
Contagious! About 90% of people get sick after exposure!

author:Linyi News

There is a virus

Once infected

It can make people get two diseases

It will also be latent for life

This virus is --

Varicella-zoster virus

Can be caused at different stages

Chickenpox and shingles are two diseases

Contagious! About 90% of people get sick after exposure!

When you are first infected with varicella-zoster virus

The clinical manifestation is chickenpox

Immunity can be acquired after recovery

When the body's immune function is weakened

The latent varicella-zoster virus is activated

and causes shingles



Extremely contagious

Known as the "Meet and Greet"

Population against varicella-zoster virus

Pervasive susceptibility

It is mainly transmitted by droplets and contact

Contagious! About 90% of people get sick after exposure!

It is extremely contagious and is known as "meeting and meeting"

After contact with a person with chickenpox

About 90% of cases occur

It is especially easy to use in childcare institutions, primary and secondary schools, etc

Collective outbreaks

Contagious! About 90% of people get sick after exposure!

Chickenpox can be transmitted through the placenta in pregnant women

There is a risk of neonatal defects or death

(1) Chickenpox:

Fever, itchiness, and rash

▶ In the initial stage, it is like a "cold": systemic symptoms such as fever and fatigue appear.

▶ 1~2 days after fever: itchy erythematous rash appears.

• The macules can turn into papules, vesicles, and break crusts, and four different forms of rash may appear at the same time.

Contagious! About 90% of people get sick after exposure!

• Centripetal distribution, dense in the front chest and back, and then spread to other parts, less limbs.

• In severe cases, it is distributed throughout the body and lasts for 3~4 days.

• 明显瘙itchy感,抓挠可继发infection并留下凹痕。

▶ It takes about 2~3 weeks to heal completely. The rash is contagious until it subsides, and if you go to school with a disease, it is easy to spread it in schools.

Contagious! About 90% of people get sick after exposure!

(2) Herpes zoster:

"Loincloth dragon", abnormal pain

▶ The virus is lurking and waiting for its time

At the end of the chickenpox course, the virus is latent in the ganglia and will be "activated" later when immunity wanes.

▶ "Loinclothed Dragon"

• Mostly in the intercostal area, neck, face and waist.

Contagious! About 90% of people get sick after exposure!

• Clusters of painful blisters arranged in bands on one side.

• The course of the disease is 2~3 weeks, and the elderly are 3~4 weeks.

• Temporary pale erythema or pigmentation after the blisters dry up and the scabs fall off.

Contagious! About 90% of people get sick after exposure!

• Some older people can get eye problems due to eye infections.

▶ "Unforgettable" neuralgia

• Pain and paresthesias that last for more than 90 days can occur after shingles.

• Varied: cautery, electric shock, knife cut, pinprick, tearing, tight, numbness, ant-walking, itching, paresthesias of temperature sensation and vibration.

Contagious! About 90% of people get sick after exposure!

• Endless: Some patients have pain and itching that lasts for more than 1 year, or even 10 years or longer.


Individual, family, school

Let's fight "pox" together!

(1) A guide to personal combat "pox".

Vaccination is the most cost-effective measure to prevent chickenpox and shingles.

At present, varicella vaccine and herpes zoster vaccine in most areas of Guangdong Province are non-immunization program vaccines, and the masses voluntarily receive them at their own expense.

▶ Chickenpox vaccine

• Get 2 doses. The first dose will be given to 1~2 years old, and the second dose will be given to 4~6 years old.

Contagious! About 90% of people get sick after exposure!

• For those who have not completed the second dose, make up the second dose (at least 3 months apart ≤ 14-year-olds and at least 4 weeks between the two doses ≥ 15-year-olds).

▶ Herpes zoster vaccine

For people who have had chickenpox or shingles, the shingles vaccine is effective in reducing the occurrence of herpes zoster or post-herpetic neuralgia, but it should not be given until the herpes has healed.

• Recombinant herpes zoster vaccine: 2 doses for people aged 50 and above, with an interval of 2~6 months.

• Live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine: 1 dose for people aged 40 years and older.

(2) A guide to the "pox" of the family war

1. Children with chickenpox should be isolated until all the herpes scabs have formed and the scabs have dried, and they can return to school with a certificate of recovery from the disease issued by a medical institution.

2. Be careful not to have contact with family members who have not had chickenpox.

3. Frequent ventilation, frequent hand washing, and good personal and family hygiene.

Contagious! About 90% of people get sick after exposure!

4. Change bad living habits, reasonable nutrition, strengthen exercise, enhance physical fitness, and improve the ability of the whole family to resist diseases.

(3) A guide to school battles with "pox".

1. Once a student is found to have chickenpox, report it to the class teacher and the school doctor immediately.

2. Once a school discovers a cluster epidemic, it should report to the disease control agency in a timely manner and cooperate with the relevant departments to investigate and deal with it.

3. Strictly implement the standards for cases to return to school, and sick students need to return to school with a medical certificate of recovery issued by a regular medical institution.

4. Strengthen morning and afternoon inspections to detect and isolate secondary cases as soon as possible.

Contagious! About 90% of people get sick after exposure!

5. Reduce or prohibit the organization of large-scale gatherings during the period.

6. Strengthen the ventilation and disinfection of school classrooms, canteens, school buses and other public places.

7. When necessary, cooperate with disease control agencies to carry out emergency vaccination against chickenpox.

Source: Guangdong CDC, Health Linyi