
Mr. Peng went to beg for food, and the owner asked if it was a fortune boy? Answer: It's called Hanako

author:Wenshi Teahouse 2018

As the old saying goes, when you look old at the age of three, your character determines your fate, and that's not wrong at all. Today, I will share a painful past of Mr. Peng's early years, which shows his character and determines his later fate.

Mr. Peng went to beg for food, and the owner asked if it was a fortune boy? Answer: It's called Hanako

I all know that Mr. Peng has three brothers, and there are two younger brothers below. In fact, Mr. Peng has four brothers and three younger brothers, and the fourth brother was born not long ago, and his mother died. Children who had no milk to eat soon starved to death. The family was destitute, and in the cold winter, their brothers were barefoot.

There are no shoes to wear at all. Mr. Peng later recalled that he was really like a primitive person. On the first day of the first lunar month, what should I do if I am hungry? I had to beg for food. Ten-year-old Mr. Peng took his second brother Peng Jinhua to beg for food.

On the way, Peng Jinhua asked his brother Mr. Peng, why do we have to beg for food? Why don't others beg? Why do we always dress in tatters, it's so ugly? Mr. Peng is only two years older than his younger brother, but he understands many things in the world.

He couldn't answer his brother's question and ignored it. When the brothers came to Yau Ma Tan, they happened to see a family building a house, which was about to be completed, and set off guns to celebrate. The host's family is a teacher surnamed Chen who wears a robe.

Seeing two begging children coming to the door, in rags, the old gentleman had no sympathy at all. He asked a question, are you lucky boys? The new house was completed, and the picture was auspicious. The old gentleman asked like this, he also wanted to hear an auspicious word.

Mr. Peng is always stubborn, and he is never willing to please others and say things that are appropriate to the situation, he replied coldly, not a fortune boy, we are called Huazi. As soon as he heard the word Hanako, it was really unlucky, the old gentleman glared at him, didn't give him anything, and turned around to close the door.

Mr. Peng went to beg for food, and the owner asked if it was a fortune boy? Answer: It's called Hanako

However, the second brother Peng Jinhua was more clever, and quickly replied with a smile, We are lucky boys. When the old gentleman heard these four words, he smiled, and asked his family to bring out half a bowl of rice and a small piece of meat. Peng Jinhua devoured a fine meal, and then returned the bowl to the old gentleman.

So the old gentleman sent them away. On the way back, the second brother Peng Jinhua asked his brother very incomprehensibly, what are you afraid of the lucky boy? If you do, won't he give you something to eat? Mr. Peng was only ten years old at the time, and the ten-year-old child was so stubborn, he would not bend his mind to welcome him, and he was unwilling to please people.

The second brother Peng Jinhua was well-behaved, and when he got food, he gave an explanation to his stomach. Mr. Peng was stupid and stubborn, he didn't get food, and his stomach was growling with hunger. When they returned home, Mr. Peng fainted from hunger and fell to the ground when he entered the house.

The second brother, Peng Jinhua, said that his brother had not eaten for a day. The grandmother at home loved her grandson, and quickly cooked a bowl of green vegetable soup for him to drink, and Mr. Peng woke up.

Mr. Peng went to beg for food, and the owner asked if it was a fortune boy? Answer: It's called Hanako

Many years later, Mr. Peng recalled the past and praised his second brother Peng Jinhua for being well-behaved and understanding the truth that a hero does not suffer immediate losses. Obviously, Mr. Peng doesn't understand. Maybe he understands it, but he doesn't want to do that. Because he is an upright man who is unwilling to bow to any force. Since then, even if he starves to death, Mr. Peng is no longer willing to beg for food.

After the Battle of the Hundred Regiments, Mr. Peng's name moved the whole country. The Kuomintang reactionaries surrounded his hometown, the third brother was killed on the spot, and the second brother Peng Jinhua was arrested and tortured in prison.

Mr. Peng has four brothers, and only he himself survived to the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Fifty years have passed, and the begging boy has become the marshal of the republic and the minister of defense. He's still so stubborn. The Lushan meeting was held, and the meeting was originally very good, and it was a fairy meeting. The meeting will be adjourned shortly.

However, Mr. Peng felt that there were still many problems that had not been raised, and the meeting could not be dismissed like this. He's going to speak, he's going to write letters. Meetings suddenly changed direction, history suddenly changed direction. Everyone has seen many problems, but only Mr. Peng dares to raise them, even if he will be unlucky because of this.

He has never understood the truth that a hero does not suffer immediate losses, and he has never been wise enough to protect himself. This general, the marshal of the republic, has since been disarmed and returned to the field and left the political arena.

(Reference books: "Peng Dehuai's Self-Statement", "My Uncle Peng Dehuai")