
Minqin County held the "Family and Country Conditions, Small Family, Big Love" caring mother pairing and care activity

author:Civil Employment Condenser

On May 15, the Minqin County Women's Federation successfully held a caring mother pairing and caring activity with the theme of "Family and Country, Small Family and Big Love" to celebrate the 31st International Day of Families. Through the interaction and care between "caring mothers" and paired children, the parent-child relationship is further enhanced, family virtues are promoted, and a harmonious and warm family atmosphere is created.

Liu Jing, deputy head of the county government, and Bai Guimei, vice chairman of the county CPPCC, attended the event.

Minqin County held the "Family and Country Conditions, Small Family, Big Love" caring mother pairing and care activity

Group photo of caring mother and paired children by Zhao Yawei

On the day of the event, the "caring mothers" and the paired children gathered together to participate in a variety of parent-child fun games. The children presented flowers to their mothers and sang the song "Where is Spring", showing a deep parent-child relationship. Subsequently, through interactive projects such as "two-person three-legged run" and "you guess better than me", the tacit understanding between mothers and children was tested. The "caring mothers" and the children cooperated with each other to enhance their tacit understanding and understanding with each other. The scene was full of laughter and applause, and the atmosphere was warm and cheerful.

In this warm festival, the "caring mothers" spent a wonderful day with the children, not only bringing material help to the children, but also giving them endless love and support spiritually. At the event, every "caring mother" was full of patience and love, listened carefully to the children's voices, and encouraged them to show themselves bravely.

Minqin County held the "Family and Country Conditions, Small Family, Big Love" caring mother pairing and care activity

A fun game with a warm atmosphere Photo by Zhao Yawei

"Today's singing is very beautiful, the game is very happy, and the company of 'loving mother' makes me feel happy and warm. I want to study hard, make progress every day, and repay the care and help of the 'caring mother' with excellent results. Zeng Ziyi, the twin child, said happily.

The event also invited Xie Rong, a teacher from Minqin County Vocational Secondary School, to bring a family education knowledge lecture entitled "Unveiling the Veil of Emotions". Through vivid cases and simple explanations, Mr. Xie Rong made the mothers present deeply understand the importance of emotional management in family education, and learned some practical emotional management methods.

Minqin County held the "Family and Country Conditions, Small Family, Big Love" caring mother pairing and care activity

Teacher Xie Rong gave a lecture to mothers Photo by Zhao Yawei

"Every weekend and holiday, I would visit my three daughters, send them school supplies, new clothes and snacks I made, chat with them, and keep abreast of their living and learning conditions, as well as the difficulties they encountered in growing up. My three daughters are sensible, obedient and hard-working. Watching them become more sunny and smile brighter because of my caring psychology, and their academic performance is getting better and better, I also gain a full sense of accomplishment and happiness. I feel very honored and proud to be their loving mother. "Minqin County's most beautiful "caring mother" Hu Jinmei said.

At the end of the activity, the "caring mothers" and the children who were paired up to help them went to the vegetable supply base for Hong Kong and carried out parent-child picking activities. Accompanied by their mothers, the children experienced the joy of picking and felt the value and happiness of labor.

"My 'loving mother' told me to wear more clothes when it was cold, encouraged me to believe in myself during the exam, sent sweet zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival, and bought beautiful clothes during the New Year, she gave me family-like care, I want to study hard, work hard, be a person like 'loving mother' who has both skills and love, and decorate the big garden of the motherland with my own actions." Lu Ziyi, the pair child, said happily.

This pair care activity provides a platform for "caring mothers" and children to enhance their feelings, communicate and interact, and make care services more powerful and warm. Minqin County will continue to deepen the construction of family civilization, sing the main theme of family education and family style construction, continue to carry forward the traditional virtues and fine family style of the Chinese nation, promote the implementation of the "Family Happiness and Health Project", jointly build, educate, and promote the construction of high-level families, and promote the core values of socialism to take root in Minqin families. (Reporter: Zhao Yawei)

Source: Oasis Minqin client

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