
It turns out that the brain really gets into the water! (Can't breathe after reading it)

author:Shenzhen Health Commission
It turns out that the brain really gets into the water! (Can't breathe after reading it)

That's enough



It turns out that the brain really gets into the water! (Can't breathe after reading it)

Please pay attention to babies aged 1-99

Don't be deceived by some cool articles and dramas

In real life

Sucking everything will only hurt you

Like this thing

If you suck your brain, you will really "get into the water"!

(Not swearing)

It turns out that the brain really gets into the water! (Can't breathe after reading it)

1, 2-dichloroethane

(a.k.a. "banana water")

It turns out that the brain really gets into the water! (Can't breathe after reading it)

1. 2-dichloroethane is often used in toys, shoes, electronics, rubber and other industries, mainly for the production of adhesives, solvents and chlorinated hydrocarbons, and also used as a fumigant for cereals and granaries.

At the same time, it is also a highly toxic chemical, which can be absorbed through the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract and skin, and can appear after a large amount of contact——

  • dizzy
  • headache
  • disgusting
  • vomit

Even severe cerebral edema, impaired consciousness, cerebellar ataxia (i.e., abnormal posture and gait, unsteady walking), etc.

Poisoning due to dichloroethane

And girls with severe nerve damage

It turns out that the brain really gets into the water! (Can't breathe after reading it)

Source: Golden Sheep Network-Yangcheng Evening News

Among them, cerebral edema can last for about 2 weeks, and can be severe for more than 1 month, and can be repeated or aggravated.

It turns out that the brain really gets into the water! (Can't breathe after reading it)

Source: Tencent Medical Codex

If you usually have to fight this "invisible killer", remember-

  • use of non-toxic or low-toxicity substitutes that do not contain dichloroethane;
  • Do not work overtime for long periods of time, and strengthen effective ventilation;
  • Daily monitoring of the production environment;
  • During construction work, it is standardized to wear protective equipment and filter elements. If you wear a half-face mask or a full-face mask, replace the filter box according to the concentration and time of use on site, similar to the following styles-


It turns out that the brain really gets into the water! (Can't breathe after reading it)


It turns out that the brain really gets into the water! (Can't breathe after reading it)

If you go to 1 shift, you will lose 0.5 lives

Let's go to this class first

Author: Qin Zhuohui, Deputy Chief Physician of the Department of Occupational Diseases, Shenzhen Institute for Occupational Disease Prevention and Control