
Wuyanqiao Junior High School in Zengdu District carried out an open day for parents

author:Suizhou Forum

Children are the future of the motherland, but also the hope of the family, the education of children is heavy and arduous, the education of children also need to work together with the family and school, common care, common management, and common progress. In order to enhance the communication and cooperation between home and school, parents can more fully understand the management and development trends of the school, and more intuitively understand the learning status and daily life of their children in school, so as to truly achieve the educational goal of joint education. On May 15th, Wuyanqiao Junior High School held an open day for parents, and 11 parent representatives elected by the parent committee were invited to participate in the event.

Wuyanqiao Junior High School in Zengdu District carried out an open day for parents

At the beginning of the event, Xu Zhengyan, principal of Wuyanqiao Junior High School, expressed a warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to the parents and friends who could take out valuable time to participate in the event. I have a comprehensive understanding of the characteristics of running a school, the management system, and humanistic care.

Wuyanqiao Junior High School in Zengdu District carried out an open day for parents

All members of the branch committee of Wuyanqiao Junior High School participated in the event, and Lin Wu, vice principal in charge of logistics, presided over the event. He pointed out that the school's logistics management will closely focus on the concept of "running warm education" put forward by the principal Xu Zhengyan, do good and practical things for the majority of teachers and students, and create a warm, comfortable, green and healthy campus ecological environment.

Wuyanqiao Junior High School in Zengdu District carried out an open day for parents

Eight (2) parents of Ban Xiao Kaiye spoke as parent representatives. Xiao Kaiye's parents said that the school's implementation of closed management has made the safety of children more powerful, so that parents can devote themselves to their work, so that work and family are correct. Children eat at school, which not only reduces the burden and pressure of parents to deliver meals, but also avoids the phenomenon of students comparing with each other, as parents are very supportive of the school's approach.

Wuyanqiao Junior High School in Zengdu District carried out an open day for parents

Hu Chengpeng, deputy director of the school's general affairs office, introduced the daily cleaning and disinfection of the school canteen, the procurement of food quality, the nutritional matching of three meals, and the quality of service, so as to present a safe and hygienic, exquisite and efficient canteen that students love and parents can rest assured in front of parents.

Wuyanqiao Junior High School in Zengdu District carried out an open day for parents

Liu Yuxue, the head of the school canteen cooking class, made a statement. He made a statement from the aspects of health standards of logistics staff, hygiene and cleanliness of the canteen, and quality assurance of students' meals, and said that he would make persistent efforts in the future to meet the needs of teachers and students with better services.

Wuyanqiao Junior High School in Zengdu District carried out an open day for parents

After the meeting, the parents visited the school canteen together, learned about the operation process of the chef's cooking, food storage, hygiene management and other requirements, and had experiential dining and face-to-face communication.

Wuyanqiao Junior High School in Zengdu District carried out an open day for parents

Visit the chef to make the meals, which are clean and hygienic, rich in color, and reasonable in nutrition, which meet the nutritional requirements of junior high school students.

Wuyanqiao Junior High School in Zengdu District carried out an open day for parents

Visit the food storage room, sample room, disinfection room, etc., the items are neatly placed and the food storage is standardized.

Wuyanqiao Junior High School in Zengdu District carried out an open day for parents

A nutritious and delicious lunch with a full range of flavors and smells.

Wuyanqiao Junior High School in Zengdu District carried out an open day for parents

Parents fully affirmed the quality and taste of the food, and said that the meals in the school cafeteria are better than the ordinary three meals a day at home.

Wuyanqiao Junior High School in Zengdu District carried out an open day for parents

The students lined up in an orderly manner, and the principal, Xu Zhengyan, communicated cordially with the students and listened to the students' voices.

Wuyanqiao Junior High School in Zengdu District carried out an open day for parents

All parents and friends who participated in the event highly praised the school's canteen management, food quality, food safety, nutrition and other work of the school. Parents happily said, "We are not only happy to see, taste and experience the children's meals, but also relieved!" ”

Xu Zhengyan said: "The school will continue to improve the management level, continuously improve the level of meals and service quality, enhance the transparency of school education management, and do a good job of warm education, so that students can learn happily and grow healthily in school!" (Correspondents: Xu Zhengyan, Chen Shaolian, Mao Sanxin, Wang Qiang)

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