
Switzerland called on China to join the Russia-Ukraine peace summit, China's position was clear, and Putin praised China's position

author:Sun Xuwen


According to a Reuters report on May 15, the president of the Swiss Confederation, Amhede, said on the same day that delegations from more than 50 countries had already confirmed their participation in the peace summit on Ukraine, and he hoped that China would also participate. As for whether to participate in the International Peace Summit on Ukraine, China has long responded. In February and March, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded twice that China has always adhered to an objective and fair position on the Ukraine issue, insisted on promoting peace talks, and supported the convening of an international peace conference at an appropriate time, with the equal participation of all parties, and fair discussion of all peace plans.

China's statement has at least three meanings. First, China supports the peace process in Ukraine and the settlement of the issue through dialogue and negotiation. In fact, this is also China's attitude on most international issues. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and the UN Charter have always been the cornerstones of China's foreign policy. China supports the convening of a peace summit, but this peace summit needs to involve Russia. The reason is also very simple, no matter what the merits of Russia and Ukraine are, Russia is the main party to this conflict, and a peace summit without Russia's participation is worthless.

Switzerland called on China to join the Russia-Ukraine peace summit, China's position was clear, and Putin praised China's position

Taking a step back, Russia still controls large swathes of eastern Ukraine, and even if Russia is to withdraw from these occupied areas, it must negotiate with Russia face-to-face, which is the basic common sense of the international community. This peace summit must take into account the interests of all parties, and the contradictions between Ukraine and Russia have a long history, and it is unreasonable and unrealistic to judge by simple right and wrong. The main purpose of the summit is to restore peace, not to criticize Russia. If a summit is only for criticism, nothing will come of it.

On May 16, Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in China for a visit, and before the visit, Putin publicly expressed his positive evaluation and high appreciation of China's position on the Ukraine crisis, saying that China is well aware of the root causes of the Ukraine crisis and its global geopolitical implications. As a matter of fact, not only Russia, but also Brazil, South Africa, and other countries have also expressed appreciation for China's position, and the United Nations has also praised China's act of sending a special envoy to mediate, which shows that China's position has been supported in the international community.

Switzerland called on China to join the Russia-Ukraine peace summit, China's position was clear, and Putin praised China's position

So far, due to the strength of Western countries in international public opinion, as well as the so-called "neutral" status of Western countries such as Switzerland, most of the proposals for a peace summit in Ukraine have been initiated by Western countries. This may have given some countries in the West the illusion that the West could dominate the entire peace process in Ukraine. But in reality, the two sides that are really at war on the battlefield are Ukraine and Russia, and any peace proposal related to Ukraine is impossible to bypass Russia. According to the Swiss side's previous plans, the peace summit will be held on June 15.

But so far, Western public opinion has been overwhelmingly condemning Russia, insisting on "Russia's withdrawal from Ukrainian territory" as a precondition for negotiations. Now that there is only one month left before the summit is held, it will be difficult for Western countries to change their tone and invite Russia to the meeting with a moderate attitude, if Russia does not participate, then this summit will not have any meaning. Although Russia's national strength is declining at present, it is a bit naïve for Western countries to think of the Munich Agreement in a new era and treat Russia as the Czechoslovakia of the past.

Switzerland called on China to join the Russia-Ukraine peace summit, China's position was clear, and Putin praised China's position

Of course, there are still a lot of variables in this summit, and it is difficult to say how many countries will participate in the summit and what will be the outcome of the talks. During this time, the Russian army launched a fierce offensive on Kharkiv and captured a number of strategic points, and the battlefield situation is not in favor of Ukraine, so Russia will still have the initiative in the negotiation process.

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