
It proposes a downward revision for the fourth time, and more debt conversions are on the way

author:Invest in convertible bonds
It proposes a downward revision for the fourth time, and more debt conversions are on the way

This article was originally sent yesterday evening.

Kangtai Zhuan 2 met the conditions for downward revision, and the company proposed a downward revision proposal, and a general meeting of shareholders was held on May 31 for deliberation. If the bill passes, the downward revision will be implemented as soon as June 3. This is the fourth downward revision of the company's convertible bonds. The current convertible bond price is 118 yuan, and there is room for a slight revaluation.

Lidao convertible bonds, Shanshi convertible bonds, Changxin convertible bonds, Lege convertible bonds, Rongtai convertible bonds, and Guoli convertible bonds meet the conditions for downward revision, and the company announced that it will not be revised down this time, 3 months, and 6 months respectively.

Radio and television convertible bonds, Wingtech convertible bonds, urban convertible bonds, planet convertible bonds, Feilu convertible bonds, etc., Hongfeng convertible bonds, Zebang convertible bonds, and Sanyang convertible bonds are still one trading day away from meeting the downward revision conditions, and it depends on whether there is a downward revision surprise after the market on the 17th. Judging from the maturity time, it is more likely that the radio and television convertible bonds, urban land convertible bonds, and Feilu convertible bonds will be revised downward.

The new Taiwan 21 convertible bonds and Lizhong convertible bonds may be revised downward, and there are still 5 trading days left to meet the downward revision conditions.

It proposes a downward revision for the fourth time, and more debt conversions are on the way

Note: For the impact of the downward revision, please refer to the column "Why the downward revision of interest and debt?" 》。

For the views and principles of this article, please refer to "Value Convertible Bond Investment Strategy" (authors: Ning Yuanjun, Tang Bin).

It proposes a downward revision for the fourth time, and more debt conversions are on the way

Where's the Support? "Don't Repair to Forced Redemption", "High-priced Convertible Bonds Really Announced Redemption" have been posted simultaneously on the WeChat public account, welcome to pay attention!

The relevant securities mentioned in this article do not constitute any investment advice, only for personal investment records and to share investment ideas, if netizens buy and sell according to the securities mentioned in the article, please bear your own risk!



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