
Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

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Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Xu Beihong and Jiang Biwei in Xu Beihong's painting

Quite a few famous painters

Almost all of them have painted portraits of their wives,

There are also many painters who marry their own models.

They come from different countries, different generations,

But they painted the lover

All have some kind of special emotional outpouring.


Xu Beihong - Jiang Biwei and Liao Jingwen are both models

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Xu Beihong's first wife, Jiang Biwei

Xu Beihong's first wife was Jiang Biwei, and the second was Liao Jingwen. Jiang Biwei was engaged by her parents at the age of twelve, and went to Shanghai at the age of seventeen, met Xu Beihong, and eloped with Xu Beihong to Japan. But in the end, the marriage was ended in the midst of daily quarrels.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Xu Beihong's "Piano Lesson" for Jiang Biwei

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Jiang Biwei statue was sold in Beijing for 1.87 million yuan in 2007

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Xu Beihong's first wife, Jiang Biwei

The second wife, Liao Jingwen, regarded Xu Beihong as a master and idol. once wrote in the book "Xu Beihong's Life":

"Because he is such an outstanding figure in China, meeting him, accompanying him, and giving birth to two children for him is really unexpectedly lucky for me, especially whenever I think of how much he loved me when he was alive, I can't help but cry."

But he and Xu Beihong have only been together for seven years, and they are separated by yin and yang.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Xu Beihong's second wife, Liao Jingwen, 1943, sketch, collection of Xu Beihong Memorial Museum

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Xu Beihong's second wife, Liao Jingwen, 1947, Oil on canvas, 67cm×54cm, Collection of National Art Museum of China

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Xu Beihong's second wife, Liao Jingwen, 1943, oil painting, collection of Xu Beihong Memorial Museum

Xu Beihong has painted portraits of his two wives, and although Jiang Biwei did not accompany Xu Beihong to his death, he has also reproduced countless times in his pen. Liao Jingwen was also used as a model by Xu Beihong, but it seems that there are more portraits.


Wu Guanzhong - My wife fulfilled my lifelong dream

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Zhu Biqin image

Wu Guanzhong once said:

"I only value three people in my life: Lu Xun, Van Gogh and his wife. Lu Xun gave me direction and spirit, Van Gogh gave me personality and gave me uniqueness, and my wife fulfilled my lifelong dream, ordinary, kind and beautiful. ”

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Zhu Biqin image

Wu Guanzhong painted only three oil portraits of his wife Zhu Biqin, and "Portrait of Mrs. Zhu Biqin" is one of the few works of Wu Guanzhong.


Chen Yifei - the model wife is different

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Chen Yifei's second wife, model Song Meiying

Although Chen Yifei has had a lot of romantic scandals, it was her second wife model Song Meiying who became famous in his pen in the end. This young wife, who is more than 20 years younger than him, is much more professional than the others, and the paintings with his wife as a model are also much more gorgeous.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Song Meiying's "Yifei Vision" recalled her and Chen Yifei's love and marriage period:

The first date was on March 12, 1998, and that year, spring in Shanghai seemed to come much earlier than usual. In 2000, the New Silk Road organized a cultural event called "Chinese Culture in the United States", and I was sent to the United States to perform. Yifei also happened to be in the United States at that time. One day, we were having dinner together, and he suddenly asked me, do you bring a private passport? I said, "How can you go abroad without a passport!" So he said to me, "Let's get married, let's go and register tomorrow, okay?" "It all came so suddenly, and it seemed to be expected.


He Duoling - Zhai Yongming is irreplaceable

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Poet Zhai Yongming (He Duoling, "Portrait of Xiao Zhai")

He Duoling and Zhai Yongming met in 1983, when Zhai Yongming first introduced foreign contemporary poetry to He Duoling, and it was this sad poetry that connected them, and the relationship between them also subtly changed He Duoling's creative style.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

The two got married after knowing each other for less than half a year, and although they finally broke up, He Duoling's portrait with Zhai Yongming as a model remained in people's memories forever. The female poet with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a prominent and sharp image has not only become He Duoling's most irreplaceable model, but also an unavoidable topic in his life.


Yang Feiyun - his wife is more famous than him

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Yang Feiyun: We were 125cm × 115cm in 1991

"It's very convenient to draw her (Tong Pengpeng), you can draw how you want"

In his works, his wife Tong Pengpeng sits upright wrapped in a red headscarf, or leans sideways on a chair to think, and her indifferent expression is extremely vivid under the painter's brush, which is probably the tacit understanding between husband and wife.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Yang Feiyun, Northern Girl, 80cm×70cm, 1987

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Yang Feiyun, Suddenly, 60cm×50cm, 1991

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Yang Feiyun, Holy Love, 130cm×97cm, 2006

"If life can be recorded in this way, it should be happy." Tong Pengpeng said.

