
The advanced training class for bureau-level cadres of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee came to Xuhui to investigate the development of new productive forces

author:Shanghai Xuhui

On the afternoon of May 16, the 139th bureau-level cadre refresher class of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee came to our district to investigate the development of new quality productivity, visited the "Modular Speed Space" innovation ecological community, and the AI Window exhibition hall on the 45th floor of the West Bank Zhi Tower, and had a discussion and exchange. Huang Chong, Secretary of the Party Group and Chairman of the CPPCC District, participated in the investigation and presided over the discussion. Yu Linwei, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and deputy head of the district, accompanied the investigation and participated in the discussion. The heads of Shanghai Wuwen Xinqiong Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Stepleap Xingchen Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. made exchange speeches.

The advanced training class for bureau-level cadres of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee came to Xuhui to investigate the development of new productive forces

At the symposium, Yu Linwei elaborated on the background and latest trend of the new round of large-scale model and artificial intelligence industry development, listed the measures of the Xuhui District Party Committee and the district government to support the development of large-scale model enterprises and promote the construction of large-scale ecological communities, and introduced the relevant measures for the next step of "model speed space" upgrading from ecological communities to industrial clusters.

The advanced training class for bureau-level cadres of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee came to Xuhui to investigate the development of new productive forces

Huang Chong said that under the leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, Xuhui District has thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches on the development of new quality productivity, achieved a high position and practical measures, and achieved tangible results, especially in the forefront of the large-scale model artificial intelligence track, and the broad development prospects in the future are expected. He hoped that the participants of the advanced course would continue to care for and support the development of Xuhui, and that Xuhui would continue to strengthen cooperation between urban areas and districts, and strive to contribute to the development of new productive forces in Shanghai.

The advanced training class for bureau-level cadres of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee came to Xuhui to investigate the development of new productive forces

During the investigation, the participants of the refresher course learned about the cutting-edge development of the large model industry in the exhibition hall of the "Modular Speed Space" innovative ecological community, and watched the product display of relevant settled large model enterprises. As the country's first large-scale model professional incubation and acceleration carrier, "Modular Speed Space" aims at "100,000,000 square meters of incubation space, 100 innovative enterprises, 1,000 industry applications, and trillions of industrial scales", and sets up five public service platforms: open data platform, test and evaluation platform, computing power scheduling platform, financing service platform, and comprehensive service platform, so as to empower general large models, vertical large models and large model application start-ups in an all-round way, and strive to build a more competitive world-class artificial intelligence industry cluster.

The advanced training class for bureau-level cadres of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee came to Xuhui to investigate the development of new productive forces

In the AI Window exhibition hall on the 45th floor of the West Bund Zhi Tower, through a combination of real-life explanations, sand table demonstrations and video exhibitions, the participants of the advanced course had an in-depth understanding of the overall construction of Xuhui Riverside. Xuhui Binjiang attaches great importance to the integration of ecology, culture and technology, adheres to the development concept of "planning leading, culture leading, ecological priority, and science and technology innovation-led", and strives to build an excellent waterfront of a modern international metropolis with world influence with the core planning of "one port, one valley, one city, one bay, one heart" of the West Bund Media Port, Digital Valley, Financial City, Thermal Show Field, Life Blue Bay, and Digital Intelligence Center.

Text: Xuhui CPPCC

Editor: Ye Fangfang

Reviewer: Wei Li