the house is not enough to cover the bank loan, "not paying the loan" has become the most tangled problem for many homeowners.

However, judging from the actual situation, many people have chosen to "lie flat" and directly give up repaying the loan.

In 2024, the situation may be even more severe, with 3 dilemmas sweeping everywhere, and it is recommended to tighten your belt

According to the data, as of May 7, there were 8346264 judgment defaulters nationwide, with 1,380 new people added in a single day, and an average of more than 1,000 new people per day in the two days after the holiday.

The overall economic situation is not ideal, and it will be even more difficult to repay debt in 2024 for those who are already under heavy debt pressure.

And, as economic growth slows; The house continues to have a steady downward trend; Consumption downgrades continue; employment problems have intensified; The sharp decline in revenue continues... It is expected that more people will be under pressure to repay their debts, and the number of dishonest people may continue to rise this year.

In 2024, the situation may be even more severe, with 3 dilemmas sweeping everywhere, and it is recommended to tighten your belt


What can we do in the face of the current predicament?

1. Adjust your mentality and respond positively. In a sluggish environment, it is difficult for everyone, lying flat will only make the situation worse, and only by making yourself diligent can you fill your stomach and your family.

2. If you can save it, you will save it. The economic environment is relatively sluggish, so you should be more rational in consumption, avoid moonshine, and avoid increasing debt, remember, your savings will be the biggest confidence in times of crisis.

3. Reduce venture capital. The market is poor, and professional financial planners have a lower chance of winning, and even many professional investors have fallen into huge losses, not to mention those who have no investment experience.

4. Reduce restlessness and don't jump ship easily. According to relevant research, the current urban unemployment rate has reached 6.2%, and this probability is also increasing year by year. If your current job is good, don't even think about changing jobs, even if the salary is a little lower. It is difficult for anyone at this stage, and only by spending it stably can we usher in a good life.

In 2024, the situation may be even more severe, with 3 dilemmas sweeping everywhere, and it is recommended to tighten your belt

Also, the economic environment is not good, the family economy will also fall into poverty, and the conflicts between husband and wife are mostly caused by money, but no one will be disgusted with money, and the purpose of efforts is to make themselves and their families live a good life.

If your current family situation is not ideal, you can scold the world for being bad, you can complain about the "boss" being harsh, but don't often complain that the other party is not profitable and incompetent, this seemingly innocuous speech may be a straw that breaks the camel's back, will make him (her) completely lose confidence, and even lead to worse results.

Remember, encourage each other to get through this difficult period, and everything will be bright!

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