
The Pu'an County Organizational Work Conference was held

author:The world is Pu'an
The Pu'an County Organizational Work Conference was held

On May 16, the Pu'an County Organizational Work Conference was held. The meeting thoroughly studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on party building, conscientiously implemented the spirit of the national, provincial and statewide organization ministers' meetings, conveyed the instructions of Long Qiang, vice governor of the state government and secretary of the Pu'an County Party Committee, on the organizational work, comprehensively summarized the work in 2023, and arranged and deployed the work in 2024. Jiang Hongtao, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and director of the organization department of the county party committee, attended the meeting.

The Pu'an County Organizational Work Conference was held

The meeting pointed out that in the past year, the county's organizational system has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, resolutely implemented the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the work requirements of the provincial, state and county party committees, fully implemented the general requirements of party building in the new era and the party's organizational line in the new era, closely followed the center and served the overall situation, worked in unity, paid close attention to implementation, and promoted the organizational work to achieve new results. The meeting emphasized that the county's organizational system should deeply study and understand the party's innovative theory, always adhere to the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as a long-term major political task, arm the mind with the party's innovative theory, guide practice, continue to consolidate the ideological foundation, constantly consolidate and expand the achievements of theme education, promote party discipline learning and education against benchmarks and tables, and do a good job in the education and training of party members and cadres. All departments at all levels should take multiple measures to do a good job in the construction of the cadre ranks, adhere to the correct employment orientation and selection and evaluation standards, temper the cadres' excellent political quality, stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of cadres and officers, gather a strong joint force of cadres and officials to start a business, and forge and reserve a cadre team that wants to do things, dares to do things, and can do things. It is necessary to persistently grasp the grassroots to lay the foundation, carry out the action of "queuing up and grasping the tail, double integration and double creation" around the "strong double base", pay close attention to the "two coverages" of party building in emerging fields to activate new kinetic energy, focus on source management, clear responsibilities and burden reduction, and empower the effective goals, focus on the "three lists, one system", carry out a solid review, continue to deepen the burden reduction and empowerment, consolidate the basic guarantee of the grassroots level, and build a solid grassroots fighting fortress. It is necessary to make unremitting efforts to do a good job in the introduction, education and retention of talents, focus on the consensus of Pu'an's high-quality development of "the difficulty is in the shed reform, the bright spot is in the tea, and the hope is in the coal", firmly establish a new concept to cultivate talents, adopt a combination of "going out" and "inviting in", do a solid job in service guarantee, gather talents through multiple channels, retain talents, improve the quality of talent training in an all-round and multi-dimensional way, and build an intellectual engine for service development. It is necessary to comprehensively strengthen the construction of the party member team, strictly control the "entrance pass" and smooth the "exit pass", strictly and practically grasp the education and management of party members, strengthen the publicity of typical tree selection, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role, carry out intra-party assistance and care on a regular basis, and encourage the majority of party members to take on good deeds in major tasks and new positions. It is necessary to continue to strengthen self-construction, exercise the political character of loyalty to the party, carry forward the style of seeking truth and pragmatism, abide by the true character of honesty and integrity, strengthen measures to change the style of work, improve efficiency, and effectively ensure that the work is excellent with its own strength, and constantly promote the high-quality development of the county's organizational work. At the meeting, representatives of townships (streets) and county departments made exchange speeches. Relevant departments of the county and relevant responsible comrades of townships (streets) attended the meeting.

Source: Pu'an County Rong Media Center

Reporter: Pan Tian Yang Ying

Editor: Ma Jingjing Second review: Wang Shuangquan Third review: Sun Zhongzhong

Submission email: [email protected] Tel: 0859-7234012

The Pu'an County Organizational Work Conference was held

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