
After the death of the sun, where will the solar system go?

author:Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
After the death of the sun, where will the solar system go?

Translation: Butter cake

Proofreading: Yu Luhan

Review: Shepherd's astronomical proofreading team

Editor: Yu Jiajin

Backstage: Li Ziqi

After the death of the sun, where will the solar system go?

围绕白矮星运行的类木行星(艺术渲染图)|W. M. Keck Observatory / Adam Makarenko

According to the observation of deep space by the Observatory in Hawaii, it has been confirmed that some planets remain after the disappearance of the main star. Scientists believe that some planets may continue to exist in the solar system after the sun dies.

After the death of the sun, where will the solar system go?

A gaseous planet 6,000 light-years away

The study was conducted by J. J. Murphy, a professor studying exoplanets at the University of Tasmania in Australia. W. Blackman and his research team completed. The findings were published in the journal Nature.

The paper claims that Blackman and his team made observations using optical and near-infrared telescopes at the Keck Observatory at the summit of Mount Mauna Kea, Hawaii. As a result, they discovered a Jupiter-like gas planet about 6,000 light-years from Earth near the center of the Milky Way.

In addition, the gas planet appears to orbit a white dwarf. When it comes to white dwarfs, it can be said to be a "dead" star.

When a star with a certain mass runs out of hydrogen for internal nuclear fusion, it becomes a cryogenic expanding red giant and then enters one of the final stages of stellar evolution – a "white dwarf".

Although much is known about the evolutionary stages of stars, the presence of planets around white dwarfs has rarely been observed. This observation is a valuable example of how a planet can survive the death of its host star.

After the death of the sun, where will the solar system go?

(This discovery) is applied to the situation of the solar system

Although a star was discovered far from Earth, Blackman and his team believe that the model may be applicable to the solar system.

Scientists believe that the sun will eventually run out of hydrogen and take the path of red giants, but planets far from the sun, such as Jupiter and Saturn, may survive even if they are caught up in the process.

"This evidence suggests that multiple planets orbiting at a sufficient distance may survive the death of their star (the host star)," Blackman said, adding, adding, "Given that this galaxy is similar to our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn will continue to survive during the red giant phase of self-destruction after the Sun has used up nuclear fuel (the hydrogen needed for nuclear fusion)," Blackman said. ”

After the death of the sun, where will the solar system go?

The fate of the planet

Unfortunately, however, the Earth may end its own life with the Sun.

D. D., a researcher at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and co-author of this paper, is a researcher at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. P. Bennett said: "Due to the proximity of the Earth to the Sun, the future of the Earth may not be so rosy. ”

Even if we try to migrate from Earth to Jupiter or Saturn, we will face heat problems.

The expansion of the Sun can make the Earth super hot, but on the other hand, Jupiter and Saturn are too far away from the Sun to get enough thermal energy. However, the Sun is expected to remain active for another 5 billion years, so it doesn't seem necessary to worry so soon.

The Keck Observatory's high-performance observation apparatus allows us to study planets 6,000 light-years away.

Even at the summit of Mauna Kea, the resolution is reduced tenfold due to the presence of the atmosphere. The telescope used in this study is equipped with a laser guide star adaptive optics system that can compensate for this fluctuation based on the position of the artificial guide star.

However, this still does not allow sufficient resolution to be obtained, so the accuracy of this study was also improved with the help of the microgravitational lensing phenomenon. From Earth, when two stars overlap, the gravitational pull of the stars in front acts like a convex lens, and the light of the stars behind is intensified. The faint light thus observed provides clues to the future of the solar system.

Editor in charge: Gan Lin

Shepherd New Media Editorial Department

"Astronomical Wet Engraving" Makio Exhibit


After the death of the sun, where will the solar system go?

A picture of the future sun baking the Earth in the red giant phase

图源:Fsgregs/Wikimedia Commons

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Source: Shepherd Astronomy
