
The 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Suneng was held

author:Jiangsu Economic News

Jinling in May is full of life and vitality. On May 15, the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Jiangsu Xukuang Energy Co., Ltd. was held in Xukuang Square to share the fruitful results of high-quality development with shareholders' families and jointly develop a prosperous and prosperous future. Feng Xingzhen, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Xuzhou Mining Group and Chairman of Suneng Co., Ltd., presided over the shareholders' meeting.

The 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Suneng was held

Chen Wei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Bank of Communications Financial Assets Investment Company, Qiu Yongjun, Vice President of the Bank of Communications Financial Assets Investment Company, Jiang Jianyou, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Director and General Manager of Jiangsu Agricultural Reclamation Group, Zhu Yinsheng, Chairman of Jiangsu Zhongshan Hotel Group, Wang Haiqing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Suyan Group, Zhuang Yan, Chairman and General Manager of Nongken Investment, Xue Yong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jiawang District, Xuzhou, Zang Zengwei, General Manager of Jiawang City Travel, Zhu Cheng, Member of the Standing Committee of the Pei County Party Committee and Deputy County Magistrate, Hao Dapeng, Chairman of Pei County State-owned Assets and other shareholder representatives attended the meeting.

Shi Binghua, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Xukuang Group, Vice Chairman of Suneng Co., Ltd.; Chen Qinghua, deputy general manager and chief engineer of Xuzhou Mining Group, director of Suneng Co., Ltd.; Chen Ning, Chief Accountant of Xukuang Group and Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Suneng Co., Ltd.; Li Dahuai, leader of Xukuang Group and director of Suneng Co., Ltd.; The directors, supervisors, senior managers of Suneng Co., Ltd., representatives of shareholders, sponsors, and lawyers witnessing the conference attended the meeting.

The 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Suneng was held

Feng Xingzhen expressed his heartfelt thanks and high respect to all shareholders' families. He said that 2023 is an extraordinary year in the development process of Suneng shares. Suneng shares the fruitful results of high-quality development with all shareholders and their families, and creates a better future of "good enterprise development, good shareholder returns, and good social image", ushering in the highlight moment of the dream of listing Xu Mine in the past century, realizing the gorgeous turn of traditional coal enterprises into new life, and writing a new "spring story" in the field of energy resources. Feng Xingzhen pointed out that this year, Suneng shares -

Work together to start the "new".

Won the highest credit rating of 3A, was shortlisted in the top 500 listed companies in China by market capitalization, successfully entered the "CSI 500" index, ranked among the top 8 listed coal enterprises in the industry, and won important awards such as the 2023 Jiangsu Corporate Social Responsibility Model and Jiangsu High-quality Development Benchmark, and the high-quality development is at the forefront of the national industry; Adhering to the concept of "treating shareholders as family members and employees as relatives", we have adopted an active dividend policy to share the high-quality development achievements of the company with all shareholders, and distributed dividends of 2.824 billion yuan in 2023, with an annual cash dividend ratio of 117.87%.

The 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Suneng was held

Work together to build and make efforts to "new".

Keeping in mind the "great power of the country" and firmly serving the national strategy and energy resource security, Inner Mongolia has accelerated the construction of 3.32 million kilowatt high-efficiency coal-fired power units, and Jiangsu's "14th Five-Year Plan" has completed and put into operation the first million-kilowatt large-scale coal-fired power unit, with a total installed capacity of 700 megawatts in Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia and Jiangsu, and large-scale new energy projects such as wind energy, solar energy, and energy storage have been fully started.

Work together to create and upgrade to "new".

Based on the resource endowment, industrial foundation and scientific research conditions of the enterprise, we will coordinate the upgrading of traditional industries, the growth of new industries, and the cultivation of future industries, establish Suneng Technology Co., Ltd., and establish Jiangsu Energy Resources Industry Research Institute, so as to build a new quality productivity frontier in the field of energy resources. 2. The first batch of intelligent demonstration coal mines in the country have been built into the first batch of intelligent demonstration coal mines in the country, which have been selected into the "2023 5G Factory Directory" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China, and won the first prize of the "First State-owned Enterprise Digital Scene Innovation Competition" by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.

Feng Xingzhen said in the 2023 annual report on the work of the board of directors of Suneng Co., Ltd. that Suneng Co., Ltd. will keep in mind the "great man of the country", bravely shoulder the "heavy responsibility of the enterprise", deepen the "five full" governance of enterprises, promote green transformation, optimize modern governance, do a good job in market value management, steadily improve value creation, accelerate the cultivation and development of new quality productivity, strive to be the "pioneer" of building a new development pattern of "one core and two poles", and promote Suneng to continue to ride the wind and waves in the capital market, achieve steady and far-reaching results, and repay shareholders and investors with stable business performance.

The conference deliberated and voted on 11 proposals, including the 2023 Annual Report of the Board of Directors of Jiangsu Xukang Energy Co., Ltd., the 2023 Annual Work Report of the Board of Supervisors of Jiangsu Xukuang Energy Co., Ltd., the Proposal on the 2023 Annual Report and Summary of Jiangsu Xukuang Energy Co., Ltd., and the Proposal on the 2023 Annual Financial Statement Report of Jiangsu Xukuang Energy Co., Ltd.

In 2023, the total assets of Suneng will reach 37.892 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 19.26%, and the net assets attributable to the parent company will be 15.925 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 45.87%. In the first quarter of 2024, the company's revenue capacity remained stable and continued to improve, the asset-liability ratio decreased steadily, and the ability to resist risks continued to increase.

Under the premise of steady and good performance, the profit distribution plan of Suneng shares is a highlight of the shareholders' meeting. The "Proposal on the Profit Distribution of Jiangsu Xukuang Energy Co., Ltd. in 2023" deliberated and passed by the meeting mentioned that the company will distribute a cash dividend of 2.1 yuan (tax included) to all shareholders for every 10 shares, with a total cash dividend of 1.447 billion yuan (tax included). In the past year since its listing, Suneng has paid cash dividends of 2.824 billion yuan, with an annual cash dividend ratio of 117.87%.

The shareholders' meeting received great attention from authoritative mainstream media, and was reported on the spot by CCTV, Shanghai Securities News, Jiangsu TV, Xinhuanet, Xinhua Daily, Xinhua Media Think Tank, Jiangsu Economic News,, Xuzhou Daily, etc.

Kong Wen