
Put these 10 kinds of green plants in the living room, the atmosphere is full, and you don't want to go out

author:Quotations from the flowers

Reading guide: Put these 10 kinds of green plants in the living room, the atmosphere is full, and you don't want to go out

Green plants are the best materials for home soft decoration, if you want to make the home have a sense of atmosphere, put a few pots of green plants in the living room is the most effective and most cost-effective way

A pot of good-looking green plants in the living room can fill your home atmosphere and cure you to the point that you don't want to go out, such as the following 10 kinds.

1. Bamboo

Put these 10 kinds of green plants in the living room, the atmosphere is full, and you don't want to go out

Su Shi said, "I would rather eat no meat than live without bamboo", bamboo is the most elegant and most literary green plant, but also the most able to highlight the style, ordinary bamboo is not suitable for raising indoors, but the bamboo can, especially the small leaf tendon bamboo, the overall height of 200cm, crown width 160cm, made into a bonsai living room Chinese Zen style is full, beautiful branches, verdant leaves instantly make people calm like water, suddenly born quiet and indifferent.

2, Peacock Tree

Put these 10 kinds of green plants in the living room, the atmosphere is full, and you don't want to go out

Peacock wood, a small shrub native to the south, the plant height is 1-2 meters, the branches are slender and straight, the leaf shape is like peacock feathers, and the leaf color is gray-green.

3. Ten merits

Put these 10 kinds of green plants in the living room, the atmosphere is full, and you don't want to go out

Ten merits, the continent endemic tree species, the branches are slender and straight, vigorous and powerful, the leaves are small and turquoise, the plant posture is proud, cold and refined, the potted plant is more elegant, it is placed in the living room is very advanced, the Chinese classical atmosphere is full.

4. Ryusen 枫

Put these 10 kinds of green plants in the living room, the atmosphere is full, and you don't want to go out

Liuquan maple, a small maple tree native to Japan, its posture is just like its name, the leaves are small and dense, the branches are soft and easy to droop, the overall posture is like flowing spring water, smart and beautiful, placed in the living room elegant and refined, plus its leaf color is verdant, the fresh breath of spring is blowing in the face.


Put these 10 kinds of green plants in the living room, the atmosphere is full, and you don't want to go out

Nantian bamboo, a small shrub native to the mainland, is also one of the classic indoor green plants, its branches are slender and straight, the leaves are small but compact, it looks like stratus clouds from a distance, the leaf color is green, it will change autumn color in autumn and winter, the plant posture is beautiful and moving, it has a strong sense of literary atmosphere in any corner of the living room, and it is very easy to raise, and it does not need to be deliberately shaped, and it is very beautiful to raise casually.

6. Yunzhu

Put these 10 kinds of green plants in the living room, the atmosphere is full, and you don't want to go out

Cloud bamboo, can be said to be the most fairy green plant, originally lily family asparagus plant, because of its dense needles, such as pine like bamboo, so "cloud pine bamboo" elegant name, it is the most literati style of herbaceous green plants, long floating branches are extremely elegant, emerald green leaves like a touch of cloud smoke, potted plants in the living room fairy fluttering, the heart of the view is relaxed.

7. Clematis fern

Put these 10 kinds of green plants in the living room, the atmosphere is full, and you don't want to go out

Clematis fern selects small-leaved varieties, the leaves are smaller and more delicate than ordinary clematis ferns, the leaf shape is more like cloud flakes, with the dynamic feeling of being blown and shaken by the wind, most of the time the leaves are flat and spread, forming a cloud-like hazy effect, which is particularly fresh. A pot is placed in the high part of the living room, which is lush and vibrant, and the forest atmosphere is full. The maintenance of clemat fern requires attention to humidity and temperature, a stable air temperature and humid air are conducive to growth.

8. Cranberry velvet

Put these 10 kinds of green plants in the living room, the atmosphere is full, and you don't want to go out

Cranberry velvet, recently very popular indoor Internet celebrity imported green plants, there are many varieties, the leaves are huge, the leaves are thick, the leaf color is rich, especially McDowell mangrove velvet and watermelon mangrove velvet, it looks full of high-end, potted plants in the living room The atmosphere of the rainforest is full, there is a unique style, and it is more suitable for modern Western-style living rooms.

9. Large-leaf umbrella

Put these 10 kinds of green plants in the living room, the atmosphere is full, and you don't want to go out

Large-leaf umbrella, ornamental value is very high, the southern goose palm firewood is an arbor, the plant posture is beautiful, the branches are elegant and erect, the leaves are broad and fat, the leaves are dark green, slender and erect and have more branches, strong plasticity, potted plants are full of cold feeling in the living room, the sense of literary atmosphere is full, and the living room, study, bedroom corner and other places are very good.

10, Aoi Soo

Put these 10 kinds of green plants in the living room, the atmosphere is full, and you don't want to go out

Loose tail sunflower, the phoenix in the indoor green plants, the shape can be minimalist or domineering, which can be described as a sense of atmosphere. Its pinnate leaves are light and green, giving people a relaxed sense of breathability, and the old pile has different levels of leaves, and the breeze blows, and the leaves dance in a low-key manner, which is very healing. Putting a pot of sunflower in the living room is very high-end, and it makes people feel happy to look at it.

Afterword: The above 10 kinds of green plants are excellent varieties to enhance the atmosphere of the living room, if you want to make your home more healing atmosphere, it is not wrong to raise them.

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