
The special action to improve the popularization of law among teenagers#Civil Code Publicity Month#"Farun Teenagers Escort Growth" activity┃Send the law to the campus to popularize the law and protect the growth

author:Guangxi popularization of law

In order to promote the "Civil Code Publicity Month" series of publicity activities, strengthen publicity and education on the rule of law for juveniles, prevent juvenile delinquency, and further enhance students' awareness of the rule of law. On May 14, Guangxi Litang Prison, Laibin Municipal Bureau of Justice, Laibin Municipal Bureau of Education and Sports and Laibin Vocational Education Center School jointly launched the 2024 Laibin City "Civil Code into Campus" and "Farun Youth Escort Growth" theme activities. Feng Jiaping, director of the Laibin Municipal Bureau of Justice, attended the event and gave a rule of law class to teachers and students, and Lu Xianlun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and political commissar of Guangxi Litang Prison, attended the event and delivered a speech.

The special action to improve the popularization of law among teenagers#Civil Code Publicity Month#"Farun Teenagers Escort Growth" activity┃Send the law to the campus to popularize the law and protect the growth
The special action to improve the popularization of law among teenagers#Civil Code Publicity Month#"Farun Teenagers Escort Growth" activity┃Send the law to the campus to popularize the law and protect the growth

The scene of the event

The special action to improve the popularization of law among teenagers#Civil Code Publicity Month#"Farun Teenagers Escort Growth" activity┃Send the law to the campus to popularize the law and protect the growth

Lu Xianlun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and political commissar of Litang Prison, delivered a speech

The special action to improve the popularization of law among teenagers#Civil Code Publicity Month#"Farun Teenagers Escort Growth" activity┃Send the law to the campus to popularize the law and protect the growth

Feng Jiaping, director of the Laibin Municipal Bureau of Justice, gave a lecture on the rule of law to teachers and students

At the event, Zhang Kangliang, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Vice President of the Laibin Vocational Education Center, issued a letter of appointment to Comrade Feng Jiaping as the vice principal of the rule of law. The organizers of the event presented 20 gift packages for law popularization to students, and distributed more than 600 brochures on the Civil Code and youth law popularization. In the multi-functional lecture hall of the Laibin Vocational Education Center, the lectures on the rule of law were conducted in the form of on-site teaching and online synchronous transmission to each classroom, benefiting more than 4,200 teachers and students of the school. By analyzing typical cases of school bullying, this paper focuses on the definition of school bullying, the behavior of school bullying, and the correct attitude in the face of school bullying, so that students can dare to say "no" in the face of abuse. Encourage students to stand up bravely in the face of school bullying, seek help from teachers, parents or the police in a timely manner, and do not be bullied or bystanders. At the same time, it also carried out the popularization of knowledge related to the prevention of telecommunication fraud, explained what telecommunication fraud is, new telecommunication fraud methods and typical cases on campus, and how to prevent telecommunication fraud, so as to enhance students' awareness of fraud, fraud prevention and anti-fraud.

The special action to improve the popularization of law among teenagers#Civil Code Publicity Month#"Farun Teenagers Escort Growth" activity┃Send the law to the campus to popularize the law and protect the growth

A letter of appointment was issued to the vice-president for rule of law

The special action to improve the popularization of law among teenagers#Civil Code Publicity Month#"Farun Teenagers Escort Growth" activity┃Send the law to the campus to popularize the law and protect the growth

Gift packs of law popularization were presented to student representatives

The special action to improve the popularization of law among teenagers#Civil Code Publicity Month#"Farun Teenagers Escort Growth" activity┃Send the law to the campus to popularize the law and protect the growth

Distribution of promotional materials

The special action to improve the popularization of law among teenagers#Civil Code Publicity Month#"Farun Teenagers Escort Growth" activity┃Send the law to the campus to popularize the law and protect the growth

Students actively participate in interactive Q&A activities

This activity of publicizing the rule of law on campus has played a good role in preventing and reducing juvenile delinquency, and has created a harmonious atmosphere for the rule of law on campus. In the next step, the Laibin Municipal Bureau of Justice will continue to promote the special action of popularizing the law among teenagers, taking the "Civil Code Publicity Month" as an opportunity to cooperate with Guangxi Litang Prison, Laibin Municipal Education and Sports Bureau and other departments to carry out the "Legal Run Juveniles Escort Growth" rule of law publicity activities on campus, strengthen the education of the Civil Code for juveniles, and focus on publicizing the provisions of the Civil Code on minors' capacity, guardianship, personal privacy, visitation rights, etc., to help young people better understand the Civil Code and enhance their awareness of the rule of law. Let young people learn to use the Civil Code to protect their legitimate rights and interests.

Source: Laibin Pufa (Zhang Zuzhi)

Editor: Gui Faxuan

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