
Who understands the family, they are the same root, why are they so different?

author:Turtle lovers

In the world of turtle lovers, turtles are not only pets, but also a part of their lives, with endless love and enthusiasm. However, even within the same turtle species, we can find a wide variety of body colors. This diversity of colors is not only fascinating, but also provokes deep reflection on the aesthetic choices and genetic mechanisms of turtles.

This doesn't happen very often, but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Recently, some turtle friends posted their three yellow Xiaoqing and three black Xiaoqing. That's right, it's the three blacks! When we are for Xiaoqing, we often pursue three yellows, the more yellow the better, so what about the black "Xuanwu"? What do you think of the look?

Who understands the family, they are the same root, why are they so different?

We know that this type of black individual is present in the southern stone turtle. But in fact, Xiaoqing also has this kind of black back armor individual, and I remember that turtle friends used to call it Xuanwu.

Who understands the family, they are the same root, why are they so different?
Who understands the family, they are the same root, why are they so different?

It's not just the yellowthroat that has such a stark contrast, in fact, there are other species of turtles that have such a double-sided color. For example, Marta, Red Marta, and Black Marta; Yellow margin, black platform edge and red edge; plesio-necked turtles, black snakes and white snakes; Doesn't even musk have high yellow and little black?

Who understands the family, they are the same root, why are they so different?
Who understands the family, they are the same root, why are they so different?
Who understands the family, they are the same root, why are they so different?

When we are faced with turtles of the same breed but different body colors, the aesthetic choice often becomes a major problem. Some people prefer brightly colored and energetic turtles, believing that they shine like gems and bring visual enjoyment; Some people prefer turtles with elegant colors and introverted colors, believing that they are more in line with the beauty of nature and can better show the original charm of turtles.

This aesthetic choice is not groundless, it reflects people's different understandings and pursuits of beauty. In the eyes of turtle lovers, the color of turtles is not only a visual presentation, but also an emotional sustenance and cultural inheritance. Therefore, when choosing turtles, they tend to choose those turtles that can most touch their hearts according to their preferences and aesthetic concepts.

So, is there a genetic link to the diversity of colors in this turtle species? The answer is yes. Turtle body color is controlled by genetics that combine and mutate during reproduction to produce different color expressions.

Who understands the family, they are the same root, why are they so different?
Who understands the family, they are the same root, why are they so different?

During the breeding process, the genes of both male and female turtles are combined and exchanged, resulting in offspring with different color combinations. Therefore, the color of each offspring turtle may be similar, but it is unique. At the same time, due to the influence of environmental factors, such as light and water quality, it will also have a certain impact on the color of turtles.

Genetic factors often play an important role in the aesthetic choices of our turtle lovers. On the one hand, people will select turtles with specific color genes for breeding according to their own color preferences and aesthetic concepts, in order to get more offspring that meet their aesthetic needs. On the other hand, people will also observe and summarize the characteristics and rules of different color combinations to predict and select turtles with higher genetic value for reproduction.

However, aesthetic choices are not entirely based on genetic factors. In the process of raising turtles, people will also consider the health status of the turtle, behavioral habits and other factors. Therefore, when choosing a turtle, we need to consider a variety of factors in order to make the choice that best meets our needs and aesthetic concepts.

Who understands the family, they are the same root, why are they so different?

So, in daily life, in addition to mutant individuals, what other individuals do you see, individuals with the same variety but opposite colors?

Who understands the family, they are the same root, why are they so different?