
Set up stalls, catch up with the market, go shopping, and experience a different kind of university life

author:Know Guiyang


In order to promote the entrepreneurial practice of college students and promote the all-round development of college students. The Provincial Youth Fund, Guiyang Radio and Television Media Group, Gui'an New Area Social Affairs Bureau, University Town Management Committee, and Siya Food Factory will join forces with the Youth League Committee of various universities/vocational schools to hold the "Youth Data Gathering" College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Market. This activity will be carried out in a public welfare manner, promote the entrepreneurial practice of college students, and fully reflect the responsibility of the media and corporate social responsibility. Promote the transformation of students' creative achievements, stimulate the creative potential of college students, show the innovative style of college students, enhance inter-school cultural exchanges, and cultivate teamwork spirit. While roaming the market, you can feel the rich atmosphere of innovation and entrepreneurship, deepen your understanding and cognition of entrepreneurial practice, and build a unique practice platform for makers.

Overview of the event


1. Theme of the event

"Digital Innovation, Science and Technology Innovation, Cultural Creativity" gathers ideals and unlimited creativity

2. Activity frequency: once a month

3. The first event: May 24 - May 26 (3 days in total)

4. The first registration time: May 14-May 19

5. Location: Outside the square of Siya Food Factory in Gui'an University Town

Organization of the event


Guiding unit: Guizhou Youth Development Foundation

Organizer: Guiyang Radio and Television Media Group

Co-organizers: Gui'an New Area Social Undertaking Bureau, University Town Management Committee, Guizhou Provincial Universities/Vocational School Youth League Committee

Organizers: Guizhou Qingshuju Digital Industry Development Co., Ltd., Guiyang Radio and Television Cultural Service Co., Ltd., Siya Food Factory

Booth type


Digital innovation products, scientific and technological innovation products, cultural and creative products, creative handicrafts, novelty handicrafts, clothing, accessories, electronic products, new technology, animation, second-hand idle items, etc.

Participants are college students, and student ID is required to register for admission

How to register


Sign up for a consultation




1. This activity is a public welfare activity, in order to ensure that the event site is standardized and orderly, each booth needs to charge a deposit: 50 yuan / piece, booth health fee: 5 yuan / piece, after the end of the market activities, the deposit will be refunded within three days without violating the regulations.

2. Market stall time: 10:00--21:00 (booth layout, commodity display, safety inspection and other work should be completed before 10 o'clock every day, and it is forbidden to carry large goods or equipment after 10 o'clock to occupy the public passage.) )

3. Each booth should be properly sorted out at the end of each day, seal the unsold goods, manage the property, and no valuables or cash shall be left after leaving, if the property is stolen due to failure to comply with the regulations, the consequences shall be borne by themselves.

4. If you are unable to participate in the market due to your own reasons, all fees will not be refunded. It is not allowed to transfer or share the stall without the consent of the organizer. If the apportionment is transferred without permission, all fees will not be refunded.

5. Food and beverages need to submit daily purchase documents for the record.

6. Market stall owners shall not violate relevant regulations by setting up billboards in the market to promote slogans.

7. The stall owner shall not infringe on the reputation, trade secrets, trademark rights, copyrights, patent rights, other intellectual property rights and other rights of others.

*The organizer reserves the right to interpret the rules of this event to the extent permitted by law

Set up stalls, catch up with the market, go shopping, and experience a different kind of university life
Set up stalls, catch up with the market, go shopping, and experience a different kind of university life
Set up stalls, catch up with the market, go shopping, and experience a different kind of university life
Set up stalls, catch up with the market, go shopping, and experience a different kind of university life

Source: Zhizhi Campus

Editor: He Bingxue

Editor-in-charge: Li Ping

Review: Zeng Xin

Final review: Cao Qinyong

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