
Liancheng: In 2024, the first reading exchange meeting of "Chinese Culture Cultivates Integrity and Family Style and Morality" will be held

author:Liancheng Media

On May 15, the first phase of the 2024 "Chinese Culture, Family Style, and Morality" Integrity Culture Construction Reading Exchange Meeting was held in the multi-functional hall on the first floor of the Management Committee of Liancheng Industrial Park. The event was organized by the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Liancheng County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in the County Development and Reform Bureau, and jointly organized by the County Development and Reform Bureau, the Liancheng Industrial Park Management Committee, the County Bureau of Statistics, the County Iron Development Center and the County Library.

Liancheng: In 2024, the first reading exchange meeting of "Chinese Culture Cultivates Integrity and Family Style and Morality" will be held
Liancheng: In 2024, the first reading exchange meeting of "Chinese Culture Cultivates Integrity and Family Style and Morality" will be held

At the exchange meeting, representatives of various units shared their experience of reading the book "The Four Teachings of Liaofan". Mr. Xie Jianguo, deputy research librarian of Guanzhishan Academy of Literature and Art (Art Museum), with the title of "Strengthening Cultural Confidence and Promoting the Classics of Family Motto", used classic examples that happened around you to discuss the ancient and modern significance of family style and family motto, establish a correct family style, inherit excellent family rules and family mottos, carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and cultivate a new trend of civilized family motto.

The participants said that they should read more books, read good books, improve their ideological realm, and improve their awareness of honesty and self-discipline.

Liancheng: In 2024, the first reading exchange meeting of "Chinese Culture Cultivates Integrity and Family Style and Morality" will be held
Liancheng: In 2024, the first reading exchange meeting of "Chinese Culture Cultivates Integrity and Family Style and Morality" will be held
Liancheng: In 2024, the first reading exchange meeting of "Chinese Culture Cultivates Integrity and Family Style and Morality" will be held
Liancheng: In 2024, the first reading exchange meeting of "Chinese Culture Cultivates Integrity and Family Style and Morality" will be held
Liancheng: In 2024, the first reading exchange meeting of "Chinese Culture Cultivates Integrity and Family Style and Morality" will be held

Yang Lixin, head of the discipline inspection and supervision team of the county development and reform bureau, said: "The reading exchange will highlight the theme of clean family style, which is both a reminder and an advocacy, we will continue to adhere to the principle of reading and thinking about honesty and family style, and promote the study and education of party discipline to go deeper and more practical, continuously enhance the sense of discipline, improve the cultivation of party spirit, and transform the learning results into practical results." ”

Liancheng: In 2024, the first reading exchange meeting of "Chinese Culture Cultivates Integrity and Family Style and Morality" will be held

It is understood that since the launch of the "Chinese Culture, Family Style, and Morality" integrity culture construction activity in 2018, 26 classic books of Chinese culture have been selected and sent to each party member and cadre in the form of reading a book every quarter. The event also invited representatives of party members from 13 enterprises, including Scitech and Duyuan, to actively build a clean enterprise and a "pro" and "clean" political and business relationship, help the construction of a clean enterprise to go deeper and more practical, and create a clean and upright business environment for accelerating the high-quality development of the old revolutionary base area of Liancheng.

Luo Yan, a representative of the Party Committee of Fujian Saite New Materials Co., Ltd., said: "The form of the reading club is very novel, and it feels very good and rare to participate as a representative of the party members of the enterprise for the first time. I will take this reading sharing meeting as an opportunity to develop a good habit of reading diligently and being good at reading, carry forward the excellent work style of honesty, self-discipline and responsibility, and better promote the construction of a clean enterprise. ”

Reporter: Zhong Guilan and Xie Qiang

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