
The 2024 Economic Work Conference in the suburbs of Tongbai County was successfully held

author:Tongkashiwa Castle Suburbs

In order to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the spirit of the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on inspecting Nanyang, and conscientiously implement the spirit of the economic work conference of the central, provincial, municipal and county governments. On the morning of May 16, the 2024 Economic Work Conference on Urban and Rural Areas was successfully held. A total of more than 70 people attended the meeting, including all members of the township team, village party secretaries, heads of township units, middle-level and advanced individual representatives of organs. The meeting was presided over by Yue Dongyin, secretary of the township party committee.

The 2024 Economic Work Conference in the suburbs of Tongbai County was successfully held

Figure 1-1 2024 Work Conference in Suburbs and Rural Areas

At the meeting, Yue Dongyin, secretary of the township party committee, made a concluding speech, and Niu Dongliang, deputy secretary of the township party committee and head of the township, reviewed the economic work of the township in 2023 and arranged and deployed the key work in 2024.

The 2024 Economic Work Conference in the suburbs of Tongbai County was successfully held

Figure 1-2-1 Mao Yansong, Deputy Secretary of the Township Party Committee, read out the "Decision"

The meeting read out the "Decision of the Suburban and Rural People's Government of the Suburban and Rural Committee of the Communist Party of China on Commending Advanced Units and Advanced Individuals in 2023", and presented awards to advanced units and individuals in 2023.

The 2024 Economic Work Conference in the suburbs of Tongbai County was successfully held

Figure 1-2-2 presents awards to advanced units and villages

The 2024 Economic Work Conference in the suburbs of Tongbai County was successfully held

Figure 1-2-3 presents awards to advanced units and individuals

The 2024 Economic Work Conference in the suburbs of Tongbai County was successfully held

Figure 1-3: Advanced representatives make speeches

The meeting pointed out that 2023 is the first year for the full implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and it is also a key year for the high-quality development of our township.

The 2024 Economic Work Conference in the suburbs of Tongbai County was successfully held

Figure 1-4-1 Yue Dongyin, Secretary of the Township Party Committee, emphasized the work requirements

The meeting required that we should focus on strengthening the foundation and making up for shortcomings, do a good job in attracting investment, make every effort to ensure the promotion of projects, increase the cultivation of market entities, and continue to optimize the business environment. Focus on consolidating results, continue to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, thoroughly implement the work of strengthening villages with collective economy, continue to build livable, workable and beautiful villages, and vigorously promote the integration of urban and rural areas, industry, culture and tourism. Focus on ecological protection, carry out in-depth pollution prevention and control, and build a solid ecological security barrier. Focus on people's livelihood expectations, improve the social security system, actively promote employment and income, promote the healthy development of education and health, and continue to improve the level of social and public services. Focus on safe development, continue to promote effective governance in rural areas, continue to promote the construction of spiritual civilization, and build a solid bottom line of safety.

The 2024 Economic Work Conference in the suburbs of Tongbai County was successfully held

Figure 1-4-2 Niu Dongliang, deputy secretary of the township party committee and head of the township, made a report on the work of the government and delivered a speech

The meeting emphasized that the township party committee should firmly defend the "two establishments", resolutely achieve the "two maintenances", focus on the creation of "five stars", the project is king, the renewal of the county, the integration of industry and tourism, and the well-being of people's livelihood. First, we should affirm our achievements, strengthen our confidence, and build consensus on development. Summing up achievements and accumulating experience, it can be said that we have obtained the "five new" (focusing on the creation of "five stars", and the construction of grassroots organizations has been newly strengthened; Focusing on projects is king, and new achievements have been made in economic development; Focus on the renewal of the county, and show new achievements in service guarantee; Focusing on the integration of industry and tourism, rural revitalization has drawn a new picture; Focusing on people's livelihood and well-being, social undertakings have reached a new level. The whole township firmly established a "game of chess", worked together to overcome difficulties, actively sought breakthroughs, forged ahead and grew together, and showed new results in various tasks. The second is to clarify the goal, strive for the advanced position, and firmly grasp the key points of work. focus on the foundation, excellent style, and play a strong voice in the suburbs in the party building; Focus on long-term and strong projects, and run out of suburban speed in economic development; focus on agriculture, rural areas, and rural areas, promote revitalization, and create a suburban model in rural revitalization; focus on pollution prevention, ecological protection, and ecological civilization in the suburbs; Focus on benefiting people's livelihood and increasing well-being, and reflect the temperature of the suburbs in the improvement of people's livelihood. The third is to take on the mission, pay close attention to implementation, and take multiple measures to strive for first-class. It is necessary to grasp the implementation of the overall situation, grasp the implementation vigorously and resolutely, raise the benchmark to grasp the implementation, break the routine to grasp the implementation, change the style of work to grasp the implementation, and efficient closed-loop implementation. The whole township will always maintain the style of "doing", the spirit of "fighting", the momentum of "grabbing", the courage of "breaking", and the wisdom of "creating", anchoring the goal of striving for the first class, daring to do good for breakthroughs, constantly creating new miracles in the suburbs, continuing to write new glories in the suburbs, and making new and greater contributions to the suburbs to accelerate the construction of a new Tongbai with Chinese modernization! (Correspondent: Yao Wei Review: Wang Jin)

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