
Wood Mackenzie: Onshore wind costs to fall by 30% by 2030

author:International Energy Network

5月14日,伍德麦肯兹最新研究报告Battle for the future 2023: Asia Pacific power and renewables competitiveness overview(《制胜未来2023:亚太区电力与可再生能源竞争力分析报告》)指出,亚太区域市场的可再生能源发电成本,即平准化度电成本(LCOE) 正在大幅下降,并于2023年降至历史新低。

The capital cost of renewable energy projects has been significantly reduced, making renewables increasingly competitive with traditional low-cost coal power. In 2023, the LCOE of renewable energy was 13% lower than that of conventional coal, and it is expected to continue to fall to 32% by 2030.

Wood Mackenzie: Onshore wind costs to fall by 30% by 2030

China is leading the way in reducing costs in renewable energy, especially in the areas of centralized photovoltaics, onshore wind and offshore wind, with an average LCOE 40-70% lower than in other regions.

In 2023, the cost of onshore wind power in Asia Pacific will be 38% higher than the cost of PV. Wood Mackenzie expects onshore wind costs to fall by 30% by 2030 as China's market share of low-cost wind turbines expands. Markets such as Australia and Southeast Asia have benefited from lower Chinese equipment import prices, with onshore wind costs set to fall by 17% by 2025. In contrast, Japan and South Korea have limited access to Chinese wind turbines and prefer to use local supply chains, with onshore wind costs remaining at US$80/MWh.

Offshore wind in Asia Pacific is becoming increasingly competitive, with the cost of offshore wind falling by 11% in 2023. In China's coastal areas, the cost of offshore wind power is already on par with that of coal-fired power generation. By 2030, the cost of new offshore wind projects in Asia Pacific will fall by another 21%. The declining cost of offshore wind construction (CAPEX) and technological advancements have opened up new markets for it in India, Southeast Asia, and Australia.

Wood Mackenzie: Onshore wind costs to fall by 30% by 2030
Wood Mackenzie: Onshore wind costs to fall by 30% by 2030

Source: WoodMac