
Demonstration classes at the grassroots level to stimulate new momentum for rural revitalization

author:Yilong broadcast
Demonstration classes at the grassroots level to stimulate new momentum for rural revitalization

On the morning of May 16, the on-site teaching activity of "Ten Thousand Demonstration Classes at the Grassroots Level" came to Xinzheng Town, and Tang Guantai, a party class teacher of the municipal party class education teacher pool and the first batch of rural prosperity leaders in Sichuan Province, was invited to give on-site lectures. Party organization secretaries, industry leaders, heads of agricultural cooperatives and family farms from 23 villages in Xinzheng Town participated in the training.

Demonstration classes at the grassroots level to stimulate new momentum for rural revitalization

In the class, Tang Guantai explained the topic of "rural party members play a leading role in rural revitalization and development", focusing on "the analysis of the great achievements made in agriculture since the reform and opening up and the current agricultural situation, how rural party members play a leading role in rural revitalization, and the current situation of contemporary farmers' organization". He said that it is necessary to deeply understand the rural revitalization strategy, dare to continue to explore and innovate, actively participate in the organizational construction of farmers, adhere to the mission and responsibility of party members, and shoulder the responsibility of rural revitalization.

Demonstration classes at the grassroots level to stimulate new momentum for rural revitalization

The wonderful teaching content fully combines the actual needs of the participating party members, and provides a rich "theoretical feast" and intuitive "practical teaching" for the grassroots front-line rural party members. The party members who participated in the training said that this was a profound party spirit education, which had both theoretical height and practical guidance. Rural revitalization is the mission of the times, but also an opportunity and responsibility, as a rural party member, we must not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, carry forward the spirit of hard work, and continue to strive for the industrial development of the villages in Xinzheng Town and the cause of rural revitalization.