
Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother

author:Very Mr. Watch Entertainment

Since Wang Xiaofei successfully proposed to Ma Xiaomei, her whole person has changed, her clothes are higher, her emotions are stable, she is actively engaged in her career, and her love and career have been harvested.

During the two overseas trips to Seoul and Singapore, Wang Xiaofei mainly went to choose a location for Ma Liuji to open a store, but it was also a sweet trip with his fiancée Ma Xiaomei.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother

Recently, the two went to Sichuan again, saw giant pandas, bought giant panda dolls, ate ice cream in the shape of giant pandas, promoted the Maliuji Chengdu store, and checked in to an Internet celebrity hot pot restaurant in Chengdu.

After Big S took the initiative to withdraw the lawsuit about the four famous paintings, Wang Xiaofei was obviously much more relaxed, and he was in a good state in the video he posted about his trip to Sichuan, talking and laughing with Ma Xiaomei.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother

However, Wang Xiaofei is about to face a bad thing again, because Big S sued him again, and this time he saved a big wave.

Wang Xiaofei's mother Zhang Lan recently broke the news in the live broadcast room that Wang Xiaofei is about to appear in court in Taipei on May 20, which is the 17th time that Big S has filed a lawsuit against him.

Although Zhang Lan did not specify the content of the complaint, she expressed her distress for her son, saying that "good people have to go crazy" after being accused repeatedly.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother
Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother

Perhaps hearing this turmoil, a well-known blogger in the Taiwan media industry exposed the content of Big S's lawsuit this time. It turned out that Big S was eyeing Wang Xiaofei's stake in the Taipei Hotel this time.

The blogger broke the news that the reason why Big S has this appeal is because she feels that during her marriage, she has attended hotel events, served as a spokesperson for the hotel, and helped the hotel platform, which are all normal business operations, so she deserves some shares of the hotel.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother

In this regard, the blogger also expressed his opinion, saying that Big S can't get a penny, it's not that she can get shares if she has endorsed hotels and other behaviors, this kind of thing doesn't exist at all, and swore that she would wait and see on May 20.

In fact, the blogger's assertion is not unreasonable, because Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan have been in business for so many years, and they are not dry meals.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother

First of all, Wang Xiaofei's hotel in Taipei was originally called "S Hotel", but after the divorce and meeting Ma Xiaomei, she chose to cooperate with Accor Group, one of the world's largest hotel management groups, and changed its name to "MGallery", the English name is "M gallery", of which M is recognized as taken from Ma Xiaomei's English name Mandy.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother
Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother

In this way, the shareholding structure of the hotel must have changed, and it is almost a fool's dream for Big S to get the shares of the hotel.

Secondly, in response to the lawsuit on May 20, Wang Xiaofei recently seemed to have quietly given up the equity of the affiliated company of MGallery Hotel in the mainland, and Wang Xi, who is Wang Xiaofei's father, increased his shareholding to 90%.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother

Therefore, although Da S held back a big move this time, but now it seems that he is going to toss around again, it is better to talk to Wang Xiaofei about how to really raise children together, don't always think about asking for money.

In addition to mentioning Da S's lawsuit, the blogger also exposed a wave of more fierce information, saying that Da S had already transferred part of his property to his mother's name.

As for the reason, the blogger also gave an explanation.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother

Big S knows that he will have disputes with Wang Xiaofei in the future, and it is mainly about money, so her financial situation will definitely be "stared at".

So Da S has made preparations in advance and transferred some of the property in his name to his mother, if something happens in the future, even if the property in her name cannot be kept, her mother's side will not be affected.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother

Previously, Da S chose to take the initiative to withdraw the lawsuit against the four paintings, thinking that she had figured it out and was really to save judicial resources.

But I didn't expect that Big S would have to toss, and she made a lot of preparations in private, it seems that the divorce farce between her and Wang Xiaofei is far from ending.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother

In fact, in the early days of the divorce between Da S and Wang Xiaofei, public opinion was on the side of Da S, and she had an absolute advantage, because Wang Xiaofei was indeed exposed to intimate photos with many people of the opposite sex.

However, after Da S made her first public statement in March this year, her reputation suddenly began to reverse, because Wang Xiaofei posted real evidence, she contacted Gu Junye when she was not divorced, and gave him a tattoo machine.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother

In addition, the Taiwan entertainment industry also broke the news that Big S and Gu Junye are suspected of having been in contact for a long time, and it was mentioned by many friends around Gu Junye.

If this is the case, then the ten-year marriage between Da S and Wang Xiaofei is like this, and both of them are to blame.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother

In addition, the reason why Big S's reputation plummeted is also because she is recognized as always taking advantage of her two children to pinch Wang Xiaofei, which is also one of the main reasons why many netizens find it difficult to empathize with her.

When Wang Xiaofei reported Da S's drug abuse with his real name in Taipei, he answered a phone call and left at that time, and later Taiwan entertainment paparazzi Ge Siqi broke the news that the caller was Da S, and it was Wang Xiaofei who relied on the child to make Wang Xiaofei give up the real-name report.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother

Wang Xiaofei was deprived of her legal visitation rights, and she had to see her children at the school gate for a few minutes, and the birthday gifts he and his grandparents bought for the children could only be handed over to the children by the teachers.

Even, Wang Xiaofei entrusted a lawyer and the Taipei prosecutor to send her relevant documents, but she refused to accept them in person, which really responded to the sentence "It is difficult for a clean official to decide family affairs".

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother

Da S and Wang Xiaofei have been divorced for more than two years, and they each have a new partner, but Da S obviously hasn't come out, while not letting Wang Xiaofei visit the children, while improving him in various ways, it seems that he just doesn't want him to feel better.

It is worth mentioning that a few days ago, the photos of Da S and Gu Junye walking in the community were exposed, although netizens ridiculed that they looked like a retired old husband and wife were walking around the bend, but if Da S's mood was really so peaceful, it would be a good thing.

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, and it was revealed that he asked for hotel shares, and part of the property had been transferred to his mother

But it's a pity that this is not the case, the confrontation between the two has never stopped, and it was all initiated by Big S, because Wang Xiaofei once said in the live broadcast that he had never sued Big S once.

If it weren't for Zhang Lan's revelations, many people wouldn't know that Wang Xiaofei had been sued by Big S 17 times, and the once loving couple was completely undignified, but they still hope that they can think more about their children, maybe the conflict has been solved early. #汪小菲大S#

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