From 1976 to 2000, Yang Feiyun painted hundreds of portraits of his wife Tong Pengpeng, many of which have become Yang Feiyun's masterpieces. This was the most beautiful period of her life, and it was also the age group that Yang Feiyun admired the most, and since then, with the change of her life status, she has become more of a wife, mother and painter, and rarely appears in her husband's paintings as a model.


Zhou Chunya - Marriage has had a great impact on his creation

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

"A Woman with Blood Type"

Zhou Chunya once used "very failed" to describe his marriage. Before marrying his third wife, Frost, there were two marriages. But they only lasted 8 years before they divorced. Because he loves to gamble, and he often gambles all night. Generally, after painting, I am sweating profusely, very tired, and want to relax, although there is no big win or loss, but I often turn my life upside down with my wife. Zhou Chunya said that in fact, his marriage had a great influence on his creation, and he had created portraits for his first wife and "Woman with Type A Blood" for his second wife.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Peach Blossom and Red Man

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Peach Blossom and Red Man series

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

"Peach Blossom Red Man (Single)"

Regarding Shuangshuang, Zhou Chunya said that although Shuangshuang was much younger than herself, she fell in love with each other at that time, so they chose to get married. Frost has helped him a lot in his creation, in addition to helping to collect materials, he has been quite mentally comforting and encouraging. The "Peach Blossom and Red Man" series of oil paintings can be said to be the mark of their love.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Peach Blossom and Red Man series

At the beginning of 2013, Zhou Chunya and a well-known media person who had been in love for more than two years were shallow and low-key and tied the knot.

On November 15, 2013, Qian Qianshun gave birth to a son, Zhou Chunya thought of a name for the child named Zhou Ziyan, and later when seeking the opinion of Li Xianting, the "godfather of Chinese contemporary art", the other party suggested that "Yan" be changed to "rock". "Because the source of 'Ziyan' is a poem by the Ming Dynasty writer Yang Shen, which means the residence of the hermit. In addition, the garden series that Zhou Chunya was creating at that time was mainly colored purple, and there were many rocks in the painting, so the name was appropriate.


Leng Jun - united with his wife because of art, but also separated because of art

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Luo Min and Leng Jun met when she was an art teacher in a primary school, and the place where she worked was only across the road from Leng Jun's studio, after being introduced by a friend, she met Leng Jun, and was full of admiration for Leng Jun, often serving tea and pouring water for him on the side, and after a long time, Luo Min gradually became Leng Jun's model. And the famous "Portrait - Xiao Luo" is also the painstaking work of the cold army in May.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Leng Jun often tells Luo Min about world classics, Luo Min has never been in love before, she was attracted by the man around her who is full of great artist atmosphere, and Luo Min also brought a lot of creative inspiration to Leng Jun, and soon after, they obtained the certificate from their families.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

After getting married, Leng Jun devoted himself to painting and work, his thinking was always so jumpy, like all great artists, people were completely unpredictable, erratic, and did not eat the fireworks of the world. Later, Luo Min was admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts as a graduate student, went to Beijing to study, and devoted himself to art creation, while Leng Jun had already started the creation of new works, and had no time to take care of Luo Min.


Liu Xiaodong - his wife is also an artist

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

1993 Love

Liu Xiaodong and Yu Hong are undoubtedly exemplary husbands and wives in the art world – they match their age, they are alumni, and they both have their own artistic aspirations, that is, they have a common language. In Liu Xiaodong's writing, Yu Hong, like her artistic temperament, becomes confusing and even somewhat abstract.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

1989 Pastoral

In the early 90s, Wang Xiaoshuai had a movie "Days of Winter and Spring", and the black and white film flowed with such a story:

Two young painters stayed on to teach after graduation, and their lives were very poor and they could not see the future, and later the woman chose to go abroad, while the man ended up in a mental hospital.

In 1999, the film was named by the BBC as one of the 100 best films since the birth of cinema, and it was the only Chinese film to be selected. The protagonists of the movie are Wang Xiaoshuai's former classmates in the middle school attached to the Academy of Fine Arts, painters Liu Xiaodong and Yu Hong.

Yu Hong said: "The film records our life during that period. "Days of Winter and Spring" is basically our real situation, but the ending is different. ”


Monet - has been painting his wife almost all his life

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Almost all the portraits painted by Monet in his life are based on Kamei, who is 9 years younger than Monet, and the younger two fall in love at first sight. Monet even reluctantly drew the last appearance of his beloved wife before she died. After Monet's death, he was buried next to Kamei in accordance with his last wishes, forever with the love of his heart.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Kamei with a puppy in his arms

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Camey on the beach in Trouville

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Kamei in the Garden

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

"Kamei with an umbrella in the seaside park"

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Kamei in a Japanese Kimono

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

The four women in "Woman in the Garden" are all played by Kamei, so in order to constantly change her outfit, hairstyle, and posture, the artist needs to draw sketches separately in advance and then put them together.


