
Men's skincare has entered the "era of efficacy"

In 1992, the first men's care brand in China was born; In 2019, Sephora's own brand launched its first men's makeup collection; In 2021, Tmall FMCG upgraded men's care to a first-class industry......

After more than 20 years of development, the men's care market has ushered in an explosive period, and brands such as Liran, Blue, and Dear Boyfriend have received several rounds of financing, and capital has vigorously boosted the development of men's care brands.

Men's skincare has entered the "era of efficacy"

However, in 2016, when the men's skin care track was not yet hot, the Korean professional men's skin care brand Mivent stepped on the wave of imported products and knocked on the door of the Chinese market. At that time, China's men's skincare market was still a blue ocean to be developed.

As an early professional men's imported brand to enter the Chinese market, Mivent has always been committed to customizing professional skin care solutions for men, insisting on deeply cultivating the men's skin care market, showing a very rare craftsmanship spirit.

Focus on men's skincare

Nearly 1,000 outlets are available

Men's awareness of skincare has awakened, and more and more attention is paid to skincare.

According to Cicada Rubik's Cube data, the total GMV of the men's beauty and skin care market on the Douyin platform will exceed 1 billion in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 235.37%. This number has doubled in just one year, indicating that male consumers are paying more attention to and awakening their awareness of skincare, further driving competition in the men's skincare market.

Men's skincare has entered the "era of efficacy"

However, from the brand side, most of the current men's skin care products are a series of women's cosmetics brands, not the main product, but the concept of accessories.

"There are certain differences in the skin structure of men and women, men's skin is thicker than women's, sebaceous glands are more developed, and sebum secretion is vigorous. At the same time, the water content of the stratum corneum of men's skin is relatively low, and it is easy to lose water, especially on the forehead and cheeks, which is more prone to dryness and lack of water, and then evolves into rough, dull, impermeable and other skin problems. Women's skincare products are not targeted enough for men's skin, and naturally have little effect. For example, for male oily skin, the demand for product penetration and oil control is higher. ”

As a result, men's and women's skin needs are also different, and men need cosmetics brands that are specific to men's skin that are different from women's cosmetics.

Based on this original intention, since the birth of the brand, Miwin has put the "3S concept" of men's skin care throughout the development of the brand, that is, Simple, Special, Successful, which advocates a "simple, special, confident men's image". When it comes to providing product solutions for men, Mivent adheres to two principles – minimalism and professionalism.

At the same time, Miwin has a flexible approach to the product, "not all products are used. The Mivent brand emphasizes that the key to distinguishing the use according to skin type, season, weather, etc., is not the type and quantity used, but the habit of continuous use.

Up to now, Miwin has laid out nearly 1,000 outlets in KA Gaochao, large national chains and CS channels, and has entered Jingdong Mall.

Launched a new soothing series

Upgrading and strengthening "oil control"

Throughout the men's skin care market, most of the products focus on basic cleansing, hydration, moisturizing and other effects, while soothing, anti-aging and other products are rare.

However, at present, men's skin care is gradually moving from basic cleansing and moisturizing to a higher level, and the demand for repair, soothing, anti-aging and other effects is constantly increasing.

Men's skincare has entered the "era of efficacy"

Based on this market insight, in 2024, for men with sensitive skin and frequent shaving, Mivent will launch a soothing range, including lotions and cleansers.

In the product, Mivent has added white myrtle extract, which has antioxidant and soothing effects on the skin, which strengthens the skin barrier and makes the skin soothing. To enhance the experience, the yeast ferment filtrate and erythritol contained in the product not only moisturize, but also give the skin a cool feel.

In addition to the soothing series, Mivent has also launched moisturizing and oil control series. In 2023, in response to the new skin care needs of men, especially Generation Z, Mivent will iterate on packaging, ingredients, and skin feel.

Men's skincare has entered the "era of efficacy"

Among them, the moisturizing series products are added with hot ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and squalane, and 7 kinds of plant extracts are also used according to the rough men's skin, including pine leaf oil, lavender essential oil, lemon peel oil, and ylang-ylang oil lamp.

Data shows that in addition to the refreshing skin feeling and efficacy, men prefer one-stop service when choosing skin care products. On the one hand, brands can provide a full line of products from facial cleansers to creams, saving them the effort of back-and-forth combination and price comparison; On the other hand, they want to have products that are "multi-purpose in one bottle" and "easy to carry", while still keeping them fresh and reducing the burden on their skin.

In the oil control series, Mivent combines toner and lotion into a serum, reducing the steps and time of men's skin care.

At the same time, Miwin also adds jojoba oil to the product, which reduces the amount of sebum secreted by the skin. Aloe Vera Leaf Juice contains vitamins A, C, E, B12 and 99.5% moisture, which can help regulate the skin's water and oil balance and control sebum in pores. In the oil-controlling cleanser, Mivent adds papaya fruit extract, apple fruit extract, plum fruit extract, and grape fruit extract to cleanse the dirt deep in the pores.

It can be said that Mivent integrates the concept of cleanliness and freshness into every product after iteration. Good formula and good ingredients are the core competitiveness of Miwin, in order to meet the diversified and segmented needs of consumers, Mivent continues to seize market opportunities by continuously upgrading its product line.

Strengthen R&D barriers

Compete for the 10 billion track

In the current skin care market, men's skin care has gradually become a new breakthrough in performance growth. Although the share of the men's market is still relatively small compared to women's skincare, it is growing at an astonishing rate and has a lot of room for improvement.

According to the forecast of the Prospective Industry Research Institute, the average annual compound growth rate of China's men's skin care market from 2021 to 2026 will reach 15.88%, and the market size is expected to reach 20.7 billion yuan by 2026.

In the view of the person in charge of the Mivent brand, "the brand power lies not only in the quality and innovation of the product itself, but also in the values and emotional resonance represented by the brand." ”

Men's skincare has entered the "era of efficacy"

As a cutting-edge brand, Mivent pays attention to communication with consumers, and stands together with consumers to meet consumers from the ingredients, efficacy and even product design, as well as the emotional value and social value provided.

However, the men's skincare track also faces multiple challenges. First of all, the cost of education in the market is high, and consumer education still needs to be strengthened. Although more and more men are beginning to pay attention to their skin problems, there are still some men who lack skincare awareness and correct skincare methods. Therefore, how to raise men's skincare awareness and cultivate the right skincare habits is a big challenge for brands.

Secondly, the ability of product R&D and innovation is insufficient, and the differentiated competition is not obvious. Although the functional skin care products market is growing rapidly, the degree of product homogeneity is high and it lacks a unique competitive advantage. Therefore, strengthening product R&D and innovation capabilities, and launching products that meet the individual needs of consumers is another major challenge for brands.

The brand side of Mivent said that the potential of the men's skin care track is far from being fully explored, and the brand will continue to carry out technological exploration and scientific research investment to strengthen the barriers to research and development. "In 2024, the brand will strive to provide consumers with more high-quality, refined and powerful products, covering the whole scene of male consumer skin care. At the same time, we will deeply cultivate brand culture and communicate and generate content resonance with consumers as the center. ”

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