
It seems simple but it's hardcore, and I haven't seen such an unpretentious tower defense for a long time~

author:Everyday RPG Raiders Group

Everyday RPG

Recently, I've been watching new students.,I believe there are a lot of friends who have also seen it.,The main one is a scam.,When you see it, you're still saying how you'll be deceived.,I didn't expect the chicken to be deceived by an RPG map today.,This map is "Simple Tower Defense Circle.。

This map tricks me into a few steps.,The first step is the name of this map.,It's mediocre.,Right.,Even tell you directly that I'm very simple.,Entering the map is exactly that.,This is the second step.,Give you a little sweetness first.。

After these two steps, you'll be on the set.,The chick is in this trick.,Paralyzed careless.,It's been educated by the map.,But fortunately, it's adjusted back in the next few rounds.,And this map seems simple.,In fact, there are still a lot of things that we need to study.。

Today, let's take a look at this unique tower defense map with the chickens and see if you will also be hit~

It seems simple but it's hardcore, and I haven't seen such an unpretentious tower defense for a long time~

This map is really simple, and the chicken here is talking about its form, the ultimate retro tower defense loop gameplay.

And there's nothing to recruit heroes, increase the population, we can see everything at the beginning, just five hero base towers can be used to recruit heroes, and the rest have some ordinary base towers, plus a store, that's all.

It seems simple but it's hardcore, and I haven't seen such an unpretentious tower defense for a long time~

The beginning of the game is also very simple.,It's to recruit a hero tower first.,Recruit the first hero.,And then it's a brush.,The characteristics of each hero are different.,When recruiting hero towers,Don't recruit duplicate heroes as much as possible.,Of course, this is not under our control.,If the recruitment is repeated.,You can consider re-recruiting after dismissal.。

In the early stage, it is best for heroes to have group attack ability, and our initial goal is not to recruit other ordinary towers, that is, to recruit all heroes first.

It seems simple but it's hardcore, and I haven't seen such an unpretentious tower defense for a long time~

After the hero tower is recruited, you can leave it alone, you can't use us to upgrade or anything, and then consider equipping it with these when the resources are abundant, and the ordinary tower is different, we need to continue to improve its level to strengthen it.

It seems simple but it's hardcore, and I haven't seen such an unpretentious tower defense for a long time~

We can't wear equipment for ordinary towers before they reach the max level, because the equipment is mainly focused on hero towers in the early stage, which is not a big problem, and all ordinary towers need to be equipped with equipment in the middle and late stages.

It seems simple but it's hardcore, and I haven't seen such an unpretentious tower defense for a long time~
It seems simple but it's hardcore, and I haven't seen such an unpretentious tower defense for a long time~

There are two sources of equipment, since there is no challenge in this map, so we can only buy it through the store or farm monsters, and secondly, the promotion of heroes in the middle and late stages can also be completed by eating books here in the store.

It seems simple but it's hardcore, and I haven't seen such an unpretentious tower defense for a long time~

In terms of equipment, you don't have to think much about it in the early stage, you can match it with heroes, but in the case of wearing it all over the heroes in the middle and late stages, you can selectively give some functional equipment to ordinary towers.

It seems simple but it's hardcore, and I haven't seen such an unpretentious tower defense for a long time~
It seems simple but it's hardcore, and I haven't seen such an unpretentious tower defense for a long time~

When the five towers of the hero tower are full, we can start building ordinary towers, of course, you can also build ordinary towers before the heroes are full, but the chickens are not recommended, and we still have to concentrate resources on filling the heroes in the early stage.

As for normal towers, our main goal is to have some units with special effects, if you don't have them, the chicken recommends that you also recycle them and re-emerge.

It seems simple but it's hardcore, and I haven't seen such an unpretentious tower defense for a long time~

What we want to pursue in ordinary towers is these units with halo ability, you must know that the number of ordinary towers is also limited, how to make the most of these units, the most effective way has to be the blessing of the halo, after all, the aura can give all heroes the ability to bonus.

It seems simple but it's hardcore, and I haven't seen such an unpretentious tower defense for a long time~
It seems simple but it's hardcore, and I haven't seen such an unpretentious tower defense for a long time~

If the heroes you have brushed out do not have the ability to control the field, you can also consider some ordinary towers with control ability, and then match the equipment according to the different towers.

It seems simple but it's hardcore, and I haven't seen such an unpretentious tower defense for a long time~

After understanding thoroughly, it is not difficult to clear the customs, this map seems simple, in fact, it is still quite interesting to play, in addition to the early stage is really a little hypnotic, you can still play in the middle and late stages, and players who love tower defense can give it a try~