Picasso – Painting Wives from realism to abstraction

In 1917, while designing a set for a ballet Russes, Picasso fell in love with the ballerina Olga, who was born into a famous family. After the goddess entered Picasso's life, the pain caused by the suicide of his friend in the early stage gradually lessened, and the sorrow of the blue period, which lasted for three years, turned to the rosy red period. They were officially married in 1918, and the happiness of family life and the warmth of family life led him to the neoclassical period.

Picasso's early portraits of his wives were quite realistic, but later they began to be deformed.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Picasso's first wife

Picasso's second wife, Jacqueline, was a virtuous woman and the emotional terminator of the amorous Picasso.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Picasso's second wife


Rembrandt - one shares happiness and one suffers

Rembrandt had two wives in his life, one with whom he shared his joys and the other with whom he shared sorrows.

In 1631, at the age of 25, Rembrandt moved his studio to the large city of Amsterdam, where he proposed and practiced professional portraiture with great success. In this process, an art dealer named Hendrick helped Rembrandt, and through his close association with him, Rembrandt accidentally met the niece of a dealer, the woman in the painting, who later became his wife, Saschia. Shortly after his marriage, Rembrandt painted this painting, in which he painted the tenderness of Saskia, who was seen looking at the viewer in the direction of his right shoulder.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

For Rembrandt, Shaschia was both his model and his beloved wife, and he painted a large number of solo portraits of Saschia.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Saskia dressed as the god of flowers

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Rembrandt 1635

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Rembrandt 1633-1634

Sadly, 28-year-old Saskia contracted tuberculosis and passed away a year later.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Self-portrait of Rembrandt and Shakespeare, 1635

After the death of his first beloved wife, the physically and mentally exhausted Rembrandt not only suffered financial troubles, but also the painting "Night Watch" was rejected by his employers and entangled in lawsuits. After getting acquainted with Hendrick, who was 20 years younger than him, the young and kind Hendrick warmed his heart, Rembrandt began to use Hendrick as a model to create some simple works, and when she was pregnant, she still took the initiative to soak in the cold water, making a gesture of hope for the painter, which made people feel her gentle character.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Rembrandt's "Bath Girl" based on Hendrick's model

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Rembrandt's Portrait of Hendrick Stoover

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Rembrandt's Portrait of Hendrick Stoover


Rubens – Wife instills inspiration in art

The "fat woman" master, genius artist, and diplomat Rubens had a beautiful life, and his marriage could also be described as happy. In 1609, when he returned to Antwerp, Rubens met his future bride, Isabella Brandt, niece of the socialite Marie de Moy, at his brother's wedding.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Rubens and his wife Isabella under the honeysuckle tree

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Portrait of Isabella Brant 1626

After the death of his first wife, in December 1630, Rubens married his cardamom wife, Helen, who not only gave birth to his children, but also inspired his art. At this time, Rubens had a large number of excellent historical and portrait paintings, all of which were related to this sexy natural stunner.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Portrait of Helena Fourment 1630

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Rubens, His Wife Helene Fourment, and Their Son


Chagall – only for his wife to take a paintbrush

Chagall's paintbrush only plays a heavenly sound for his wife Bella. The 22-year-old miserable young man meets the girl Bela, and he realizes that she is a gift from fate: "Her silence, her eyes, everything is mine. She knows who I was, who I am, who I am, and who I will be. In her innocent gaze, his heart grew wings and flew between the sky and the earth. He waited for her to grow. After Bella's death, Chagall stopped picking up a paintbrush for many years.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?
Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?
Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?
Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?
Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?
Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?
Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?


Schiller uses his wife as a model, but paints someone else's head

In 1914, Schiller decided to marry two sisters, Edith and Adelie Hans, who lived across the street from the studio. The sisters came from a middle-class Protestant family. Schiller told his friends that it didn't matter which of the sisters it was, that what he wanted was a marriage that was "wrapped in the warm cloak of family......". In the end, her sister Edith agreed to marry Schiller. After Schiller got married, he painted many paintings of his wife as a model, but she was a devout Catholic and did not want to expose herself, and often had Schiller paint other people's heads.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

In the autumn of 1918, the Spanish cold swept through Europe and spread to Vienna as well. Edith, who was six months pregnant, died of the flu on October 28; Just three days later, on October 31, 1918, Schiller also died of the flu at the age of 28. During these last three days, Schiller painted many drawings of Edith, which were also his last works.

Murong Sees the World|14 Painters Painting Their Wives: Which One Is The Most Beautiful?

Schiller suffered too much criticism and criticism during his lifetime, his unruly character and rebellious art were not accepted by the world at the time, and people used the notorious term to describe this pornographer, but after his death, he was praised by the art world as a great artist who went straight to the heart.

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