
Mothers who "get pregnant at the first touch" have these characteristics on their bodies that are more "prominent", don't be embarrassed

Mothers who "get pregnant at the first touch" have these characteristics on their bodies that are more "prominent", don't be embarrassed

Cuckoo Mom

2024-05-16 21:19Posted in Hunan Parenting Creator

A friend of mine got pregnant and had a baby when she got married, and now the children are about to enter elementary school.

But another friend, who got married around the same time and was actively preparing for pregnancy after marriage, has not yet conceived a baby.

Every time friends meet, the friend behind him looks envious, holding someone else's child and refusing to let go.

But when she was anxious about not being able to conceive a baby, some people were anxious about their ease of getting pregnant, after all, they didn't want to have so many babies.

What is going on with those "fertile physiques"?

In fact, mothers who "get pregnant at the first touch" generally have these qualities, don't be embarrassed.

Mothers who "get pregnant at the first touch" have these characteristics on their bodies that are more "prominent", don't be embarrassed

One: know how to protect yourself

Women who know how to protect themselves are generally healthier and stronger, and will not harm their bodies in sexual relations.

Having a healthy body makes it easier for moms to conceive when they are ready to have children.

In addition to this, a healthy lifestyle, which has a direct impact on conception.

I have a friend who works out every day, eats a healthy diet, and has a regular routine. Before preparing for pregnancy, she also went for a comprehensive medical check-up to make sure that her body was in the best condition.

This healthy lifestyle can improve the body's overall immunity, which can increase the chances of conception.

Mothers who "get pregnant at the first touch" have these characteristics on their bodies that are more "prominent", don't be embarrassed

Two: "Big Aunt" rule

"Big aunts" are regular mothers, which usually means that their ovulation cycle is also relatively regular.

Ovulation is the key to conception, and planning to have a child during ovulation will have a greater chance of getting pregnant.

A colleague of mine has a very regular menstrual cycle, every 28 days. After she was ready to have a child, she planned to get pregnant, and in less than 2 months, she successfully conceived a baby.

It can accurately predict the ovulation period, and can also greatly improve the chance of conception, so that the mother can become a "fertile physique".

Another point is that you must not be careless during menstruation, but take more care of your body.

For example, good hygiene can prevent bacterial infections and other diseases, maintain the health of the reproductive system, and thus create favorable conditions for conception.

Moderate exercise, such as walking, yoga, etc., can help promote blood circulation, relieve menstrual discomfort, increase the body's resistance, and lay a healthy foundation for conception.

Also pay attention to keep warm, do not eat ice, and do not get cold, especially the abdomen and lower limb parts. You can use a hot water bottle to warm your abdomen and wear warm clothing.

This promotes circulation, reduces pain, avoids cold in girls, and maintains a healthy uterine environment, which is important for conception.

Mothers who "get pregnant at the first touch" have these characteristics on their bodies that are more "prominent", don't be embarrassed

Three: in the best childbearing age

Between the ages of 25-30, this period is often considered the golden age for girls to give birth.

Mainly between the ages of 25 and 30, the quality and quantity of egg cells in women are at their best.

After the age of 30, the quality may decline, and it will not be so easy to get pregnant.

And at this stage, the mother is still young, in the healthiest state of the body and reproductive system, with strong recovery ability, and strong adaptability to pregnancy and childbirth.

At this stage, the success rate of the mother is higher.

Four: good mentality and emotional stability

Mothers with a good mentality and stable emotions are more likely to become "pregnant at the first touch".

Because the emotional and psychological state is stable, it helps to maintain the balance of the body and does not cause disturbances due to stress and anxiety, thus increasing the chance of conception.

My relative's daughter was also very anxious about her pregnancy at first, but the more anxious she was, the more she didn't move.

Later, her family stopped putting pressure on her, she should eat and drink, in the spirit of casual mentality. Unexpectedly, she became pregnant half a year later, which was really an unexpected joy.

Mothers who "get pregnant at the first touch" have these characteristics on their bodies that are more "prominent", don't be embarrassed

Five: the weight is not light or heavy

Being underweight or overweight is a sign of unhealth.

If it is too heavy, it may cause the aunt to be irregular, and the body may also have a series of obesity-related problems. These can increase the difficulty of conceiving and making it difficult to conceive.

If the mother is too underweight, she may have poor physical fitness and cannot bear the pregnancy of a new life.

In short, if a mother wants to have a successful pregnancy, a healthy body is the foundation, and good habits and mentality are also very important.

Have you ever seen someone with a "fertile constitution"? What do you think are the other characteristics of a fertile body?

[The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted]

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  • Mothers who "get pregnant at the first touch" have these characteristics on their bodies that are more "prominent", don't be embarrassed
  • Mothers who "get pregnant at the first touch" have these characteristics on their bodies that are more "prominent", don't be embarrassed
  • Mothers who "get pregnant at the first touch" have these characteristics on their bodies that are more "prominent", don't be embarrassed
  • Mothers who "get pregnant at the first touch" have these characteristics on their bodies that are more "prominent", don't be embarrassed

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